Guidance From Heaven: We Asked For It

Yusef tells us today that we have asked for everything that comes into our lives.  That may be hard to believe in some circumstances–quite hard. How can all the “bad” things be from God, and requested by us?

You may find yourself fighting against some life circumstances, feeling sorry for yourself about others, or resisting the people and events that life brings you. But if you remember that this is the Earth School and our Souls have come here to learn and grow, then you may begin to look at what each day brings in a different way.

We are all asked to pay attention to what life brings us, without judgment about its goodness or badness.  It is all at our Soul’s request.


Begin this day and every day with thanksgiving–gratefulness for whatever circumstances or situations present themselves in your living that day.

There is nothing that comes into your life that you have not in some way requested from God.

The request is seldom verbal and may not even be a conscious (thought) request from you. Rather, it comes from deep within you as a part of the Plan your Soul designed with God before you came into this world.

ALL that enters your life–whether it be events, people, or physical manifestations [things]–ALL are your Soul’s intention.

Let us explain further.

Your requests follow the Plan prepared by you and God. Thus is this Plan the design of your Soul.

The designs (Plans) of the Souls on Earth serve a multitude of purposes that are hidden during the lifetime. Far too complex for your concern. The important thing to note, as you say, is that everything and everyone in your life is there at your conscious or unconscious request.

It is all there for you to first experience, and then to respond to. Things are not just happening “to” you. You have asked that they happen to teach you what you came here to learn.

The more conscious and aware you are of this, the greater the learning and growth will be.  The visible evidence of this growth will be the peace and acceptance you feel with all that life brings to you.

However, if the circumstances and people in your life at this time are no longer of benefit to you, you have the power to make the changes that will bring you greater inner peace. The entire Universe/God will support all your desires/requests.

“Bad, or unwanted experiences, are only what we call experiences whose part in our growth and integration we do not yet understand. The minute we understand that ALL experiences enrich our life because they all cause learning and growth, no experience is seen as bad.” Teal Swan




Guidance From Yusef: Three Injunctions

It has been many years since Yusef first gave me what I call the Three Injunctions. (Dictionary def of injunction: An authoritative warning or order.)

They came out of nowhere, as Yusef’s messages often do. They were very clear and authoritative, but came with no further explanation or instruction.  I guess I was supposed to understand them right away, but I must confess that it has taken me years to learn their meaning for my life.

There are only six words, but they are very powerful and life changing and I share them now with you.

The Three Injunctions:

Pay Attention

The Divine speaks through every person, event, circumstance, and place in your life.  Nothing is coincidence.  Once God has your attention you can receive the messages of love and guidance the Heavens have to offer you.

See Differently

Get past the filters of bias, prejudice, and the old stories you carry from childhood and religious teachings in order to see every person, event, place, etc. through the eyes of the Soul.

See without judgment of any kind.  See only with compassion, wisdom, understanding, and love.

Take Nothing

How many possessions/things do you need?  How many do you want?  How many can you live without?

What stories, or hurts, or memories from the past are you still carrying with you?

Let go of the past.  Let go of what no longer serves you.

NOTE:  These six words have been a guide for my soul growth, but their depth and meaning must be discovered by each person within their own life.  I wish you blessings on your journey!




Guidance From Yusef: A Time of Peace Comes

Yusef has given us volumes on Light and Love and its importance for ourselves and for the world. But now he is showing us what the results of sharing it will be!

It is up to each of us to bring our Light of Love into the world–that will result in the Peace Yusef describes. Join me in making it our conscious mission for today and for this New Year:

To be more loving, more open to the Christ Light within, more hopeful, more accepting, more conscious of our Oneness with all that is, more AWAKE and AWARE. To look past the illusion that the world gives us to the true reality that is God With Us (Emmanuel).

I continue with The Coming Times predictions. This one excites me at the deepest level, thinking of the peaceful possibilities for our terribly troubled world.


In the coming time is the PEACE that is already overwhelming those who have awakened. These will know great joy, and will build joy upon joy.  Peace will be the foundation from which will come:

  • first appreciation,
  • then gratitude,
  • then joy, and
  • overwhelming Love.

