Guidance From Yusef: Hearts Recognize the Frequency of Love

It’s all about the frequency of our vibration. The higher the frequency, the brighter our inner light. We can best “see” the light of love from our hearts.

images-12Yusef tells us to center ourselves more in the heart space, that is, move deliberately to a place within ourselves of love, joy, or even bliss. From that place our hearts can recognize others who also vibrate with love and joy, join with them, and make love more visible on this Earth.

Note: Heart recognition happens even if we aren’t aware–we don’t have to be conscious of it.  But it’s fun to realize that when a loving heart joins with another loving heart the light shines brighter in the world.

Shining the light of Love today–consciously!


LOVE IS ENERGY VIBRATING AT A VISIBLE LIGHT LEVEL. It is not only visible, but palpable. This energy can be sensed, or felt. The heart center is most attuned to the vibrational level of love.

Look to the hearts of those in proximity. In this will the truth of [your] vibrational attainment be observable. Pay attention to the response of the heart within. Allow heart to sense heart. Keep the mind in the background. Thus free of thinking, which taints all perception, you will be free to perceive that which is true.

HEART RECOGNITION is step one. Practice this. Rejoice. Adopt a rejoicing heart. Thus will the heart be receptive to knowing, to recognition of other hearts, to the light. The “intelligence” of the heart, which “sees and knows”, is true. Sharpen the heart sense.

Advancement is [also] accomplished by being STILL. In the stillness be aware of all dancing [vibration] within and without. Aliveness is in the stillness. Awareness involves the body and all that it allows [as well as] the Spirit sense and Soul awareness. Practice this.

You are [all] within the vibrational pattern [of God] but you are not aware of it. This vibration actually allows the existence you are in.  As the awareness of God grows, the vibrations join one upon the next and the next, increasing exponentially to gain in momentum outward.  The pulse is then able to travel, expand and penetrate all.



Guidance From Yusef: Change your thoughts to change your world

Norman Vincent Peale had it right when he wrote in his book, The Power of Positive Thinking, that when you “change your thoughts…you change your world”.  Yusef asks us to be mindful of our thoughts and actions because they live forever in the Universe.  (Whew!)

It is also our thinking and our actions that create the life we are living right now. (Whew, again!) Of course the thinking comes first, followed by action, so we are back to the quote above.  As much as possible, it is important to think loving, positive, non-judgmental thoughts.  That means toward ourselves, others, and the challenging situations in our lives.

To help us stay positive we’re encouraged us to surround ourselves with others who are of like mind.  Remember it’s not only the positive that impacts us, but the negative as well.


Think carefully.  Act with thoughtful consideration, with the knowledge that the action will impact now and forever all in the Universe.  This seems improbable and impossible.  Actually it is a fact and worthy of attention.

You and your body are reacting constantly to the thoughts and actions in your environment.  All affects all.  Be mindful of the energy surrounding you.  Remove yourself from negative or draining energy.  Place yourself within energy fields that support your growth.

Remove all negative thoughts and worries and doubts.  Live only in Love and in the Light.  This will take effort and letting go of long held notions regarding reality.  This is most important, and worth the effort to remove negativity from your own thinking and action, and from your environment.


Guidance From Yusef: The Universe Treasures Life and Facilitates Growth

The next few posts will be messages from Yusef that tell us about the Universe.  A basic premise to remember is that the Universe and all in it are EXPANDING, a thread that is woven throughout this section.

One of the more amazing and comforting ideas to me is that the Universe is personal—loving and caring.  Some might call that God.  We are supported in our growth by an unseen loving force, and all the loving entities within it.  We are so limited in our seeing while in the human condition on this Earth that we are unaware of the loving support we have access to in order to grow in soul and spirit.


The Universe loves all, encourages all, and supports all so that it might expand.  Grasp the clarity of the truth of this and bring this into existence in your own way.  The entire universe treasures each life living.  Each is important to the whole.  The design of the universe is beyond the scope of understanding yet recognize unfailingly that there is design—flexibility that allows for the excitement, and tension that brings about that growth. All interacting with all.

The web of life entices us—invites us in to experience the senses.  Life is so much more than the “life” you know here on this plane.

Guidance From Yusef: Shine out! You are the Light of God


Shining always, your LIGHT body is.  Attend to that, honor that, listen to that, allow that which is WHO YOU ARE to be present to the world.

