Guidance from Yusef: It’s Time To Let Go of Fear

Happy Spring! This post and the next are exciting in their spirit of hope and the feeling of freedom from all the worries and concerns of life on this planet that bog us down. Yusuf is telling us it’s time to let go of fear. Well, that’s easier said than done. But the beautiful new spring growth on the Earth right now signals new beginnings and I think that is what the heavens want us to focus on now. We have all the help we need to begin to move away from fear and move toward the freedom of inner peace and happiness. Yay!

The joy of the heavens is in stark contrast to the emanations coming from the Earth. This is unnecessary since the potential for joy on the Earth has never been greater.230766536_3adce9b68b_m

The scene is set to move past the influences of fear on the Earth—breaking free as a butterfly would break free of the boundary of the cocoon.

This must be the image put forth. It is time to be free of the constricting bonds of fear. The wonder of that freedom, though new and sometimes a struggle to acclimate to, connects you to the heavens.

Freedom from fear elevates, levitates the soul. More, it allows connection and communion with All That Is (God) in a new way.

Fear is of the Earth. Let go of fear to soar into the heavens while yet on the Earth.

Joy! Freedom!

Guidance From Yusef: Darkness and Fear

Barbara: Yusef today talks about the dark side and fear. It is my understanding that refers not only to the abbhorent acts taking place in the world today, but also refers to our response to them. Some human forces in the world (and the media) would have us be afraid and fearful of everything. The energy of fear is contagious and the fact that Yusef says the world is sending out more and more fear should alarm us.  Our being fearful blocks light, love, and joy which are the only “weapons” we have against darkness. Today I pray we can look to the light within us, the light from the heavens, and the beauty and love still very present in the world. As the Light grows stronger the darkness cannot be sustained.


The world you now occupy remains precarious. There is a tipping toward the dark side of FEAR rather than light and love.

Now we must assert that there is no real “dark side.” However, there is an energy that comes from the increasing fear in the world. In actuality it is most important to remember that it has no force other than what you give it.

Therefore it is not necessary to “take up arms” or “do battle” against this force. It is only necessary to turn to love and joy. In this light the darkness has no power.

Find the light–the joy in this day and every day–MOST IMPORTANT.


Guidance From Yusef: Beauty and Joy Counter Darkness


Such a beautiful Universe! Do not lose sight of the beauty. It is beauty, seen and appreciated, that will counter the darkness.

The darkness does gain in energy strength with your current obsession with fear on the earth. Rather look to nature, to the love that abounds there. As negative energies gain momentum and force it is especially important to find joy and beauty–each day, each moment when possible.

Make this a priority. Beauty. Joy. Gratitude. MOST important.

When the energy of FEAR takes hold within the human psyche it seeks to expand. Rather like a cancer it seeks to grow. Do not allow this. The “antidote” to this fear energy is joy, love, laughter, gratitude. In this energy all blossom and bloom. The heart is energized. This is the “sunshine” that allows expansion and growth on the earth. Fear, the opposite, stops growth, stops expansion. This is counter to Universal law.

EnJOY this day! Find opportunities to be in the beauty of nature and in the presence of joyful souls.

Guidance From Yusef: Choose Joy

This Thanksgiving week of 2014, I am reminded that amid all the media reports of devastation, conflict, and horror, we are the ones who must bring joy and love into the world. We can balance the negative energies out there simply by appreciating others and finding moments of joy and gratitude in each day. I don’t think we realize the impact that has in the world. Just think, the simple action of going through the week with a deep inner thanksgiving and appreciation will impact the energy fields throughout the world and out into the Universe.


Joy in the heavens sings forth in gratitude, words for all of humanity. Awaken to the joy that is yours!  

Imagine no fear—only joy—only Love. Do not be concerned regarding events of the future. The future takes care of itself. The future comes out of and is dependent upon the PRESENT. NOW is the important time. Move through the NOWs and worry not. Fear nothing.

Life on this planet hides within it potential and power. Arise now and claim that which belongs to those of the Earth—peace, joy beyond measure, and love. For this you have come to the Earth. Look past the weakness of the human nature to the power within, to the Source of all power—the beginning and the end.

Heed well. BE joy for those who cannot see joy. BE love for truly Love is what you are. And in the Love is Joy. And in the Joy is Light shining forth.

Guidance From Yusef: Positive Energy

Norman Vincent Peale had it right when he wrote in his book, The Power of Positive Thinking, that when you “change your thoughts…you change your world”.images-1

Yusef tells us to be mindful of our thoughts and actions because they affect our daily lives, but they also live forever in the Universe!!

