God’s GPS: The Path of the Heart

A little Note: I am WAY behind in posting, so there will be a few posts coming more quickly than usual. 🙂 Barbara

What words can express the joy the Heavens have for those on the Earth?! If you only realized the love and support you have! You are not alone—ever.

Wandering the Earth without knowledge of the guidance offered is rather like being lost in the desert. The path obscured. Which way to go? How to find the way?

There is ALWAYS a light shining on the path for each one of you. Each path is different from the next—sometimes intersecting with another, sometimes a solitary path. But always WE can see it.

Turn in faith—meaning trust—to follow your HEART—God’s GPS. It will not fail you.

This means of course that your worldly concerns—from the ego talking in your ear of fear and failure—must be let go. Oh, how frightening that is. Like jumping without being able to see where you will land.

You think your ego will keep you safe, but in reality your ego, which is all you know, has been leading you down a path of fear. You are lost. Send that ego down another path—away from you. Say goodbye to it as it goes off. What are you left with? THE PATH OF THE HEART: LOVE. TRUST. TRUE JOY. FREEDOM. HAPPINESS. PEACE.

When you take this jump you land on solid ground!


Choose Love

The heavens rejoice at the wonder of (all of) you! Accept that you are loved beyond compare. Beyond knowing. If you begin to sense this love it could be overwhelming to your human self. Know it to be true.

Falsely do some claim to know God and then act out of other than Love. Notice the words and actions of those. Do you hear and see Love? Where you see Love, whether it is according to society’s “rules” or not, God is there.

Beware of “common sense.” It is a flexible concept. It often misleads. It follows rules that may not come from Love.

Look to the life of Jesus. His actions on the earth did not always follow the “rules” of either religion or society. Jesus followed the rule of Love in all cases. There are those doing the same today—showing Love for all—perhaps also causing discomfort for some in the doing. 

The difference is between ego and soul. Ego works to maintain control of the status quo (a life of fear). It shuns and ridicules those who act out of Love, thinking them out of touch with the “real” world. The Heavens, on the other hand, see and rejoice at the voice and actions of those whose Soul nature is in the lead.

In all things choose Love. Do not be misled by the norm, by the common sense of the day. Love often seems to be the “uncommon” response. Choose Love.


Guidance From Yusef: Let Go of Fear Part II

We resume. We speak now to you who seek a life that offers the blessings of freedom from fear. 

Pray. Every moment placing yourself in the presence of the God of Love. 

Trust. That God, the Divine Source of Love, is with you always. In EVERY moment of time.

Shift. From your awareness of fear, to the awareness that you are loved beyond measure, that you are SAFE. Make that shift with every choice, every decision in your day.

Become AWARE of the ways fear and its many forms have a hold on you. As you become aware you will be surprised at the many big and small ways fear is present in your life. Notice your words, your thoughts, your actions. How do your worries, anxiety, and concerns show up in your life? You THINK this is your “natural” state. IT IS NOT. Try moving through one day, one hour, without fear. You will survive. Love is who and what you are.

Then notice the FREEDOM and lightness you have when you chose to let go of the hold that fear has over you. You cannot imagine the benefits to you, the world, and the heavens with each little step you take toward Love, and away from fear. 

Your NATURAL STATE is Love. Return to your natural state. Turn. Shift from fear to love. We are with you.



Guidance From Yusef: Let Go of Fear Part 1

We resume.  In the world you live in, the forces of the earth’s density—the collective thinking of those on the earth, and other forces of the earth—are influencing all you do. (We do not say they cause what you do, but they do influence you.) These forces attempt to maintain the status quo of FEAR and all of its many aspects, such as anxiety, greed, worry, concern, anger, power, dread, control, etc. These dominate the thinking of the earth. 

We understand the difficulty of what we ask—that you LET GO OF FEAR, and embrace LOVE. Let Love be your filter in all. As you move through time in your day, let every choice, every decision, every word be of Love, not fear.

Practice this. It will take practice because fear is the default emotion on the earth.

Your ancestors feared for their lives. You do not have the same circumstances now. However, we do acknowledge that some in the world are in a survival mode, as you say. It was their choice, of course, to experience this before they came to the earth, yet this fear also contributes to what we speak of.

How do you let go of fear and all its many presentations in your life? YOU BECOME AWARE OF IT.

And with this injunction we offer you our blessing and our assistance. We are with you.


Guidance From Yusef: Thoughts for a New Year

Hi to All, The following is a compilation of guidance from Yusef and my own additions. Enjoy!

