Let Go and Let God

The two little birds in the nest right outside my door have recently learned to fly. They are still so young, but they have taken to flight without a hitch. I was surprised to see, however, that the parents are still busy flying back and forth to feed the little guys. I guess they haven’t gotten the how-to-catch-insects lesson yet.

And so it is with me. I am being taken—lesson by lesson, closer and closer, to “oneing” with God. (Julian of Norwich) I would like it to be NOW, but there are many lessons I still must learn.

Lately my Angels have been shining a Light on my need to CONTROL. That shows up in many ways, but in the last week I’ve had times when frustration, impatience, and even anger showed up. Is anyone else affected by our current situation that way?

The phrase, “Let go and let God” has come to mind. It rolls so easily off the tongue, but when the lesson is how to actually DO it—not so easy. Letting Go 101 is tough, but just as difficult for my human self is Letting God 102.

LETTING GO is about the very human need to CONTROL. How will the world survive without my help? my best ideas? And— I need to be in control of my life after all. Oh my! In this time of COVID I for one am being shown that we have very little control.

It’s so easy to say I trust in God, but LETTING God be in control (because God is anyway!) is the biggie for many of us. To really BELIEVE that God is in charge …to TRUST that we are loved and cared for…that we are NEVER alone, is the lesson.

The truth is, we are ALREADY ONE-WITH GOD, but we forgot that truth when we came into the world. Our lesson—in this Earth School—is to REMEMBER it. To know that God’s got us. If we could see all the help and Helpers God provides to guide us through each day, we would never fear anything again.

When I do LET GO and LET GOD—and feel that TRUST down deep in my bones—I am transformed. There is an amazing sense of peace and freedom that washes over me and permeates my whole being! There is also a beautiful awareness that I am completely safe—no matter what happens!

This I seek in every moment now, to surrender my will to the Father as Jesus did.

Not my will, but thine be done.

Thy Kingdom come. Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.

Love: Our Source and Substance


Thomas Keating wrote, “We’re all like localized vibrations of the infinite goodness of God’s presence. So love is our very nature. Love is our first, middle, and last name. Love is all; not [love as] sentimentality, but love that is self-forgetful and free of self-interest.”

Oh my goodness I love that quote! It says it all. That’s the part we forget—that we are LOVE in our essence. The part of us that we don’t recognize as our Self…the part that could be called Soul.

Rami Shapiro says, “God is our SOURCE and our SUBSTANCE.” If you substitute the word LOVE for GOD, then you have the real message. LOVE is our source and our substance. We came from Love, and Love is the substance we are made of.

I think of each cell in my body—the smallest particle (or wave) of my self—as a part of God…a part of Love. I dare to say that if God is our Source and our Substance, then WE ARE LOVE. We are the manifestation of God in the world. When the world sees you, it sees God!

There is a beautiful song whose words are attributed to Teresa of Avila:

“Christ has no body now but yours. No hands, no feet on earth but yours. Yours are the eyes through which he looks compassion on this world. Yours are the feet with which he walks to do good. Yours are the hands through which he blesses all the world. Yours are the hands, yours are the feet, yours are the eyes, you are his body. Christ has no body now on earth but yours.”

Let’s BE that LOVE for a world that is hurting right now.

I have a friend who asks, “What is mine to do today?” Yes! What is ours—as LOVE–to do today? Amen.

Covid Days


Pause…look at what surrounds you.

Notice all the blessings–large and small.

Now take a deep breath, and savor the air you breathe.

Giving thanks, go forward.

Enjoy your day!

Covid-19 Days

It is difficult these days of being sequestered, hiding from a tiny virus. Our lives are “different” now, and we don’t always do well with change. The days drone on and on—is it easing?…oops no, it’s still here…and getting worse. So in the midst of these Covid Days, I am led to share a bit of my journey and perhaps find a virtual companion in you as we travel it together. I do pray that you are well and that those you love have not been harmed by this illness.

Remember that Yusef has been called to the “higher heavens to hold humanity in Love.” Now we may have a sense of why. His task is a big one and I am thankful that God has offered us help in that way. I love the idea of Yusef praying for US! Wisdom is with us now and will hopefully offer us some words as we go.

It has been a roller coaster ride for me. On the up days I am prayerful, trusting, finding ways to connect with others and occupy myself—though not always “productive.” 🙂 On the days when I’m in the trough of the ride I find it difficult to connect with God—consumed with the feeling of lack of control, and worried for my loved ones. It is a feeling I recognize as fear. So I beg for the Grace to let go of the fear, and return to TRUST—that wonderful, all encompassing, fearless, I-am-in-the-care-and-presence-of-the-Divine feeling.

Letting go is what this time is teaching me. Letting go of the need to control my life. Letting go of my very human fears (that seem to increase as the number of cases increase). And finally, giving my small human self back to God in Trust—freeing me to experience the joy of God’s love!

With Trust comes the Grace to let go of worries and concerns. Or is it Grace that brings me back to Trust in God again? Falling into the abyss of God’s never-ending Love. The place I never want to be apart from.

To be able to say with Julian of Norwich,

All shall be well, and all shall be well, and all manner of thing shall be well.