In that Love will the potential flower/blossom.   In that Love will a new era exist.  This era will move humanity forward in an evolution as yet unseen–exponentially beyond what has been known.

In that era will those awakened delight in generative activity, moving humankind forward. 

In that time will peace prevail.

In that time the children born will also move humankind forward in ways not seen before.

In that time will nations come together.  The world will indeed recognize that it is one community.

 The strong will be those seeking peace, greater communication, and openness to all cultures and peoples.


Guidance From Yusef: The Birth of the Ego

Well, this is a BIG ONE—at least to me.  Yusef tells us how the Human EGO began.  He tells us that humanity was quite peaceful once. It was “a time of great and wondrous experience of life in the physical—Spirit experiencing the physical”.  But the simplest concept of “more and less” was introduced onto the Earth.  Then, in order to gain “more” and protect against “less”, humans developed a protective mechanism, the Ego, that separated us from each other.

images-5When I think of how simple it was to spiral a joyful, loving, peaceful community into the illusion of separateness that turned neighbor against neighbor, I am astonished and saddened.  Wow!  We have had eons of waging war to gain “more” and protect against “less”, but at last we are awakening to the notion that we are all in this together, and that peace is again a possibility for humanity.


This is a teaching on EGO.

This aspect of the human experience was necessary for the preservation of humanity when it shifted from a peaceful existence to other than peace.

Forces intruded into the physical to make it aware of ‘more and less’.  The simple concept of ‘more and less’ set into motion the whole range of ego response that looks like what is found in your world today.

Now this is very real.  A [seemingly] needed protection, though the “need” was faulty and an illusion, turned humanity away from the joy and peace it knew and toward the many “dualities” present in your world.

The time of peace in your physical world was very real.  A time of great and wondrous experience of life in the physical–Spirit experiencing the physical.  What a wondrous thing!!!

Now this protective aspect that arose during the illusion of need became itself—reveling in its own power.  Clinging and nourishing its power with degrees of duality in the physical world.

Those more open to it used it to become seemingly more “powerful” and thus the illusion continued and grew stronger. Humanity was susceptible/vulnerable to the influence suggesting ‘more and less’.  A simple idea that contaminated the peace that existed then.


Guidance From Yusef: Unwavering Faith, Joy, and Peace in The Coming Times

A theme of hope in the face of the reality of the times is emerging as Yusef dictates on this topic.  We must respond “in unwavering faith and joy and peace”, and in the confidence that we are not alone, but instead have Divine assistance that will enable us to persevere.

Ready for that which is coming.  Strength is in unwavering faith and joy and peace.  And in these are blessing.

Joyfully prepare. Remember the peace beyond peace. Practice this. Fear nothing. Teach this way of God Most High.  That in LOVE is all power and peace and joy.  The Love beyond love.

Peace in all things, at all times.  Practice this.  Share this with all.  That in the peace God may be heard/felt/realized.  That in the peace is the way recognized and the secrets told.  That in the peace the way can be seen.

This peace may be transmitted/beamed from person to person—contagious as you say.  This peace becomes the scene, the frame, the potential within which grows awareness.  And from which truth is shared.  Unseen, truth is beamed within the mantle of peace.

Going forth from the emanations of peace are the pathways opened for those to come to God.  Thus are blessings rained down.  Peace.

We are urged to “practice peace”.  This is a powerful message to act from a place of deep trust and faith in the face of all eventualities.  We are to go to the “peace beyond peace”, that inner connection to the source of Love where there is no fear.  I asked Yusef to explain the term, “beyond” used in this transmission when he referred to wonder, joy, and peace.

The words used are an indication of the concept conveyed but do not reach the total “thought”.  Look to the indication, the signpost, to see the fullness of the concept.  The glimmer is an indication of the intensity.  It is NOT the intensity.

The peace we can experience as humans is merely the signpost.  It is a glimmer of the true peace that is of God.  We are to connect then to the Source and in that connection experience the peace of soul.


Guidance From Yusef: Finding the Path

In the previous post Yusef tells us to “sync” our actions and thoughts with our purpose on the Earth.  But how do we know what our purpose is?

