The Greatest Danger

We resume. Humans have not yet realized the basics of living on the Earth plane—why you are here, who you truly are, the true blessings and true dangers.

We speak of the dangers now.

The greatest danger is from yourself!  Are you surprised? Most do not realize this. If you did you would move mountains (as you say) to discover what within yourself keeps you from living in the Heaven that is available to you right now—every day.

There is indeed an evil force in your world whose works can be easily recognized. But there is a subtler application of this evil that is less easily recognized and is among you as yourself!

You do the work of evil when you allow the ego to tell you what is not true. When you choose to exclude and judge rather than embrace and include. When you allow your subtle fears of anxiety and concern to cloud the love that you are. You are safe in the embrace of the Divine who holds you in a great Love that shows up as blessing and grace. Cling to this assurance.

We say you must know yourself and love yourself, yet you are all in this world together for a reason. The other [person] IS also yourself.

The great lie being told is that you are alone, that your comforts come first. You are not separate from your brother and sister. You are one with him or her—connected through the Divine DNA you EACH carry within the spirit of your self. 

Remember what Jesus said—Love God, and love your neighbor as you love yourself.

In Love, Yusef

Walk As Jesus Did: Part 2

One of the subscribers asked a question from the last post, And so I asked Yusef for an answer. This is the (rather long) response. Thank you for the question, D.H.

“How do we walk in our divinity?”

The idea of “walking” the Earth describes the movement through your days. Your normal day as a human may be spent working, interacting, accomplishing tasks, and all the other “busyness” of ordinary human life. 

Those who walk, or live, from both humanity and divinity are aware that they are MORE than just their human nature. They know they have come from Home [heaven] for a purpose or purposes in this lifetime, and realize they are a child of the Most High. They are not absorbed in worries and concerns, but radiate a peace and inner joy—a confidence and trust that they are safe, cared for.

The inner happiness of these causes people to want to be around them. Their speech is thoughtful and considerate, because they regard all persons as part of themself—a family member. 

There is an honesty, a purity, an authenticity about experiencing life through both the soul nature and human nature. These [people] are content, complete in themselves because they are aware of the heavens as well as the earth. They realize they are a part of God and creation. 

These are not walking “saints”—holy or perfect. Humanity walks together with divinity. Thus these [people] experience all that the human physical life has for them. They are all ages, in all walks of life, and in all communities. You can recognize them by their openness to all that happens; as well as their compassion, service, or care for others. They are actively living out their purpose in joy and love. There is no malice in them.

Awareness of their true nature does not protect these from sorrow or suffering. Life may not be easier for these. Much may be asked of them, and when it is, they accept what comes.

Remember—you are both Human and Soul/Spirit. Awaken to the joy of living from both your soul nature and your human nature!

We thank you for the question. Yusef

The Faith of “Lover”

To those who do the work of I AM—the work of Love in a world of fear—we say thank you. This is the most important effort to counter the fear so present, and causing the world to teeter. Love affects the balance and the outcome.

We resume. You wonder about faith. A most difficult concept to explain for those who do not have/know it. For those who do, no explanation is necessary. The depth of it sustains. The breadth of it supports.

It is faith that allows the steps of Lover to follow the difficult path.

We speak of Lover now. The one who is loved and knows Love. There is no doubt for this one. Troubles and trials can assault yet Lover continues to Love. There is no fear for this one. Trust is his/her key word.

Knowing the Father, Son, and Spirit as Self, Lover moves through each day unshaken by events, persons, or crises. Lover’s faith is strong and Lover realizes he/she is loved and protected beyond the events and dangers of the Earth. 

May the peace of the Most High Lover be with you this day.


Guidance From Yusef: Eating Healthy and Spirit

Question: How important is it to eat healthy for our spiritual development? What would be considered the most beneficial things we consume and the most detrimental that could affect our connection to Spirit?