Thoughts for a New Year

Love yourself. Be kind to yourself. It makes it easier to love and be kind to others.

Judge no one. We cannot know God’s plan for others, or the reason their souls chose to incarnate at this time and in this place. Accept them. Help them. Love them. Pray for them. It’s good for your soul, too.

Do not judge yourself. Notice your thoughts, words, and actions—without judgment. Then decide whether to keep them or change them. They are yours after all.

Judge no circumstance or situation. Look for the blessing, the joy, the opportunity, or the lesson. Give thanks for all.

Pay attention to your vibration (the state of your being). Notice how you, and your body, react to people or situations in your life. If you do not resonate with them, you may want to make changes…in yourself or in your situations.

You create your life through the choices you make. Be aware! Make conscious choices—the power is yours. Do not give others power over your life.

You have the truth within you. It may reveal itself in prayer/meditation, through what you read, or what you watch, or through a spiritual companion. You recognize it as truth because you knew it first. Look inward—God is there.

Your human nature is a “story,” created by your soul and God for this lifetime. You are not your story. You are a divine and limitless being—a child of God—the Source of Life and Love. Remember this.

Spend time in silence this year. Just sit with God.

Send love and light to all you encounter. You will bless them, and your Light will balance the fear so present in the world today.

Do not limit the Holy Spirit, who continues to reveal God to you, and to the world. Stay open.

Guidance From Yusef: A Mantle of Peace

We understand the human response of fear to many situations in the world now. Thus it is imperative to get beyond that response—of fear, and those emotions coming from fear—frustration, anger, depression, deep concern, and so on.

As we have said, and remind you here again, the Earth MUST have more love and hope than fear. Do not allow fear. When you feel the emotions associated with fear, go immediately into a place of quiet that you may release the fear, let go of the insanity, and return to the sanity of who you are—Love.

All [of you] must find a way, or a place, or a practice that will allow love and hope to replace any aspect of fear.

Be vigilant in recognizing when you are moving from love and peace to fear. Once you have taught yourself to recognize the fear and accompanying agitation and discomfort, then you can also train yourself to go to the quiet (even in the busy-ness of your day) to let go of it, and allow us to remind you that you are love.

Look to those of us whom God has sent to you as encouragers, protectors, consolers, and guides in this lifetime. We are here for you.

Just as the one writing this has come to us agitated today, you may also come. And a sweet mantle of PEACE will descend over you in the quiet to renew you, and remind you of how much you are loved.

It is with great joy and love that we tell you again of the assistance you have from the Heavens. You are LOVE. Be vigilant. Let go of the darkness of fear that takes hold of you, and return always to the Light of Love. In this is the salvation of the world.

You are JOY.

You are LOVE.

You are LIGHT.

And from these come PEACE and HOPE for the World.

Our blessing is upon you.


Guidance From Yusef: The World is on a Precipice

My Guides tell me that the world is on a dangerous precipice right now, and they are not sure which way it will go. They gave me these “instructions”:

Love, Love, Love!*

Pray for peace—actively and without ceasing.**

Do not fear! This diverts your energy from Love, and it is only through Love and Prayer that the world will be saved.

*When we are showing love, we are giving off a light that can balance and even counter the hate. We are to remember that love is more powerful than hate and fear. Love to me is active here—connect with loved ones, do acts of service, be joyful and caring—any way we can give off positive light. I am especially sending love to the people in North and South Korea, and those in any other countries who are living in fear right now. They certainly need it.

**Pray as often as you can. I am calling on all the Heavens—the Father, Jesus, Spirit, Mary, the Angels, my favorite Saints…praying for peace as I go through my day. I’m leaving the details, the “how” it can be done, to God. 🙂

Love, Light, and Prayers for Peace,


Guidance From Yusef: Happiness is Your Natural State

Do you find happiness in all you do? Or are you frustrated, angry, fearful, feeling out of control or helpless sometimes?

Happiness is your natural state as a “child of God,” and another word for that state is peace. Whatever diverts you from being happy and peaceful is the ego and its deep seated fears.

As humans we RESIST what causes us negative emotion. We often want what IS to be different than what it IS. We want the sick child to be well; the betrayal to be loyalty; the lost job to be ours again; the harsh words against us to be kind words. But the child is sick, the betrayal happened, the job is no longer mine, and the words were harsh. We want it all to be different than what it IS. We resist what IS. And that takes a lot of energy!