Those whose Light gives Light to the world’s darkness are enlightened.  It is simply BEING IN THE LIGHT OF WHO YOU ARE.

That Light is awe inspiring in its beauty.  That Light, shining into the world will change the world.

Shine out. Shine on. Shine forth.

Be. Your beingness is Light.

All other will fall away/fade as the Light comes forth to bless the world.  Do not be mindful in any way of that which is fading.  Attend fully to who you are—the Light of God.

This transmission regards the diety within all.  Listen well.  images-1One [God]  dwells in and pervades all that is.  Thus it has been written before this writing.  Look to the Light within.   The Light of Life-Giver resides/remains within.  To those with “eyes” to see it is present.  Look to the Light.  Encourage the Light.  In this there is blessing.  Look beyond the human condition to see what IS.

Guidance From Yusef: Enlightenment

Tell us of Enlightenment, please.


We delight in this, encouraging thus for all and for the salvation of the Earth.  The term salvation thus implying saving the planet.

Enlightenment, though a concept contrived by humans, is encouraged.  images-3Think of the Light pervasive in all aspects of the human—within and in all aspects of the body—shining forth no matter the condition.

Think of the heart, mind, and spirit—all cleared of any that would dim or darken the Light.

Light is WHO YOU ARE.  You are not the dust of the Earth.  You are LIGHT—that which lives forever.  That which IS.  If you could but see the magnificence of that Light, you would change all your Earthly workings and responses.

Come out of that which keeps you bound to the body and mind.  Come out to the Light of your SELF.

Let the other [ego] fall away in action that is no action, revealing the SELF of God.

Action that is no action?

Do not actively seek to let go of that which may be called ego or human nature. In that action the focus, the attention, is on the ego.  Rather attend to the Light.  Live in the Light that is YOU and thus will the other wither—fading more and more as the Light is allowed to be more and more present to the world.

Guidance from Yusef: Be Light and Love and Joy in the World

This is a truly EXCITING message!  There are many illusions on this earth, and it’s hard to see that who we really are is Light and Love!

There is more to us than we realize—much, much more! We carry the spark of God’s divine Light within our very DNA.  We are a part of God!

Now we’re asked to be open to bringing that divine Light of love and joy into the world, especially at this important, confusing, and turbulent time in our history.  Enjoy this one!  


Gracious mercy is the Earth’s.  Growing, evolving, rotating forward.  Thus will all come to know the wondrous glories and mercy of One.

All rejoice!  Love is!

Expectations do not serve.  Trust serves.  Love serves.  Wonder and awe serve.  Going forth in joy serves.  Most assuredly when no joy can be seen or found, joy serves.

Earth’s illusions are many.  Reality is other.

Heed well.  BE joy for those who cannot see joy.  BE Love for truly Love is what you are.  And in the Love is Joy.  And in the Joy is Light shining forth.

All else is NOT.   Delusion.

Sing of the Light—streaming forth.  See the Light in others, not with human eyes but with the sense beyond the senses.  Live in Love and Light.

Find the Light and all else will follow.  First find the Light.  The way has been given.  It will be necessary to see the Light in the darkness to come.

Streams of Light pour forth—guiding all.  The way is “lit up” as you say.

Changes are occurring, within and without.  Information flows.  Open the other senses to receive that which is beyond your understanding, that which will assist in the growth and evolution toward All, toward That Which Is, toward the Light.

Beyond the Earthly senses is that which we call you to.  Open further to receive the help/assistance forthcoming.

Rejoice in joy, in love, in trust.  Know that all is as it is in perfect Light.  Open.  See. Be in the Light that others may see and know even beyond what you see.  For through the Light God is and may be seen.

In the doing is the blessing.  In the being is God.  In the action taken out of the being(ness) is blessing.  Blessing that goes out/emanates into the Universes.  Therefore follow the Light of Being to find the active way.  In this is God shown to the world.


Guidance From Yusef: See Light in the World

There have been special times in my duty as a scribe, that I was privileged to be able to feel what Yusef and the Teachers were feeling as they dictated their messages.  That was an amazing gift to me.  During this transmission you can probably get a feel for it yourself just in the slow and thoughtful reading of it, as Yusef shares the joy of the heavens when we “get the message” that we are Light and that the Earth is only our temporary home. 