The first concept to understand is this: ALL is ENERGY—and all energy vibrates at a certain “signature” frequency. Thus, the food you eat, as well as the physical body you inhabit, is all vibrating at a “designated” frequency, thus making it what it is. If food and body were not vibrating, they would not exist.

Next, you are always connected to spirit. You ARE spirit, and you are one with spirit. There is no separation between you and Spirit/God/the Divine—ever.

Now, to answer the question, in light of the science lesson above…(smile) it must be said that there is no universal beneficial or detrimental list of foods that would impact your ability to communicate with Spirit. However, it is best to consume those foods that are in tune with each individual body.

Some foods will have an effect on the frequency of the body’s vibration. We do not judge these as “bad,” or “good.” It is your own awareness that must determine whether they “serve” you. Sugar is one. Intoxicating drinks are another. These do have an impact on the body’s vibration and thus its functioning. NOTE: These may, but also may not, impact your communication with Spirit. It is all individual. Remember, however, that you are always connected to Spirit/God.

Attune to the body you inhabit to recognize/discern/notice what foods or drinks are most energetically beneficial, or on the other hand, detrimental to you. Each physical body has its own signature vibrational frequency. Try to notice what food or drink “resonates” (vibrates) on a wellness frequency for you. You may have already noticed that your body reacts to some food and/or drink, perhaps causing you discomfort, or even dis-ease. It would be well to avoid these. On the other hand, what may cause you discomfort could have no affect on another’s body.

Strive to be in tune with the body you inhabit; it is constantly communicating with you—sending you messages as to its general well-being. Pay attention! When do you feel that your vibration is high? That is, notice when are you in a state of love or joy, experiencing a sense of lightness or well-being. Then, notice when you feel sluggish, perhaps “slower” than usual, or even sad. What have you ingested prior to sensing these feelings that may have had an impact on you?

You can see that it is you who must pay attention in order to know what foods or drink have a vibrational frequency that is optimal for your body. Once you are attuned you can even walk by a certain food and “know” that it is not beneficial to you. Trust your inner guidance and intuition. Pay attention.

We wish you wellness and high vibration!

Guidance From Yusef: We Are With You

We are with you. You cannot hide. (Smile) We see you in all you do. We are your angels and your guides through your lifetime on Earth—your closest friends and your advocates. We know you as well as you know yourself.
Nowhere are we not in any sense of time you choose to mark. Thus we say again, turn to us in the awareness that we are there—whether you notice us or not.
Your loved ones also will come when you call to them. You may not be able to sense them as clearly, but they are also with you in love when you need them.
You are heard by the Heavens. Speak in the confidence that you are heard. The words of your mouth and your heart go out to the Heavens. Speak of your life—your joys and your sadness. You are heard.
In all your comings and goings we are with you. You are never alone. Better than your “best friend” we are. (Smile) Remember we are with you. Talk to us throughout your day. Know and believe that you are extraordinarily LOVED in ALL you do.

Guidance From Yusef: The Experience of God/One

Barbara: A word about this message. It is quite deep, so I might suggest that you read it several times. 🙂 If I could preface it in my words I would say that Yusef is telling us that all our efforts to be in the presence of God are more than worthwhile. He includes all expressions of faith and religion without judgment. ANY way we can come into union with God is important.

It is going beyond our everyday human experience to be in the presence of God that is important—to both ourselves AND God!! Wow! It could happen as we worship in a church/synagogue/mosque, or when we pray, or meditate; but it could also be simpler than that. It could just be those MOMENTS in our lives when we become aware that God is with us. Look for those moments—however you find them. The “experience” of God is what Yusef is calling us to.

There are many ways to be in the AWARENESS, or EXPERIENCE, of the One (God). Each expression of “faith” in God reveals a new way of being in that experience.

ALL ways express wonder, or joy, or reverence for something beyond the ordinary—beyond the human experience.

Some (unfortunately) worship a God that is distant from them. Others see God closer—in all forms of nature. Others find God in silence, some within their own hearts perhaps. Some may see God in each other. Some must go to a building to find God.

