Guidance From Yusef: The World is on a Precipice

My Guides tell me that the world is on a dangerous precipice right now, and they are not sure which way it will go. They gave me these “instructions”:

Love, Love, Love!*

Pray for peace—actively and without ceasing.**

Do not fear! This diverts your energy from Love, and it is only through Love and Prayer that the world will be saved.

*When we are showing love, we are giving off a light that can balance and even counter the hate. We are to remember that love is more powerful than hate and fear. Love to me is active here—connect with loved ones, do acts of service, be joyful and caring—any way we can give off positive light. I am especially sending love to the people in North and South Korea, and those in any other countries who are living in fear right now. They certainly need it.

**Pray as often as you can. I am calling on all the Heavens—the Father, Jesus, Spirit, Mary, the Angels, my favorite Saints…praying for peace as I go through my day. I’m leaving the details, the “how” it can be done, to God. 🙂

Love, Light, and Prayers for Peace,


Guidance From Yusef: Choose LOVE

In ALL things, LOVE. There are no exceptions to this. There are always choices, but the truest and most beneficial is to choose LOVE.  

How does Loving work in the midst of the turmoil of human life and human emotions? Simply choose LOVE. Above all else.

First Love God, and yourSelf as an expression of God. Then Love all else–persons and creation–ALL.

What does LOVE look like on the Earth? What is the action of Love?

“Love” can seem a vague or ambiguous word when it comes to action in your world since the LOVE required by the Heavens is not the love of your movies and television. Love is strength. Love is courage. LOVE in action, as you say, is deep…

  • appreciating
  • accepting
  • finding joy in/rejoicing in
  • caring for
  • showing compassion
  • having courage
  • forgiving
  • understanding
  • standing up for

Love is action that comes from the depth of Heart–your connection to the Heavens–and has great strength and power. When you are acting from that deep connection you are indeed sharing your divinity through your humanness. God is present in your actions.

It would be well to apply these and other actions similar to these in your life. Let your heart first open to the Heavens/God, and then let it lead you through action. 

Choose LOVE in ALL.

Guidance From Yusef: The Wonder of You


Rejoice! Find joy in the little things of each moment, each day. SEE the gift in the beauty of nature. See the gift and the beauty in all of your encounters today.

But first, and above all else, find the gift and the beauty in your SELF. UnknownWhen you open to the beauty that you are—the gift that you are to those around you, (no matter what you are doing in this moment in time), you are opening to all the love and grace of the Heavens that pour through you to the Earth. It is only when you can recognize that YOU ARE LOVE that you can bring that love to the world.

Do not listen to the voices inside or outside of you that say you are nothing, no good, unworthy. Turn a deaf ear to any suggesting you are “less than.” It is IMPOSSIBLE for you to be ‘less than’. You are all worthy, wondrous children of God Most High. The love poured out on your behalf is immeasurable. Open to that love.  Let it pour through you into the world.

Revel in the love—bathe in its wondrous warmth and consolation. Let the light of it clear all worry, concern and fear.

You are held dear by the Father, the All. How could you not love yourself??

Do not listen to what the world says. It is deceiving you. You are the JOY of the Heavens. Bask in the wonder of that.

There is NOTHING you can do to change the love surrounding you right now. Open to it, Wondrous You! Believe it, Son and Daughter! It is real and trustworthy. It cannot be shaken. Believe.

Amen. Amen.

Guidance From Yusef: Beauty and Joy Counter Darkness


Such a beautiful Universe! Do not lose sight of the beauty. It is beauty, seen and appreciated, that will counter the darkness.

The darkness does gain in energy strength with your current obsession with fear on the earth. Rather look to nature, to the love that abounds there. As negative energies gain momentum and force it is especially important to find joy and beauty–each day, each moment when possible.

Make this a priority. Beauty. Joy. Gratitude. MOST important.

When the energy of FEAR takes hold within the human psyche it seeks to expand. Rather like a cancer it seeks to grow. Do not allow this. The “antidote” to this fear energy is joy, love, laughter, gratitude. In this energy all blossom and bloom. The heart is energized. This is the “sunshine” that allows expansion and growth on the earth. Fear, the opposite, stops growth, stops expansion. This is counter to Universal law.