We are also impacted by the energy of those around us—both positive and negative.  Yusef entreats us to remove “all negative thoughts and worries and doubts” in our own thinking and be aware of the energy around us. Is the energy from  friends, co-workers, and family positive, loving, and growth producing?

The sequence is important.  First be aware of your own thoughts and actions, and then begin to notice those around you.

The more positive (thoughtful and considerate) energy we can generate, the more those around us will be impacted.  It’s worth the effort, and it begins with each of us.


THINK CAREFULLY. ACT WITH THOUGHTFUL CONSIDERATION and with the knowledge that your actions will impact now and forever all in the Universe. This seems improbable and impossible. Actually it is a fact and worthy of your attention.

You and your body are reacting constantly to the thoughts and actions in your environment. All affects all. 

REMOVE ALL NEGATIVE THOUGHTS AND WORRIES AND DOUBTS. Live only in love and in the light. It is most important, and worth the effort to remove negativity from your own thinking and action—and from your environment.

BE MINDFUL OF THE ENERGY SURROUNDING YOU. Remove yourself from negative or draining energy. Place yourself within energy fields that support your growth.


Guidance From Yusef: Unwavering Faith, Joy, and Peace in The Coming Times

A theme of hope in the face of the reality of the times is emerging as Yusef dictates on this topic.  We must respond “in unwavering faith and joy and peace”, and in the confidence that we are not alone, but instead have Divine assistance that will enable us to persevere.

Ready for that which is coming.  Strength is in unwavering faith and joy and peace.  And in these are blessing.

Joyfully prepare. Remember the peace beyond peace. Practice this. Fear nothing. Teach this way of God Most High.  That in LOVE is all power and peace and joy.  The Love beyond love.

Peace in all things, at all times.  Practice this.  Share this with all.  That in the peace God may be heard/felt/realized.  That in the peace is the way recognized and the secrets told.  That in the peace the way can be seen.

This peace may be transmitted/beamed from person to person—contagious as you say.  This peace becomes the scene, the frame, the potential within which grows awareness.  And from which truth is shared.  Unseen, truth is beamed within the mantle of peace.

Going forth from the emanations of peace are the pathways opened for those to come to God.  Thus are blessings rained down.  Peace.

We are urged to “practice peace”.  This is a powerful message to act from a place of deep trust and faith in the face of all eventualities.  We are to go to the “peace beyond peace”, that inner connection to the source of Love where there is no fear.  I asked Yusef to explain the term, “beyond” used in this transmission when he referred to wonder, joy, and peace.

The words used are an indication of the concept conveyed but do not reach the total “thought”.  Look to the indication, the signpost, to see the fullness of the concept.  The glimmer is an indication of the intensity.  It is NOT the intensity.

The peace we can experience as humans is merely the signpost.  It is a glimmer of the true peace that is of God.  We are to connect then to the Source and in that connection experience the peace of soul.


Guidance From Yusef: A Personal Note

Barbara: I have been encouraged to post this personal addition to the previous post:

I think I was forever changed when I realized for the first time that I have total power over my life. I had created my own life. God gave me the total freedom to do that. Free will! Wow! Life changing.

Oh, but then it followed that I was responsible for what my life looked like. I had no one to “blame” but myself. Ouch! That was a time of letting go of what I call “circling the wagons and pointing the guns (of blame) out”.  I love that image.  I had no one left to blame for my life circumstances–not my parents, my lack of money or time, my boss or co-workers, my spouse or children, or even my ancestors.  My life was the result of the responses, the choices, that I had made to life, one by one, throughout the years.

So I started looking at how I was responding to the people and events in my life, and what I was attracting to myself by those very responses. I began to see that when I was angry I found fault in those around me, and plenty of opportunities to be angry; when I was dissatisfied with where I was or what I had, I found a greater need for possessions or people; when I was judgmental then everyone and everything in my life needed to be fixed or changed.  Psychologists would call that “projection”.  I was projecting into the world and into my life who I was within myself!

Once I began to awaken and to take responsibility for my choices, something else happened. My ego began to act out. The ego comes with our human nature, but it is not our friend. It is jealous, deceitful, judgmental, protective of itself, and likes to live in the past or the future, and fret about both. It tells us to be afraid–that others and the world are out to get us, and that we must protect ourselves. It says we are not worthy, have many flaws, aren’t competent, are too fat, short, tall, etc.  My ego, in an attempt to retain control, went into “blame and shame” overtime.

