Your Choices Create Your World

Yusef speaks today of the importance of the choices we make. He reminds us that through our choices we “create” our life on Earth.


We resume. You are living in a “reality” now that has been designed by you and those around you. The choices you make in the life you are living, and the choices others are making CREATE the world you live in.

If your life is not full of joy; if it does not bless you and others, then make different choices.

The direction/guidance has been given. Love, integrity, and compassion are all important–for the Earth, for yourself, and for each other. As we have said, governments and institutions not exhibiting these will not last.

There is a simplicity about this. In ALL situations and circumstances–

Choose Love

Act with Integrity

Show Compassion

You do not realize the importance of these actions for the Earth NOW. The light from the Earth is dimming. No actions are more important than these. When each of you acts with love, integrity, and compassion, you balance the lack of these on the Earth. The light they bring will save the earth.

Guidance From Yusef: Let Go of Fear Part 1

We resume.  In the world you live in, the forces of the earth’s density—the collective thinking of those on the earth, and other forces of the earth—are influencing all you do. (We do not say they cause what you do, but they do influence you.) These forces attempt to maintain the status quo of FEAR and all of its many aspects, such as anxiety, greed, worry, concern, anger, power, dread, control, etc. These dominate the thinking of the earth. 

We understand the difficulty of what we ask—that you LET GO OF FEAR, and embrace LOVE. Let Love be your filter in all. As you move through time in your day, let every choice, every decision, every word be of Love, not fear.

Practice this. It will take practice because fear is the default emotion on the earth.

Your ancestors feared for their lives. You do not have the same circumstances now. However, we do acknowledge that some in the world are in a survival mode, as you say. It was their choice, of course, to experience this before they came to the earth, yet this fear also contributes to what we speak of.

How do you let go of fear and all its many presentations in your life? YOU BECOME AWARE OF IT.

And with this injunction we offer you our blessing and our assistance. We are with you.


Guidance From Yusef: Seeing Soul Light, Part 2


If you could see as we see you would observe colors in and around each person, coming forth from them, sometimes surrounding them. 

There may also be a “shine” coming from them—a peace that you can feel. Compassion can also be observed. It is a very bright vibration (light). 

You may see some people pause during the day, and realize that they have moved out of the thinking-mind to center in the heart-mind, allowing the heart, not brain, to lead their way and help them with choices and decisions. When one is centered in the heart—if only for an instant, it is most obvious to us, and to the world. That one appears “different” in the instant that they make the connection to heart.

There are also seekers who are looking for the Light. (They don’t yet realize that they already have the Light within them.) You will recognize these as they take all opportunities to learn, or to be near those who are shining their Light in the world.

There are many who are hiding their Light, afraid to shine out into the world. And there are those who do outward signs to show they are the Light, but what they show is ego-light rather than Soul Light.

Those vibrating at a high frequency (a bright Light) do not proclaim themselves. They ARE the Light and thus have no NEED to show or prove anything. It is WHO they are. These are true beacons.

Come together as people of the Light. The earth needs you.


Guidance From Yusef: Balance and Partnership

YUSEF: Now, there is much coming forth on the Earth regarding climate. Humans will do what they will do, but the message is— 

In every way possible honor Mother Earth. She will save you if respect is given her. 

Think of this not with fear of calamitous events—though these may occur. Think of this time as a RETURN TO BALANCE—a recognition that those on the earth are NOT in control. You may not take and take without respect for the giver.

Think of the relationship as a partnership—each supporting the other with what they can offer—being sensitive not only to the needs of the other, but also the health of the other. For one may have needs greater than the other in some moments.

We do not speak of the relationship of those who live now or have lived in the past close to the earth (Native/Indigenous Peoples). We speak of building a NEW and DIFFERENT relationship based on the state and health of planet earth, as well as  humans and all creatures occupying the planet. 

Pay attention. Find a way. Begin now.

Many in the partnership are not well. Tend first to those needs, mindful of the importance of the health of ALL as you do.

