Guidance From Yusef: On Miracles

Yusef speaks today of miracles. We humans think that a miracle is “…an event not explicable by natural or scientific laws. Such an event may be attributed to a supernatural being (God or gods), a miracle worker, a saint or a religious leader.” (Wikipedia)

Therefore, most of us think that miracles are beyond our reach.  Yusef seems to suggest that the working of what we would term a ‘miracle’ is accessible to all of us. Well, that actually may be true, as quantum physics has indicated, but there is so much more to it.

I think of this post as a nudge from the heavens to expand our thinking. Quite a challenge.


Miracles, or the miraculous, are the manifestation of potential in the physical. Miracles are the “play” of the Universe on the Earth. They demonstrate the malleability, or impermanence of the configuration of matter.

Miracles appear wondrous because the human mind thinks that matter, things, are in a permanent state that cannot be changed or manipulated. It must appear this way to you at first to ‘secure’ the world for your initial orientation. Yet matter is arranged in permanent form only in the mind that is unwilling to see its potential for re-arrangement.

Now, it is useful to allow some matter to remain in the configuration chosen. However, if the configuration is not beneficial, then SEE IT DIFFERENTLY.

Your mind is the only barrier to the rearranging of matter to a more beneficial state.

The responsibility that accompanies this Knowing is great, thus the movement of matter and the doing of ‘miracles’ also involves more than the human sense and understanding. Miracle working is yours when you can access the sense beyond the senses AND the Love necessary to affect transformation. This involves opening the heart to bring the ‘beyond’ to the Earth. 


Guidance from Yusef: It’s Time To Let Go of Fear

Happy Spring! This post and the next are exciting in their spirit of hope and the feeling of freedom from all the worries and concerns of life on this planet that bog us down. Yusuf is telling us it’s time to let go of fear. Well, that’s easier said than done. But the beautiful new spring growth on the Earth right now signals new beginnings and I think that is what the heavens want us to focus on now. We have all the help we need to begin to move away from fear and move toward the freedom of inner peace and happiness. Yay!

The joy of the heavens is in stark contrast to the emanations coming from the Earth. This is unnecessary since the potential for joy on the Earth has never been greater.230766536_3adce9b68b_m

The scene is set to move past the influences of fear on the Earth—breaking free as a butterfly would break free of the boundary of the cocoon.

This must be the image put forth. It is time to be free of the constricting bonds of fear. The wonder of that freedom, though new and sometimes a struggle to acclimate to, connects you to the heavens.

Freedom from fear elevates, levitates the soul. More, it allows connection and communion with All That Is (God) in a new way.

Fear is of the Earth. Let go of fear to soar into the heavens while yet on the Earth.

Joy! Freedom!

Guidance From Yusef: Beauty and Joy Counter Darkness


Such a beautiful Universe! Do not lose sight of the beauty. It is beauty, seen and appreciated, that will counter the darkness.

The darkness does gain in energy strength with your current obsession with fear on the earth. Rather look to nature, to the love that abounds there. As negative energies gain momentum and force it is especially important to find joy and beauty–each day, each moment when possible.

Make this a priority. Beauty. Joy. Gratitude. MOST important.

When the energy of FEAR takes hold within the human psyche it seeks to expand. Rather like a cancer it seeks to grow. Do not allow this. The “antidote” to this fear energy is joy, love, laughter, gratitude. In this energy all blossom and bloom. The heart is energized. This is the “sunshine” that allows expansion and growth on the earth. Fear, the opposite, stops growth, stops expansion. This is counter to Universal law.

EnJOY this day! Find opportunities to be in the beauty of nature and in the presence of joyful souls.

Guidance From Yusef: Happy New Year


Yusef tells us that there really is no “time”, but the heavens understand our Earthly need to count the hours, days, and years–sort of. It seems to be a bit of a stretch for them but they love us so much they try hard to understand. 🙂

In that spirit, I send wishes to all for a year filled with love, joy, and the awareness that you are much more than you think you are–much more. You are one with the One, Source of all that is, God. You are a Spirit being journeying through this short lifetime on the Earth.

This year I hope you delight in the gift of this amazing physical life, and will take special care of yourself, each other, and our Mother Earth. The vibrations of those efforts will bless all on the Earth and in the heavens.

Sending you all Blessings of Peace for 2015!

Guidance From Yusef: Our Precious Resources


imagesRegarding the state of your world,  the environment is changing rapidly.  This impacts in ways you cannot imagine.

The Earth, your home, is severely threatened.  It is of utmost concern and priority for humans.  Change what must be changed to conserve and preserve the resources necessary for life.  Here are the actions to take:

In the living of each day, all must raise their awareness regarding how resources are used–by each person.

The people of the Earth, in order to preserve and conserve what is necessary for life, must CHANGE the method of consumption of precious resources.

The thoughtless use of resources must be transformed to an honoring of that which the Earth produces.

Live in tune with the Earth.