You can see now that the only part that has significance is that the EXPERIENCE of God takes place! There is no judgment or rule regarding the HOW.

Experience of the ONE (GOD), joins and expands BOTH parties in the experience. That is, the union, or com-union, is experienced by BOTH GOD AND HUMAN.

How can it be otherwise since each human is simply an expression of God in the physical? 

When in the human you remember to experience your God-self in all its fullness (outside and apart from the ego-self), then com-union occurs. God and Human remembering—joining as one in awareness of a truth that already is. Oneness.

God (Awareness) rejoices and expands with each experience of Itself.

This seems a mystery and beyond comprehension. It is not. It is the most simple reality for those with ears to hear.

If you could realize the JOY of being in the human experience and at the same moment in the experience of your ONENESS with God, you would want to spend more and more time in that awareness. It is life-giving and love-giving. It will sustain you in your human adventure, as you say. 

We realize some of our words are awkward and do not fully express the reality of which we speak, yet as you let them into your heart they will expand.

Be well.

Guidance From Yusef: The Human Tribe

We feel, throughout the Heavens, the negative energies coming from the earth. It does not affect us the way it does you, but you must know that the energies go out to all the Universe.

What we ask of you (all) is to think and act differently. People of earth who have attained economic success/wealth, have lost sight of the TRIBAL nature of humans. These have been lulled into believing and thinking that they deserve their possessions; that they alone have achieved their status. This has “elevated” them to a place where they have lost sight of the REALITY that humans are a tribal people.

This loss of the reality of your tribal nature has served to give a false sense of separation. A sense of singular pride in accomplishments. A sense that you no longer need each other—which includes those who are poor, widowed, orphaned, elderly, infirm, displaced, or less able.

The gap grows wider both in thinking that this is reality (it is not), and in actions that further separate.

Humans are disparate as a part and consequence of being intentionally sequestered on an increasingly small planet. You have chosen to be on the Earth at this time for a reason. Your differences allow soul growth as you come together to learn to survive together, to work together, to grow and thrive together—with each other and with the Earth that provides for you.

If some are not thriving, then others must help/assist them so that they too, with whatever limitations they have chosen for this life on earth, will have some measure of “success” in living.

We say that ALL are a part of the great experience of LIVING and LEARNING and GROWING on the Earth. ALL are a part of the ECOSYSTEM that is humanity. It is a grand TRIBAL experience. All in the human adventure are valued and loved. Each one on the earth affects all on the earth.

Some perceive that their wealth and “status” will shelter them from the less “fortunate.” (These are not our words—we have no understanding of these concepts except through your understanding.) Wealth and status can never shelter completely. They do, however, cause a hardening of heart toward the less fortunate so that their suffering will not impact the life lived in increasing isolation.This is the meaning behind the words Jesus spoke regarding wealth.

We caution you now and tell you that you are all in the Earth experience together at this time for a reason. Do not succumb to the lures of the world that separate you. You are the Human Tribe. Take care of each other. Grow together. Celebrate life on the Earth. Assure the well being of all. Do what must be done for those who need assistance. You are together for a reason. You need each other.

Be well. We shower you now with love and blessings.

Guidance From Yusef: You are One, not Two


When you recognize that you are both SOUL and BODY—then your life in the human experience changes/expands and may seem at first alien to the way you have been living your life. You may have the sense that you are living two lives—as spirit and in body. You may ask, am I Spirit or am I Human?

As a child you did not separate your Soul from your body. You knew you were only one—a Spirit/Soul experiencing the physical world in a human body. The sense of two, or the sense of separation of soul and human body, develops as a child grows. The human ego begins to see itself as separate from others and its own Soul.

The heavens rejoice when you become aware of your Soul self, and then become aware of your human nature within and AS soul. That is, the Soul is not separate from the human. Each is a part of each. Your human nature is the way your Soul is experiencing the physical world. It is one with your Soul.

The Soul, being Spirit, cannot experience the physical without the joy of coming to earth within a human body.