This is a task for the human partner. Earth will respond more quickly than you realize—if you begin NOW. The effort must be made not from one [country], but from all. 

We are with you. Our heavenly scientists have been whispering to those of earth. Listen to their guidance. We too, love the beautiful earth you inhabit. 


Guidance From Yusef: The Human Tribe

We feel, throughout the Heavens, the negative energies coming from the earth. It does not affect us the way it does you, but you must know that the energies go out to all the Universe.

What we ask of you (all) is to think and act differently. People of earth who have attained economic success/wealth, have lost sight of the TRIBAL nature of humans. These have been lulled into believing and thinking that they deserve their possessions; that they alone have achieved their status. This has “elevated” them to a place where they have lost sight of the REALITY that humans are a tribal people.

This loss of the reality of your tribal nature has served to give a false sense of separation. A sense of singular pride in accomplishments. A sense that you no longer need each other—which includes those who are poor, widowed, orphaned, elderly, infirm, displaced, or less able.

The gap grows wider both in thinking that this is reality (it is not), and in actions that further separate.

Humans are disparate as a part and consequence of being intentionally sequestered on an increasingly small planet. You have chosen to be on the Earth at this time for a reason. Your differences allow soul growth as you come together to learn to survive together, to work together, to grow and thrive together—with each other and with the Earth that provides for you.

If some are not thriving, then others must help/assist them so that they too, with whatever limitations they have chosen for this life on earth, will have some measure of “success” in living.

We say that ALL are a part of the great experience of LIVING and LEARNING and GROWING on the Earth. ALL are a part of the ECOSYSTEM that is humanity. It is a grand TRIBAL experience. All in the human adventure are valued and loved. Each one on the earth affects all on the earth.

Some perceive that their wealth and “status” will shelter them from the less “fortunate.” (These are not our words—we have no understanding of these concepts except through your understanding.) Wealth and status can never shelter completely. They do, however, cause a hardening of heart toward the less fortunate so that their suffering will not impact the life lived in increasing isolation.This is the meaning behind the words Jesus spoke regarding wealth.

We caution you now and tell you that you are all in the Earth experience together at this time for a reason. Do not succumb to the lures of the world that separate you. You are the Human Tribe. Take care of each other. Grow together. Celebrate life on the Earth. Assure the well being of all. Do what must be done for those who need assistance. You are together for a reason. You need each other.

Be well. We shower you now with love and blessings.

Guidance From Yusef: Law in the Universe

We continue with what we have called the LAW that governs the Heavens and the Earth. 

As you can readily observe, the Earth is in pain—suffering from actions that would TAKE without considering replenishment, and USE freely without considering the ecology of consumption.

The Law of Love—respect, regard, care, honor—has not been followed here. Thus the NATURAL consequences will unfold as a result.

There is yet time to begin the recovery. To begin anew in the care of the Mother who also sustains your human existence. All efforts are worthy.

This is an example of the LAW that governs the Universe. When love, respect, regard, and care abound, there is abundance, joy, peace. Where they do not, there is grief, sadness, and death. The consequences follow the actions. Law.

There is no punitive God on high measuring out punishment or justice. There are only natural consequences for action. 

Actions of love reap peace and joy. Actions of violence reap violence.

LOVE! Become AWARE of each action you take—is it kind, caring, respectful? Take always the “high road.” The highest vibration you can manage. It will return to you 10 fold. It is the LAW.


Guidance From Yusef: The World is on a Precipice

My Guides tell me that the world is on a dangerous precipice right now, and they are not sure which way it will go. They gave me these “instructions”:

Love, Love, Love!*

Pray for peace—actively and without ceasing.**

Do not fear! This diverts your energy from Love, and it is only through Love and Prayer that the world will be saved.

*When we are showing love, we are giving off a light that can balance and even counter the hate. We are to remember that love is more powerful than hate and fear. Love to me is active here—connect with loved ones, do acts of service, be joyful and caring—any way we can give off positive light. I am especially sending love to the people in North and South Korea, and those in any other countries who are living in fear right now. They certainly need it.

