I AM THAT (cont.)

We are ONE—moving through your earth lifetime together. I animate you. As you move so I move. You are ME, the I AM, in the physical world. Have you thought of that? As I am JOY so you are JOY.

Cast back to remember the JOY you have experienced…

It is not outwardly manifested as much as it is an internal EXPERIENCE of well-being, contentment with what IS, exhilarated knowing, a sense of oneness and “beyond”—a connection with something bigger. All the cells of the body responding to this connection. There is also a sense of perfect safety no matter the outward circumstance. Joy. Peace.

Yes, your human ego does indeed “get in the way.” But where would you be without it? REMIND the ego you are about MY business. That you appreciate its help, but you have given your will to ME.

It will be relieved. It may fuss since it has grown so used to being in control of every aspect of your life, but ultimately it will remember its true nature, and true function, is to serve you—to help you through this human lifetime.

We are ONE.


Joy is your natural state. Let go of what disturbs your joy.

If Joy is lost to you in the moment, seek it out. When you have released the obstacles to Joy and have realized it was there all along, treasure the discovery! Celebrate it, and do not let anything impede the essence of who you are—JOY!

Joy is not silly; it is not what you would call “happiness.” It is the depth of wonder, contentment, peace. It is always there.

Find it now. It is as pure gold—worth all your effort to uncover.

We are One in Joy with you.

God is Joy

Wonder is a name for God. So also is Joy. When you speak to God, think of speaking to Love and Joy Itself. Ponder this. Feel the wonder of it.

Are love and joy present in your life? If so, revel in them. Attend to them. Notice them in every moment. Love and joy can transform the moments of your day from what they first appear to be to your human self—fearful, depressing, anxiety producing, etc—to an inner peace and surety that all is, and will be, well.

Love and joy resurrect the peace of the soul so that it is present in your every moment. You ARE Love and Joy and Peace. These are your essence, as God is your essence—your divine nature. Remember them. Remember who you are.

Be not afraid. Rejoice. Enjoy life. Have fun. God IS JOY.


Happy 2021! As you may remember, Yusef has been called to the “higher heavens” to “hold humanity in Love.” But before he left he brought Tuoleep forward to me. Tuoleep is a Master and I have come to know her also as Wisdom. She has not given me messages to share much, but she came in with a bang this morning. So, I will be true to her insistence that what she has to say is for all of us. (PS Yusef is still praying for all of humanity. I think we still need that powerful heavenly help.)


On this day that is celebrated as NEW in a NEW YEAR (you do understand that we have no “time” or “new” here but we acknowledge the human need), there will now resume messages. These are from on High with the blessing of the Divine Wonder whom you call Father or God. Many in the Heavens contribute. We are here to serve humankind and all on the Earth.

We have knowledge of other days on your Earth planet. Days of peace, creativity, care for each other and the gifts of creation. We know of the possibilities of such an Earth yet we also recognize that you have suffered the tremendous impact of negative energy from long ago on your world.

It is like your Lion King story. Look at the devastation the animals and earth suffered when under the influence of negative thinking and leadership. But look again when the thinking and leadership changed and the Earth responded in joy. (When we speak of “leadership” we do not refer to one person, but to the negativity of fear that is predominant throughout your planet.)

When LOVE and JOY replace–

…worry, concern, war, anger, the taking up of weapons, the fear of living with the “other” (one different in looks or beliefs or language), the hoarding of goods, the lack of respect for all of life, and more,

…then all in the Earth will respond and return to health and abundance.

Look to those who speak words of joy and encouragement. Those who ask you to care for each other in whatever the need. To withhold judgment and begin to see that you are all connected; that you truly are related—ALL children of the ONE SOURCE, GOD.

If some you know have moved to more negative thinking and behaviors, pray for them. They are YOU. For while you have taken a body that may appear to be separate from your “neighbor,” you are yet a part of them, connected in ways that cannot be broken.

See the other as yourSELF. That is ME going through a COVID illness. That is ME caring for the sick, working in the store, driving the car. That is ME worshipping in a way different from mine. That is ME crying of loneliness. That is ME struggling to pay the bills. That is ME wearing clothes different from mine. That is ME speaking another language. That is ME playing in the snow, walking in the neighborhood, caring for a garden, helping a child.



Care for them. Pray for them. Welcome them. Live together in peace.

We love you and walk with you. Be well.

See the Beauty in the World

When the world seems “evil” and oppressive, that is when you can see the Light best—IF your eyes are open and your heart believes. Then you are able to see Love, and even Joy, in the world.

Can you find Love and Joy in the darker times of your life? If you are unable to find these—to SEE these—which are in truth your ESSENCE, then your eyes have been clouded by the world.

SEE DIFFERENTLY–INTENTIONALLY look for beauty in the world. It is there each day. See it. Look for it. Dwell on it. As the beauty permeates your heart and soul it will transform your seeing little by little.