We’re told not to actively try to find our purpose. Unknown “To seek the purpose for your life involves the ego and that can actually have a counter-effect”.  We may get derailed by that.  Yusef also says that any step we take becomes the right step.  What…no right or wrong?  (Guidance From Yusef: Finding Our Purpose)

So let’s review…we’re to “sync” our actions and choices to a plan/path we can’t yet see, and even though it’s important to do that, there are no right or wrong paths to take.  Yikes!  An enigma of the Universe.

Why can’t we just see a heavenly light shining on the best path, or get a ‘way-to-go’ for the actions we take? Perhaps a high-five now and then for a decision or choice so we know we’re on the path and following our plan.  Ah, how easy life would be then. All nicely laid out in black and white, or perhaps wild Technicolor….

Too bad the Universe doesn’t work that way.  We have been given free will to do whatever we choose to do on this Earth (actually in the Heavens as well, but that’s another day). (Guidance From Yusef: Our Purpose and Free Will)

The secret then is this—when we align our actions to our internal compass and act according to the beliefs, values and principles that we hold at the core of our being—it is then that we find PEACE within ourselves.  That peace lights up the path for our lives. Then what we are doing comes from what we know to be true and we are not betraying our own inner guidance.  It is to be in a FLOW of sorts, moving to an internal rhythm and compass.  That sense of peace and the feeling of being in the flow are the signs that we are on the Path, following the Plan for our lives.

Don’t misunderstand or think that peace of body, mind, and spirit is necessarily found on the easy path.  Quite the contrary, it is often in the demanding or challenging situations and jobs that we find the most peace and sense of fulfillment.

How do we recognize peace?  It requires a “tuning in”.  It means moving out of the  busyness of the body and mind to get into a quiet space for just a moment to be able to sense it.  I remember going to sit in the quiet beside the ocean once to find the peaceful path before making a big decision in my life.  Another way is to check in with the body.  The body doesn’t lie, and it will let us know if we are in sync.  If there is a discomfort somewhere within, often in the gut, that can be trusted and then we can make the necessary adjustments in our life. (Not always easy to do, but well worth it!)

Remember, we’ve already planned our life circumstances in order to fulfill our purpose. (Guidance From Yusef: Purpose for Our Lives) We just need to be where we are right now, tuned in to our inner guidance for the way that brings the most peace. That will absolutely be the “right” path.


Guidance From Yusef: Enlightenment

Tell us of Enlightenment, please.


We delight in this, encouraging thus for all and for the salvation of the Earth.  The term salvation thus implying saving the planet.

Enlightenment, though a concept contrived by humans, is encouraged.  images-3Think of the Light pervasive in all aspects of the human—within and in all aspects of the body—shining forth no matter the condition.

Think of the heart, mind, and spirit—all cleared of any that would dim or darken the Light.

Light is WHO YOU ARE.  You are not the dust of the Earth.  You are LIGHT—that which lives forever.  That which IS.  If you could but see the magnificence of that Light, you would change all your Earthly workings and responses.

Come out of that which keeps you bound to the body and mind.  Come out to the Light of your SELF.

Let the other [ego] fall away in action that is no action, revealing the SELF of God.

Action that is no action?

Do not actively seek to let go of that which may be called ego or human nature. In that action the focus, the attention, is on the ego.  Rather attend to the Light.  Live in the Light that is YOU and thus will the other wither—fading more and more as the Light is allowed to be more and more present to the world.

Guidance from Yusef: Be Light and Love and Joy in the World

This is a truly EXCITING message!  There are many illusions on this earth, and it’s hard to see that who we really are is Light and Love!

There is more to us than we realize—much, much more! We carry the spark of God’s divine Light within our very DNA.  We are a part of God!

Now we’re asked to be open to bringing that divine Light of love and joy into the world, especially at this important, confusing, and turbulent time in our history.  Enjoy this one!  


Gracious mercy is the Earth’s.  Growing, evolving, rotating forward.  Thus will all come to know the wondrous glories and mercy of One.

All rejoice!  Love is!

Expectations do not serve.  Trust serves.  Love serves.  Wonder and awe serve.  Going forth in joy serves.  Most assuredly when no joy can be seen or found, joy serves.