Rejoicing.  Rejoicing.   Joy unbounded, unclouded, moving ever forward.  Waves of joy pulsing forth into and beyond that which is.

images-1Creation sees and recognizes itself in the Light bestowed.  The work undertaken becomes the message for those ready to hear—resonating with soul-knowledge.

Within each pulsation the message is carried—vibrating on the Light and sound of the singing.  Thus is LOVE carried forward.  Rising and falling, trough and peak, does the message carry.  Blessed are they who hear and share.

The Universe is accessible—friendly, loving, caring, surrounding [the] earth with love of itself.

See the world as LOVE.  See Light in the world.  Pay attention.  The messages are hopeful reminders of home.  Thus is it known and longed for.

Guidance From Yusef: Let Your Light Shine!

Yusef tells us that the Light [of God] is joyful, carrying “all the love and joy of the Universe” with it.  Wow!!  To know that the Light exists within us and in that existence we have access to all the love and joy of the Universe! We are participants, whether we are consciously aware of that or not, simply because we have life.  The greater gift though is that we can be observers and sharers of that Light.


The joy of the Universe, transcendent reality, radiates energy as Light.  Joyful Light that illumines the darkness.  Apart from “physics” does this illumination exist.

Radiant, this love carries with it all the love and joy of the Universe—holographic of sorts.  Proceeding forth Love (Light) can be visible to those able to see.  The darkness instantly lit up.  Life and its life form transformed by its interaction at every level.  Cells reacting to the joy of this Light—Life-Giver present.

Those sensitive, or ready, even eager, recognize the action of transformation and are observers as well as participants.  This increases the action and response that reverberates throughout the Universes.  Life actually “Lights up” with it. 

Our opportunity then is to remember that we carry the Light of “love and joy of the Universe” into the world by just being who we are.  I hope that all are awed by this truth because the world sure needs that love and joy right now.  Attune to your Light—let it shine and share it with the world…please.


Guidance From Yusef: Fear is Not Real


Fear has no basis in reality either in this world or the next.  Fear is not of God.  Therefore, when you react to a given occurrence, something actually transpiring, with a response that is based on fear, you have moved from reality to fantasy and are then living in a ‘world’ of your own making, within your own mind—not actually existing in reality.  This of course SEEMS real to you, however, it is NOT REAL.

This reaction/response acts to cut you off from the reality that is God/Source.  The consequences of that are far-reaching and serve no one.



The Fear that Yusef refers to in the Guidance is not the instinctive fear we experience when we are in physical danger, such as a when a speeding car is coming right at us.  The fear Yusef warns against is different from these.  It comes from our ego.

Ego fear tells you that the world is not a safe place.

Ego Fear lives in the past–dredging up all kinds of offenses you have suffered, and wants you to wallow in them–telling yourself the same stories about them over and over.  Or it lives in the future–worrying about what might be coming that will unsettle your world.

So, Fear looks like:  anxiety, worry, frustration, apprehension, suspicion, nervousness, depression, dread, terror, panic, despair, phobias, etc.

There is no judgment around any of these fears.  We can all identify with many of them. Yusef merely wants us to realize that they come from our egos and do not serve us. They are not REAL, though they seem very real to us. AWARENESS that they are not real is the first step to letting them go.


Guidance From Yusef: Making the leap from FEAR to PEACE

images-1It is vitally important in our world today that we begin to let go of all the ways that fear grips us.  Yusef tells us that it might feel like jumping into the unknown, leaving the place we have grown comfortable with, but that jump into the safety net of peace is well worth attempting. We only need the faith of a small child–that the Father who loves us will keep us safe.


Fear is insidious, infecting and affecting the entire being.  It causes emotional and physical reaction. The realization of the fearful state is the first step toward release of that fear.

Fear need not be “driven out”.  It does not have that kind of power.  Fear is a symptom that indicates or covers an unwell state.  It can simply be released and it will be gone.  Many hold on to fear, possibly because they have not known the alternative—PEACE.

Releasing fear is like jumping over a chasm or from a building with all the safety precautions in place, and the chance of injury is nil.  But the land or the building are known and there is some comfort in that knowing, however uncomfortable the place.

Faith is the key to the release of fear—faith that the Father loves you enough to keep you safe.