EnJOY this day! Find opportunities to be in the beauty of nature and in the presence of joyful souls.

Guidance From Yusef: Choose Joy

This Thanksgiving week of 2014, I am reminded that amid all the media reports of devastation, conflict, and horror, we are the ones who must bring joy and love into the world. We can balance the negative energies out there simply by appreciating others and finding moments of joy and gratitude in each day. I don’t think we realize the impact that has in the world. Just think, the simple action of going through the week with a deep inner thanksgiving and appreciation will impact the energy fields throughout the world and out into the Universe.


Joy in the heavens sings forth in gratitude, words for all of humanity. Awaken to the joy that is yours!  

Imagine no fear—only joy—only Love. Do not be concerned regarding events of the future. The future takes care of itself. The future comes out of and is dependent upon the PRESENT. NOW is the important time. Move through the NOWs and worry not. Fear nothing.

Life on this planet hides within it potential and power. Arise now and claim that which belongs to those of the Earth—peace, joy beyond measure, and love. For this you have come to the Earth. Look past the weakness of the human nature to the power within, to the Source of all power—the beginning and the end.

Heed well. BE joy for those who cannot see joy. BE love for truly Love is what you are. And in the Love is Joy. And in the Joy is Light shining forth.

Guidance From Yusef: Evolving Toward Love

Yusef tells us that now is a good time for evolution of the human race toward a more peaceful planet, and away from war. Growth toward the realization that we are all in this together and away from the sense of separation caused by borders, languages, nationalism, and religions. Growth toward the awareness of our interdependence with the Earth and awareness of its increasingly fragile state.

Yusef tells us that this is an optimal time, a window of opportunity, to move forward, and many in the Heavens are eager to help us through it.


The potential for humankind to evolve at this time is great. There gather a significant number now [on Earth] whose vibrational level moves forward the evolution of humankind. Come together. Support each other, so that vibrations might increase in the encounters.

There are those working on your plane and on ours to encourage movement and increase the acceleration. And so we are increasingly eager to share what will cause us all to be aware of our ONENESS. Our joy and love increases as the joy and love of one soul increases.

To you and others it may SEEM that we are disconnected from each other. That is far from truth. We have always been and will always be connected and the bond is stronger than you can understand. We are ONE though many. Interdependent. Interconnected. All a part of All That Is. It serves us all to move forward.


Guidance From Yusef: Positive Energy

Norman Vincent Peale had it right when he wrote in his book, The Power of Positive Thinking, that when you “change your thoughts…you change your world”.images-1

Yusef tells us to be mindful of our thoughts and actions because they affect our daily lives, but they also live forever in the Universe!!

We are also impacted by the energy of those around us—both positive and negative.  Yusef entreats us to remove “all negative thoughts and worries and doubts” in our own thinking and be aware of the energy around us. Is the energy from  friends, co-workers, and family positive, loving, and growth producing?

The sequence is important.  First be aware of your own thoughts and actions, and then begin to notice those around you.

The more positive (thoughtful and considerate) energy we can generate, the more those around us will be impacted.  It’s worth the effort, and it begins with each of us.


THINK CAREFULLY. ACT WITH THOUGHTFUL CONSIDERATION and with the knowledge that your actions will impact now and forever all in the Universe. This seems improbable and impossible. Actually it is a fact and worthy of your attention.

You and your body are reacting constantly to the thoughts and actions in your environment. All affects all. 

REMOVE ALL NEGATIVE THOUGHTS AND WORRIES AND DOUBTS. Live only in love and in the light. It is most important, and worth the effort to remove negativity from your own thinking and action—and from your environment.

BE MINDFUL OF THE ENERGY SURROUNDING YOU. Remove yourself from negative or draining energy. Place yourself within energy fields that support your growth.


Guidance From Yusef: A Time of Peace Comes

Yusef has given us volumes on Light and Love and its importance for ourselves and for the world. But now he is showing us what the results of sharing it will be!