Earth’s illusions are many.  Reality is other.

Heed well.  BE joy for those who cannot see joy.  BE Love for truly Love is what you are.  And in the Love is Joy.  And in the Joy is Light shining forth.

All else is NOT.   Delusion.

Sing of the Light—streaming forth.  See the Light in others, not with human eyes but with the sense beyond the senses.  Live in Love and Light.

Find the Light and all else will follow.  First find the Light.  The way has been given.  It will be necessary to see the Light in the darkness to come.

Streams of Light pour forth—guiding all.  The way is “lit up” as you say.

Changes are occurring, within and without.  Information flows.  Open the other senses to receive that which is beyond your understanding, that which will assist in the growth and evolution toward All, toward That Which Is, toward the Light.

Beyond the Earthly senses is that which we call you to.  Open further to receive the help/assistance forthcoming.

Rejoice in joy, in love, in trust.  Know that all is as it is in perfect Light.  Open.  See. Be in the Light that others may see and know even beyond what you see.  For through the Light God is and may be seen.

In the doing is the blessing.  In the being is God.  In the action taken out of the being(ness) is blessing.  Blessing that goes out/emanates into the Universes.  Therefore follow the Light of Being to find the active way.  In this is God shown to the world.


Guidance From Yusef: The Steps to Forgiveness



RECOGNIZE there is discomfort within your body.

It may be a form of anger, an illness, an unsettled state that you can’t identify, a discomfort [anger or irritation] when around the person or situation, or guilt.


OWN the FEELINGS within you. 

These feelings are mine.  They belong to me and to no one else but me.  They are mine to keep or mine to change.  I own this anger, this blame, this shame, or this guilt. It is mine.


FEEL the feeling(s) fully and completely. 

Allow the feelings.  Do not grasp them tightly but allow them. Do not tell stories around the feelings.  Let the stories go.  Just FEEL.


LET GO of the feelings.

OPEN to GRACE as soon as the feelings begin to wane and the smallest sliver of light creeps in. 

Let Grace LIFT the last ashes or vestiges of feeling from your shoulders.

SEE Grace flowing in and washing all clear.

CONNECT to the Earth as soon as you are able and FEEL the freshness of the air.  Let it ground you in the reality of Love for you and for all.


SEE the other (or yourself) with compassion.

Realize that the pain the other carries is theirs.  You have nothing to do with their actions or their pain. 

See yourself with compassion and realize that the pain you carry for yourself is no more than a story your ego has told you.


It is only when you choose to accept another’s pain as yours that you set into motion your own ego.  It grabs the pain and delivers it to your mind and your body.

The pain is not of you.  It does not belong to you.  Give it back or let it go as quickly as you become aware of it.

Once the ego has transformed the pain into the idea that it is yours, you must go through the steps. It is still NOT your pain, but it does now reside within you. It must be RECOGNIZED, FACED, and RELEASED.  The last step is always to reconnect to the Earth and the Grace that flows now freely through you.

Forgiveness is ALWAYS an option even though a perceived offense seems to be “unforgiveable”.


Guidance From Yusef: Forgiveness is Essential


Forgiveness is essential, fundamental, and foundational.  No growth on the Earth occurs without the generosity of FORGIVENESS. images-9

Forgiveness is a cleansing that clears the Earth plane to reveal the Soul.  Only when you let go of that to which the human nature [ego] clings will you be able to see and know who you are.  This is remembering Home—letting go of that which is not of Home [Heaven].  

Live on the Earth as we live in Heaven. Judge no being and no interaction.  Learn from all; contribute to all. 

The Universe, or Heaven, is different.  Imagine a state where LOVE is abundant to overflowing, not the emotional love [of humankind] that is connected to the body.  Imagine a love so generous that forgiveness is not necessary.  In the Oneness there is no need for forgiveness.  Only in the illusion that you are separate [from God and from each other] is forgiveness necessary. 

Ultimately, perhaps the most important action we can take is to first forgive our own perceived mistakes and imperfections. That frees us to be able to forgive others. Forgiveness is a gift we give to ourselves.
