Guidance From Yusef: The World is on a Precipice

My Guides tell me that the world is on a dangerous precipice right now, and they are not sure which way it will go. They gave me these “instructions”:

Love, Love, Love!*

Pray for peace—actively and without ceasing.**

Do not fear! This diverts your energy from Love, and it is only through Love and Prayer that the world will be saved.

*When we are showing love, we are giving off a light that can balance and even counter the hate. We are to remember that love is more powerful than hate and fear. Love to me is active here—connect with loved ones, do acts of service, be joyful and caring—any way we can give off positive light. I am especially sending love to the people in North and South Korea, and those in any other countries who are living in fear right now. They certainly need it.

**Pray as often as you can. I am calling on all the Heavens—the Father, Jesus, Spirit, Mary, the Angels, my favorite Saints…praying for peace as I go through my day. I’m leaving the details, the “how” it can be done, to God. 🙂

Love, Light, and Prayers for Peace,


Guidance From Yusef: Pay Attention. Be Light for Others

Yusef begins this message reminding us that God is with us.  So often in our busy and often stressed lives we lose sight of that fact.  We think we are going it alone, that there are no other resources available to us.

Yusef says that there are dark forces on the Earth that we need to pay attention to, but at the same time to remember that we are LIGHT and there is nothing to fear.  God is with us always. That might be hard to remember for those who have lost a job, or declared bankruptcy, or are experiencing an illness, or are still cleaning up after a “superstorm” weather event.

It is in the darker times that we can look to those who continue to trust and shine their LIGHT through the darkness for us all to see.  They give us all HOPE!  They remind us that we, too, are children of the light.

Shine on through whatever you are experiencing today!  Remember you are LIGHT, connected to the Source and Power of Love, and you are never alone. We have God’s assurance that the “power of LOVE prevails”.


The warnings have been given.  Pay attention to that which you know.  God is One.  All are of God.  God is All.  In all the Universes, in all the ‘places’, in all the heavens, God IS.  The power and wonder are beyond the beyond.  And yet God Is.  In Love, Light and merciful Goodness, God is.

Yet there are forces beyond the goodness.  Beware the darkness.  Remain in the Light.  Sense keenly when darkness nears.  Fear nothing, yet be aware.  Eliminate any inkling/semblance of fear.  The power of Love prevails.

images-3The world darkens before the Light may pierce its force.  And yet Light is the visible sign of Love present.  Light cuts through the darkness and shines upon the contrasting dark. 

The darkness allows the Light to be seen by those who need encouragement to remember the Light.

Thus is love, ofttimes a tiny spark, yet that spark shining forth is unstoppable if allowed to “beam” forth.