So, if you really want to live in happiness (and it’s totally worth it!) here are some steps to take:

The set-up: Someone does or says something that causes you emotion. Or an unsettling event or circumstance occurs causing emotion. Go to Step One.

1. Simply NOTICE the EMOTION you feel (without judging yourself).

Hmmm.  I’m feeling–Anger, sadness, frustration, helplessness, critical, judgmental, fear about the future, worried, etc.

2. Ask–WHY am I feeling this emotion? What is going on in ME that causes this response?

Am I hurt? Disappointed? Scared? All alone? Don’t have control over this? Helpless? Etc

3. Go Deeper (or skip to Step 4): Ask WHY do I have that response? What fear has been triggered within me?

Is my pride injured? I am always ‘right’; has that been questioned? Has  a childhood fear of mine kicked in? Has an inner ‘rule’ of mine been broken by another? Have my fears around security been triggered? Etc.

4. Let your resistance to the person or situation go. Let it be what it is. Accept it. Surrender your emotion and your resistance to God. You should feel a lightness if you are able to let it go–an inner PEACE!!


~It all is what it is. I cannot change what IS. My happiness depends on my acceptance of this.

~There are no problems. It is only a “problem” when I make it one. It is my choice to look at things differently.

~Everyone has a reason for what they do. (And it’s none of my business.:))

~The only one I have control over is MYSELF. My peace and happiness are my choice. I can chose to try to control people and events in my life OR I can chose peace and happiness and leave the rest to God who cares for all.

~I cannot know what God is asking of another, or how God is working in their life. I can only know God in my own life.

~Happiness and peace are my natural state because I am of God.

Guidance From Yusef: A Dangerous Time

Greetings to all. This message has a tone that feels serious and important to me. I share it with you now because you, the readers of this blog, are awake. But it is becoming more difficult for you and me to stay focused on love and light as the world darkens.

We are only asked to do what we do—love those around us, care for those who need us, stay positive in our word and action, pray or meditate or do whatever it is you do to connect with the Divine, and continue to bring Light into this darkening world.

YUSEF: Humans have begun to have their attention and awareness clouded. There is so much negativity on the Earth that it is consuming time, attention, and energy. It is easy to distract.

The messages coming from this negativity take so much energy that there is not enough energy left to focus in a more positive direction. These are signs. Signs to cause great concern.

Many are being lulled to sleep now. They are losing the ability to see the way clearly. Hypnotized by evil. It comes in a way that is difficult to see as such. 

AWAKEN!! Look to those pointing in another direction. Pray, meditate, keep your focus on care for others, compassion, love, joy, and hope. These will bring your energy and vibration back to the Light. This will help you and the world to see more clearly. Remain in the Light!

This is a dangerous time. Be cautious. Evil is having its day. Continue to be mindful of what comes through your gate. Raise your antennae, as you say, to be able to discern good from evil. Your focus must remain on Love.

The Angels and all the Heavens are here to assist.

Guidance From Yusef: Seeing What IS

Moving from the frequency of FEAR–Suggestion #2

See what IS, as it is–without the judgments of

  • right and wrong,
  • good and bad,
  • appropriate and inappropriate,
  • scary and safe,…all those filters we were given at an early age.

It is common to go about each day doing what we have been taught–looking, evaluating, labeling, and judging rather than simply seeing.

Science teaches that for every act of measurement (or judgment) of a thing, FAR more of the thing is lost than captured.

As we make–quite unconsciously–judgment after judgment, apply label after label, measuring all through the filters of our long held bias and prejudice, we are in essence squinting our eyes to see only that which sifts through the filters.

How much is lost in the squinting, the filtering, the labeling, the judging?

To be able to SEE WHAT IS requires, at first, a disciplined training to LET GO of the judging. To shut down the filters. To retrain the mind to allow only the EXPERIENCE of the thing without the judging of it. To become vulnerable in the naked seeing of what IS, without fear, without the thinking that we thought was helping us to see rightly.

And then a stark realization–

IT ALL IS AS IT IS. And there is absolutely nothing we can do about WHAT IS. It just IS. We cannot change it–it IS. We cannot manipulate it–it IS. There is no need to FEAR it–only to accept that it IS. That SEEING allows us to chose actions that come from a much higher frequency.

The freedom of that SEEING opens the floodgates…

  • To action when necessary, but also,
  • to appreciation
  • to beauty
  • to simplicity
  • to child like observations
  • to compassion
  • to experiencing
  • to bliss…
  • to God.