By then it was too late, however.  I had discovered the truth.  I was in charge of my life, co-creating it with God each day.  If I wanted my life to change in any way I was the one who had to change it. If I had allowed the ego defenses that I had built up, then I could also supervise their tearing down.

That looking at the reality of myself led to the discovery of my Soul…that incredible, wonderful, True Self of me. And once I realized who I truly am–a spiritual being living in a human experience–well, everything changed. The True Self, or Soul nature, is non-judgmental, open, joyful, loving, and best of all, fearless. It doesn’t know anxiety, anger, unworthiness, blame or shame. It is the divine nature of us–the DNA of God. Which is why we can call God, Father.  And oh, the freedom I felt with the discovery of that truth!! I had experienced a glimpse of Heaven.

I began to be more aware of, and live out of, my Soul nature rather than my ego. I am still human, of course, and go back and forth between ego and Soul, but I have tasted the love, joy, and reality of my connection to the Divine Oneness, and I am aware of who I really am.  Now my challenge (and yours) is to live that out–to BE love, joy, and hope in the world more and more every day.

Blessings to all today!



Guidance From Yusef: Hearts Recognize the Frequency of Love

It’s all about the frequency of our vibration. The higher the frequency, the brighter our inner light. We can best “see” the light of love from our hearts.

images-12Yusef tells us to center ourselves more in the heart space, that is, move deliberately to a place within ourselves of love, joy, or even bliss. From that place our hearts can recognize others who also vibrate with love and joy, join with them, and make love more visible on this Earth.

Note: Heart recognition happens even if we aren’t aware–we don’t have to be conscious of it.  But it’s fun to realize that when a loving heart joins with another loving heart the light shines brighter in the world.

Shining the light of Love today–consciously!


LOVE IS ENERGY VIBRATING AT A VISIBLE LIGHT LEVEL. It is not only visible, but palpable. This energy can be sensed, or felt. The heart center is most attuned to the vibrational level of love.

Look to the hearts of those in proximity. In this will the truth of [your] vibrational attainment be observable. Pay attention to the response of the heart within. Allow heart to sense heart. Keep the mind in the background. Thus free of thinking, which taints all perception, you will be free to perceive that which is true.

HEART RECOGNITION is step one. Practice this. Rejoice. Adopt a rejoicing heart. Thus will the heart be receptive to knowing, to recognition of other hearts, to the light. The “intelligence” of the heart, which “sees and knows”, is true. Sharpen the heart sense.

Advancement is [also] accomplished by being STILL. In the stillness be aware of all dancing [vibration] within and without. Aliveness is in the stillness. Awareness involves the body and all that it allows [as well as] the Spirit sense and Soul awareness. Practice this.

You are [all] within the vibrational pattern [of God] but you are not aware of it. This vibration actually allows the existence you are in.  As the awareness of God grows, the vibrations join one upon the next and the next, increasing exponentially to gain in momentum outward.  The pulse is then able to travel, expand and penetrate all.



Sharing the Energy of Joy!

images-19If we want to shine in this world with a brighter light, it’s all about the frequency of our vibration. Joy, for instance, has its own frequency. According to Yusef, if we want more joy in our lives then we must begin to BE more joyful–that is, vibrate at the frequency of joy.  When we do it is contagious and everyone around us can feel the “vibes” coming from us. Let the joy begin!


Heaven is truly “buzzing” could this be observed. Yet entities are not scurrying madly about. There is a calm and peace amid the activity. And yet we are “abuzz”, interacting and increasing the energy levels as the vibrations stimulate the field and then return, multiplied, to the “sender”.

Joy is palpable. It is calibrated energy rippling throughout the world joining Joy to Joy—reproducing and raining down into the hearts that allow it.  A closed heart is not the benefactor or recipient of this joy.

Regarding the frequency of Joy…it is like the tight guitar string, capable of a sweet lilting sound. Sadness sounds like the low guitar string—humming at a low frequency, sounding coincidentally like “sad”.

The sound of Joy is coherent, pervasive, penetrating, and contains high energy. It’s sound vibrates throughout the Universe. Low vibrational sounds [on the other hand] quickly fall away. They do not carry unless they encounter another of similar vibrational frequency and then the hum transfers and continues.

These frequencies are almost observable, palpable to the sensitive. Most simply, accept the blessings of the knowledge, joy, and love present with the sharing of vibrating energy.