It is up to each of us to bring our Light of Love into the world–that will result in the Peace Yusef describes. Join me in making it our conscious mission for today and for this New Year:

To be more loving, more open to the Christ Light within, more hopeful, more accepting, more conscious of our Oneness with all that is, more AWAKE and AWARE. To look past the illusion that the world gives us to the true reality that is God With Us (Emmanuel).

I continue with The Coming Times predictions. This one excites me at the deepest level, thinking of the peaceful possibilities for our terribly troubled world.


In the coming time is the PEACE that is already overwhelming those who have awakened. These will know great joy, and will build joy upon joy.  Peace will be the foundation from which will come:

  • first appreciation,
  • then gratitude,
  • then joy, and
  • overwhelming Love.

In that Love will the potential flower/blossom.   In that Love will a new era exist.  This era will move humanity forward in an evolution as yet unseen–exponentially beyond what has been known.

In that era will those awakened delight in generative activity, moving humankind forward. 

In that time will peace prevail.

In that time the children born will also move humankind forward in ways not seen before.

In that time will nations come together.  The world will indeed recognize that it is one community.

 The strong will be those seeking peace, greater communication, and openness to all cultures and peoples.


Guidance From Yusef: The Coming Times—A New Era

In Oct  of 2008 I received this message that is still relevant for today.  There is one thing about heavenly guidance—we are not given an exact time frame.  We have a need as humans to know the time frame for these things, but in Heaven there is no time.  We can recognize, however, that the words in this message were true in 2008 and are still true today.


The world is on a precipice.  Decisions are imminent.  The outcomes determine the future of the Earth.  We come to share love and LIGHT with those of Earth.  We come to remind people of the power of LOVE, the direction of LIGHT.

The Universe shares in the physical experiences.  Emanations coming from Earth at this time warn of potential for catastrophic events.  “Percolating” is a close concept.  The Earth’s emanations reveal a negative percolating.

Now we join with many in bringing the presence of Love to the Earth plane awareness.

Thus enters in a new era.  Thus will the earth be blessed as many AWAKEN.

And out of the midst, ONE.

Coming forward now is the time beyond understanding when many will seek that which is beyond understanding.  Seeking to move forward, many will come.  Welcome these with open arms of love. The souls seeking at this time are being called [by God] to awaken.   




Guidance From Yusef: Unwavering Faith, Joy, and Peace in The Coming Times

A theme of hope in the face of the reality of the times is emerging as Yusef dictates on this topic.  We must respond “in unwavering faith and joy and peace”, and in the confidence that we are not alone, but instead have Divine assistance that will enable us to persevere.

Ready for that which is coming.  Strength is in unwavering faith and joy and peace.  And in these are blessing.

Joyfully prepare. Remember the peace beyond peace. Practice this. Fear nothing. Teach this way of God Most High.  That in LOVE is all power and peace and joy.  The Love beyond love.

Peace in all things, at all times.  Practice this.  Share this with all.  That in the peace God may be heard/felt/realized.  That in the peace is the way recognized and the secrets told.  That in the peace the way can be seen.

This peace may be transmitted/beamed from person to person—contagious as you say.  This peace becomes the scene, the frame, the potential within which grows awareness.  And from which truth is shared.  Unseen, truth is beamed within the mantle of peace.

Going forth from the emanations of peace are the pathways opened for those to come to God.  Thus are blessings rained down.  Peace.

We are urged to “practice peace”.  This is a powerful message to act from a place of deep trust and faith in the face of all eventualities.  We are to go to the “peace beyond peace”, that inner connection to the source of Love where there is no fear.  I asked Yusef to explain the term, “beyond” used in this transmission when he referred to wonder, joy, and peace.

The words used are an indication of the concept conveyed but do not reach the total “thought”.  Look to the indication, the signpost, to see the fullness of the concept.  The glimmer is an indication of the intensity.  It is NOT the intensity.

The peace we can experience as humans is merely the signpost.  It is a glimmer of the true peace that is of God.  We are to connect then to the Source and in that connection experience the peace of soul.