I said the same little prayer/mantra that I used to say to Yusef: I come singing of the Wonder and Glory of God. Then I heard…

You await the words that came so oftenconsoling, educating, guiding you. The path to ME requires letting go of all footholds.

Yes, I am Wonder, and Might, and Glory…and it helps humans to sense that. But those words SEPARATE us. They cause you to want to bow down, to worship.

Yes, I AM THAT—incomprehensible to you now and thus I may seem far away…above…beyond. And yet I am as close as your thoughts, the breath you take.

It is difficult to believe the ONE of all the Universes also walks with you every step in your day. Takes each breath with you. How can that be reconciled in your human thinking?

Who do you speak to? The Wonder of the Heavens, or the I AM within every cell of your own body?


Happy 2021! As you may remember, Yusef has been called to the “higher heavens” to “hold humanity in Love.” But before he left he brought Tuoleep forward to me. Tuoleep is a Master and I have come to know her also as Wisdom. She has not given me messages to share much, but she came in with a bang this morning. So, I will be true to her insistence that what she has to say is for all of us. (PS Yusef is still praying for all of humanity. I think we still need that powerful heavenly help.)


On this day that is celebrated as NEW in a NEW YEAR (you do understand that we have no “time” or “new” here but we acknowledge the human need), there will now resume messages. These are from on High with the blessing of the Divine Wonder whom you call Father or God. Many in the Heavens contribute. We are here to serve humankind and all on the Earth.

We have knowledge of other days on your Earth planet. Days of peace, creativity, care for each other and the gifts of creation. We know of the possibilities of such an Earth yet we also recognize that you have suffered the tremendous impact of negative energy from long ago on your world.

It is like your Lion King story. Look at the devastation the animals and earth suffered when under the influence of negative thinking and leadership. But look again when the thinking and leadership changed and the Earth responded in joy. (When we speak of “leadership” we do not refer to one person, but to the negativity of fear that is predominant throughout your planet.)

When LOVE and JOY replace–

…worry, concern, war, anger, the taking up of weapons, the fear of living with the “other” (one different in looks or beliefs or language), the hoarding of goods, the lack of respect for all of life, and more,

…then all in the Earth will respond and return to health and abundance.

Look to those who speak words of joy and encouragement. Those who ask you to care for each other in whatever the need. To withhold judgment and begin to see that you are all connected; that you truly are related—ALL children of the ONE SOURCE, GOD.

If some you know have moved to more negative thinking and behaviors, pray for them. They are YOU. For while you have taken a body that may appear to be separate from your “neighbor,” you are yet a part of them, connected in ways that cannot be broken.

See the other as yourSELF. That is ME going through a COVID illness. That is ME caring for the sick, working in the store, driving the car. That is ME worshipping in a way different from mine. That is ME crying of loneliness. That is ME struggling to pay the bills. That is ME wearing clothes different from mine. That is ME speaking another language. That is ME playing in the snow, walking in the neighborhood, caring for a garden, helping a child.



Care for them. Pray for them. Welcome them. Live together in peace.

We love you and walk with you. Be well.


It is willing surrender that gains the Grace to move forward—always in my care. Do not take it back once given. Do not dilute the offer. It would be like one step forward and two steps back.

Your surrender to my Will unlocks untold Graces and support from those [Angels and Guides] waiting to serve you.

Remain steadfast, walking with me in all things. Wander not alone—a lonely path. Hand in hand with me always—no matter the circumstance about you.

Do you think for one moment you are not loved and cared for? Entertain not these thoughts. You are held in precious, ceaseless LOVE. You are NEVER alone, never out of my sight, out of my loving embrace. You and I are ONE—inseparable. Never have you, nor could you, experience this love without faith in my presence with you.

Turn again and again to me. We are ONE, not TWO. We walk together. When your WILL is my WILL you will know me.

The Greatest Danger

We resume. Humans have not yet realized the basics of living on the Earth plane—why you are here, who you truly are, the true blessings and true dangers.

We speak of the dangers now.

The greatest danger is from yourself!  Are you surprised? Most do not realize this. If you did you would move mountains (as you say) to discover what within yourself keeps you from living in the Heaven that is available to you right now—every day.

There is indeed an evil force in your world whose works can be easily recognized. But there is a subtler application of this evil that is less easily recognized and is among you as yourself!

You do the work of evil when you allow the ego to tell you what is not true. When you choose to exclude and judge rather than embrace and include. When you allow your subtle fears of anxiety and concern to cloud the love that you are. You are safe in the embrace of the Divine who holds you in a great Love that shows up as blessing and grace. Cling to this assurance.

We say you must know yourself and love yourself, yet you are all in this world together for a reason. The other [person] IS also yourself.

The great lie being told is that you are alone, that your comforts come first. You are not separate from your brother and sister. You are one with him or her—connected through the Divine DNA you EACH carry within the spirit of your self. 

Remember what Jesus said—Love God, and love your neighbor as you love yourself.

In Love, Yusef