Align with God’s Will

I’m trying to surrender my will more and more to the Will of God for me—to remember I am first a child of my Father—and to allow the God-of-me to be more present to the world. Jesus is my model for that. He showed us how to live in God’s Will and still live a very human experience. Then I heard….

Be like me. You are just like me. Remember who you are.

You can access the same limitless power when you are ALIGNED with the WILL of the Father. All I did was in that alignment. I did nothing in just my human nature. I first tuned into the Father’s Will for each event, each “miracle,” and became the human conduit for the Father’s Will. In those moments all could see that the Father and I were one.

In my more human moments—turning over the tables at the Temple, weeping over Lazarus, in the Garden—my humanity was expressing itself.

Attune your will MORE OFTEN to the Father’s. Moment by moment turn…open…access…. To do this you must practice, practice, practice, until more and more your divine connection shows through your human actions. It is in the small moments, not the big miracle moments.

Follow my guidance. It is within you blinking as a GPS. Notice it. Trust it is me walking with you. We are as ONE!

If it helps you to see me as Jesus, or the Father, or Spirit, or Mother, or whatever name you choose—see that! We are all ONE.


Joy is your natural state. Let go of what disturbs your joy.

If Joy is lost to you in the moment, seek it out. When you have released the obstacles to Joy and have realized it was there all along, treasure the discovery! Celebrate it, and do not let anything impede the essence of who you are—JOY!

Joy is not silly; it is not what you would call “happiness.” It is the depth of wonder, contentment, peace. It is always there.

Find it now. It is as pure gold—worth all your effort to uncover.

We are One in Joy with you.

Guidance From The Universe

Loving Greetings to All!

Recently I was told that readers, and friends of readers of this blog, are missing the messages that Yusef gave us. I miss them—and Yusef— as well. His going to the “higher heavens to hold humanity in Love” left a void in my life. I was so used to hearing that voice in my head each day.

Well, now there are other voices. I have new Guides now, but I think the names do not matter as much as what these Guides are saying. So I think I’ll begin to share them with you. Thus the change in the header.

NOTE: God never leaves us. We ALL have guidance from “God’s Helpers” if we have ears to hear. If I could encourage you to do one thing, it would be to listen for the voices of God that are constantly speaking to you. And trust that what you are hearing is indeed from the Heavens. I call it the Universe, because that’s what my Dad called it. 🙂 The “GODNESS” is another term I really like—it’s so big!

Just like in the book, God Calling, by A.J. Russell, what the Universe says to me just might be helpful to you. If it isn’t, just disregard. 🙂 Some posts will speak to you more than others.

Have a delightful day! Barbara