Thus one spirit, experiencing joy in the physical world, seemingly becomes two. Remember that you are ONE, not two!

Guidance From Yusef: Do we have a body in Heaven?

Dear Friends, This message is in response to a question that came up in a group I am a part of. It is interesting that they know what we discussed and want to weigh in on it. :))

You may have questions after reading this so I encourage you to ask in a “Reply.”  I will post any responses Yusef gives us. (They are aware of your questions. 🙂 )


The question has come up in the group regarding the earthly body after “death.” This is a concept many struggle with in the human understanding. The human mind wants the mystical to fit into your physical laws and understanding. The mind relentlessly attempts to bend reality to its needs.

The human body goes through much after the Soul has moved on. The Soul is of course, most grateful for the blessing the body afforded it in accomplishing the purpose for which the Soul came to the Earth. Realize however, that each Soul has resided in many bodies, and all have returned to the earth.

You are taught that in the end your body will also “rise.” We tell you now that no human physical matter will rise to the heavens.

Do you not realize that in passing from this life to the next, you do take your “body” or what you perceive to be your same body, with you? This is to ease the transition for each Soul. Thus you think you have a body that is well, healed of any illness, and free to do whatever you want it to do. This ethereal body will remain with you as long as you need it. When you no longer need it, you move further into the Light and assume whatever “body” you need or don’t need.

As you increase in vibration/love, your appearance changes. You become more beautiful, lighter, brighter in your energetic appearance.

In the heavens there is no need for a “body,” but each Soul is accommodated as it needs, to better adjust in the transition from the Earth to the heavens. There are also instances when a Soul desires to “show itself” for reasons of its own. It is free to do so. Thus when a loved one shows itself to you who are yet on the Earth, it may assume its old physical appearance.

The energy that is you—your vibrating energetic Soul—is motivated (increasingly) by Love. Thus it is free to show itself any way that Love desires in the situation.

Realize also that the energetic “body” is not solid matter. It can disappear in an instant or stay to serve as long as the Soul needs it to remember who it is.


Guidance From Yusef: You Exist in the Heavens and on the Earth

I think I really need to explain this message a little. 🙂

Each of us on the Earth has a soul that is a part of an ‘oversoul’ that continues to be with God. That is, our soul is just a part of, or we could say an aspect of, the Soul that is in heaven. Your soul is like a reflection of your heavenly self (Soul) that exists as a part of God.

In other words, Yusef says you have a ‘minor’ soul here that is still a part of, or an aspect of, your ‘major’ soul in heaven.

To further complicate your thinking, you also have many ‘minor’ souls experiencing life in the physical right now. Picture your major Soul as a large ship in the ocean (God). Your minor souls, are like small dingys that have left the larger ship to go out and experience something new. Your major Soul has many dingys out right now and yours is just one of them. Your major Soul is experiencing everything your soul on earth is right now. That is how it expands and grows.

I hope that you will ask questions or begin a discussion if this topic interests (or confuses) you.:)


The human mind is insistent in its drive to make sense of the world. This ensures survival. However, in this discourse, the need to understand is not beneficial. 

You are aware that it will serve you to remember WHO YOU ARE and to BE in the awareness as much and as often as you are able. 

Now we tell you that you reside with us as much as you reside on the earth. You are with us in ‘Heaven’ now as you have always been.

There is an aspect of You that is currently in a human existence, but that does not diminish the You that is here, or the aspects of you living other lifetimes at this same moment.

Thus your Oversoul or Major Soul as we have said, does exist as a part of God always. You are an aspect of that Major Soul that is participating in the Oneness [God] fully.

Enjoy your life on the earth—it was chosen by you and for you. But do not lose sight that you are much more than the personality you have chosen for this lifetime.

You have chosen a role to play. It is not WHO YOU ARE. It is a role. Enjoy it; learn from its experiences, and grow in love through it.

You are a part of the Most High God. Believe this truth and you will awaken. In that awakening your soul will dance and the earth and heavens will sing.