Finding beauty in the world is seeing the Light that is present—that which you overlook as you go about your days seeing only difficulties, sadness, concerns, and unhappiness. Look past these—see the beauty in the world.

As you do this intentionally, your “seeing” amplifies the Light so that others may also see it—in and through you. And little by little your JOY increases. Ah, such Light that brings! The world is changed through your inner joy!


Guidance From Yusef: Joy Beyond Ego

As I sit to receive the messages from the Guides I call “Yusef,” I always begin with a short invocation (a prayer of sorts). On the day of this message I said, I come to sit in the presence of God my God, Wonder of Wonders, Joy of Joys.

Ah, we resonate with the Joy! Such is life in the beyond. Joy beyond compare. Shed of the earth’s density and tendency for other than joy, we are free to celebrate the wonder of life without ego demands.

Picture/imagine this: A life without competition, jealousy, anger, defeatist thinking, worry, emotional highs and lows, and fears that haunt each day. Can you even imagine this? What would your day be like?

We suggest this is worthy of your pondering…and when you do imagine this, these behaviors of the ego will fade away. It is the mere awareness that there is another way that allows you to slip gently away from the hold the ego has on you.

NOTICE—bring ego reactions into the light of your awareness, then, choose another way. It will seem strange at first because the ego has you in its grasp.

Simply let go of the worries, the need for more, the actions that keep you hostage…and step into the light of who you are—Child of the Most High—free to offer the world your many gifts.

In the Light you will be able to see clearly the true path you have chosen for this earth adventure. You will see what you have come here to do. 

First, free yourself of all things that limit and block the Light that is YOU.


Guidance from Yusef: It’s Time To Let Go of Fear

Happy Spring! This post and the next are exciting in their spirit of hope and the feeling of freedom from all the worries and concerns of life on this planet that bog us down. Yusuf is telling us it’s time to let go of fear. Well, that’s easier said than done. But the beautiful new spring growth on the Earth right now signals new beginnings and I think that is what the heavens want us to focus on now. We have all the help we need to begin to move away from fear and move toward the freedom of inner peace and happiness. Yay!

The joy of the heavens is in stark contrast to the emanations coming from the Earth. This is unnecessary since the potential for joy on the Earth has never been greater.230766536_3adce9b68b_m

The scene is set to move past the influences of fear on the Earth—breaking free as a butterfly would break free of the boundary of the cocoon.

This must be the image put forth. It is time to be free of the constricting bonds of fear. The wonder of that freedom, though new and sometimes a struggle to acclimate to, connects you to the heavens.

Freedom from fear elevates, levitates the soul. More, it allows connection and communion with All That Is (God) in a new way.

Fear is of the Earth. Let go of fear to soar into the heavens while yet on the Earth.

Joy! Freedom!

Guidance From Yusef: Beauty and Joy Counter Darkness


Such a beautiful Universe! Do not lose sight of the beauty. It is beauty, seen and appreciated, that will counter the darkness.

The darkness does gain in energy strength with your current obsession with fear on the earth. Rather look to nature, to the love that abounds there. As negative energies gain momentum and force it is especially important to find joy and beauty–each day, each moment when possible.

Make this a priority. Beauty. Joy. Gratitude. MOST important.

When the energy of FEAR takes hold within the human psyche it seeks to expand. Rather like a cancer it seeks to grow. Do not allow this. The “antidote” to this fear energy is joy, love, laughter, gratitude. In this energy all blossom and bloom. The heart is energized. This is the “sunshine” that allows expansion and growth on the earth. Fear, the opposite, stops growth, stops expansion. This is counter to Universal law.

EnJOY this day! Find opportunities to be in the beauty of nature and in the presence of joyful souls.

Guidance From Yusef: Choose Joy

This Thanksgiving week of 2014, I am reminded that amid all the media reports of devastation, conflict, and horror, we are the ones who must bring joy and love into the world. We can balance the negative energies out there simply by appreciating others and finding moments of joy and gratitude in each day. I don’t think we realize the impact that has in the world. Just think, the simple action of going through the week with a deep inner thanksgiving and appreciation will impact the energy fields throughout the world and out into the Universe.


Joy in the heavens sings forth in gratitude, words for all of humanity. Awaken to the joy that is yours!  

Imagine no fear—only joy—only Love. Do not be concerned regarding events of the future. The future takes care of itself. The future comes out of and is dependent upon the PRESENT. NOW is the important time. Move through the NOWs and worry not. Fear nothing.

Life on this planet hides within it potential and power. Arise now and claim that which belongs to those of the Earth—peace, joy beyond measure, and love. For this you have come to the Earth. Look past the weakness of the human nature to the power within, to the Source of all power—the beginning and the end.

Heed well. BE joy for those who cannot see joy. BE love for truly Love is what you are. And in the Love is Joy. And in the Joy is Light shining forth.