**Pray as often as you can. I am calling on all the Heavens—the Father, Jesus, Spirit, Mary, the Angels, my favorite Saints…praying for peace as I go through my day. I’m leaving the details, the “how” it can be done, to God. 🙂

Love, Light, and Prayers for Peace,


Guidance From Yusef: A Dangerous Time

Greetings to all. This message has a tone that feels serious and important to me. I share it with you now because you, the readers of this blog, are awake. But it is becoming more difficult for you and me to stay focused on love and light as the world darkens.

We are only asked to do what we do—love those around us, care for those who need us, stay positive in our word and action, pray or meditate or do whatever it is you do to connect with the Divine, and continue to bring Light into this darkening world.

YUSEF: Humans have begun to have their attention and awareness clouded. There is so much negativity on the Earth that it is consuming time, attention, and energy. It is easy to distract.

The messages coming from this negativity take so much energy that there is not enough energy left to focus in a more positive direction. These are signs. Signs to cause great concern.

Many are being lulled to sleep now. They are losing the ability to see the way clearly. Hypnotized by evil. It comes in a way that is difficult to see as such. 

AWAKEN!! Look to those pointing in another direction. Pray, meditate, keep your focus on care for others, compassion, love, joy, and hope. These will bring your energy and vibration back to the Light. This will help you and the world to see more clearly. Remain in the Light!

This is a dangerous time. Be cautious. Evil is having its day. Continue to be mindful of what comes through your gate. Raise your antennae, as you say, to be able to discern good from evil. Your focus must remain on Love.

The Angels and all the Heavens are here to assist.

Guidance From Yusef: Transformation and Transcendence


Transformation and transcendence are concepts that deserve attention.

In transcendence the human nature is transformed from simple ego-self to shining Light-self, allowing the Soul to be present through the Human body. Then actions taken are the Soul present to the world. 

Jesus exemplified this. Look closely at the life and actions of Jesus to see only Spirit/Soul, and thus God, present to the Earth. Thus did Jesus show the Way.

The ‘how’ of transcendence is not complicated. Live from your Higher Self, becoming more and more AWARE of that which does not resonate with this vibrational frequency.

When actions are taken from a lower vibration, transcend these–let go of the motivations thus causing these responses.

As each motivation is transformed or let go, then increasingly your life becomes a Light in the world.

Be aware. Let go. Transform. Transcend. Shine forth.

And then do the Heavens ‘prepare a place’ for your Spirit/Soul, transformed by the growth opportunities and life lived on the Earth, having transcended the lower vibrations to become the higher frequency of Light and Love.

And thus is the Earth and all the Heavens blessed and made whole.

Guidance From Yusef: The Nothingness of Silence

Barbara: This one is full of wisdom, and encourages us again to go into silence in order to meet God there. It is counterintuitive to we humans to think of God as being in the “nothingness,” but remember that NOTHINGNESS is EVERYTHING that is.


In the midst of the noise find silence. It is there—to be sought, cherished, clung to. For in the silence is One and Oneness. In the silence is All, and All’s nothingness. The paradox is that in the no-thingness is All That Is (God).

Greet the nothingness with open arms—embracing the unseen reality. Embrace it. Enter into it willingly, joyfully, dancing with gleeful surrender.

Fall into the lovingness of All That Is (God). Be energized therein to return to the Earth’s human state. Each time you return you will be changed, bringing back a new vibration to enrich Earth.

Do we GO somewhere?

There is no “going” and no “somewhere,” yet in your humanness we recognize the need to understand this.

Indeed the Soul “travels” to that which is beyond human understanding. And yet there is no movement to, or away from. There is merely THERE or IS or BEING. A shift takes place that is a different state of awareness beyond your human consciousness. It is true “communion” with God.

It is in this state we meet you in the fullness of All That Is. Is it here that Soul connects to Soul.