Guidance From Yusef: Evolving Toward Love

Yusef tells us that now is a good time for evolution of the human race toward a more peaceful planet, and away from war. Growth toward the realization that we are all in this together and away from the sense of separation caused by borders, languages, nationalism, and religions. Growth toward the awareness of our interdependence with the Earth and awareness of its increasingly fragile state.

Yusef tells us that this is an optimal time, a window of opportunity, to move forward, and many in the Heavens are eager to help us through it.


The potential for humankind to evolve at this time is great. There gather a significant number now [on Earth] whose vibrational level moves forward the evolution of humankind. Come together. Support each other, so that vibrations might increase in the encounters.

There are those working on your plane and on ours to encourage movement and increase the acceleration. And so we are increasingly eager to share what will cause us all to be aware of our ONENESS. Our joy and love increases as the joy and love of one soul increases.

To you and others it may SEEM that we are disconnected from each other. That is far from truth. We have always been and will always be connected and the bond is stronger than you can understand. We are ONE though many. Interdependent. Interconnected. All a part of All That Is. It serves us all to move forward.


Guidance From Heaven: Growing As One

Yusef: The Universe is supremely supportive. In reality we are ONE. Therefore we are you and you are we.  It is our choice to assist you and others to remember the task that was set forth for the lifetime experience. We also work to advance the experiences of those on your planet. We are here to help. When you grow, we all benefit. Though we have said this many times, it applies here again. We also benefit individually (as well as collectively) from your growth.

Division is not of the heavens. All are One. There is no separation. When humans grasp this concept it will move evolution forward. It will remove many obstacles now existing that prevent further growth.

Thus begins a message that underlies why we are here on this Earth, in this Earth-School. Each is each here to do what none other can do. We are here to fulfill the purpose for which we came. We are in a continually evolving human existence, growing and becoming.

The term “evolution” refers to the growth of humanity on this planet, part of an ever evolving, ever growing Universe. Substitute the word growth for evolution and you will come close to the concept Yusef is communicating.

Yusef tells us that now is a good time for evolution of the human race toward a more peaceful planet, and away from war. Growth toward the realization that we are all in this together and away from the sense of separation caused by borders, languages, nationalism, and religions. Growth toward the awareness of our interdependence with the Earth and awareness of its increasingly fragile state.

Guidance From Heaven: Allow Your Spirit/Soul to Guide You

We are asked to AWAKEN to all that is around us, the visible as well as the invisible. As we awaken to the Spirit within us, we become more aware of the presence of God in and around us, in all forms. We will see the world and everything in it with new eyes and in a new way.


Recognize Spirit in all. Continually bring Spirit into your awareness. Allow Spirit to “feel” for you, to guide your actions and responses. In this way you practice living in the reality of All (God), and strengthen your connection to All that Is.

In the heavens there is rejoicing as the world turns back to the Spirit and Soul, making the connection again to the All in All. You too can know the presence of All in each other. Connect to the Universal knowledge through Soul and you will know each other most intimately. Never doubt that this ability is yours.

Every step taken, every breath inhaled is a part of the Universal conversation. All hear. All are of aware of these. There is no OTHER. All are ONE. As the “worst” is, you are. As the “best” is, you are. (Very difficult to use best and worst but these earthly terms serve to illustrate).

Thus be humble. Step aside to allow Heaven onto the Earth. It is not complicated. It is simple. Step aside. Thus may the flow of blessings come unimpeded.

Arising from Love and living in the All, move past the ego that controls thoughts, and allow the light to burst through the darkness of the human experience. KNOWING will be available to you and to all who follow this path. 


Guidance From Yusef: A Conversation

A Conversation:

So, Yusef, what are we doing for Lent  Any suggestions??


Sure.  We’re in this together.

You know it doesn’t work that way.

How does it work then?  Don’t partners help each other?

You don’t need our help.

I think I do.

You might think that at some level, but at another, you know exactly what to do.

What if I can’t see that level?

Let it rise up.

How do I do that?

Let go.  Quit trying.  Be silent and listen to yourself.  Trust.

So—let go of all control, all thinking….


Yep?  Oh my, this is different.

We’re having a conversation now.  And since there is no difference between us then you are talking to your Self.

Ah ha!  Am I talking to my Soul?

In a sense, yes.  Since the Soul-You is a part of and connected intimately to All That Is, or God, then you are talking not only to your God-Self, but to all who are One with you.

So…we’re straying now from the original question.  Does my Soul-Self know what I could offer?

Your Soul Self knows what you have chosen to accomplish in this lifetime.  It knows the path you are on.  It does not concern itself with the details, the minutia of it all.  That is where the partnership with the human potential comes together with the purpose for the lifetime—both working together to pull it off.   Do not discount the gift of your humanness, the gift of your mind.   Together the Soul-You and the Human-You can work miracles, each contributing to bring to the world what is needed to evolve, and both the Soul and the World are blessed in a reciprocal interaction.

I think I see.  You’re not going to give me the direct answers.  That’s up to me—all of me.

Correct.  You’ve got it now.  Discover the wholeness of your Self and you will open the door to All That Is, the Source of All.

Guidance From Yusef: A New Era Dawns

images-24I bring in the New Year with a series of messages from Yusef that tell of an era of PEACE that is (potentially) coming.  This peaceful time depends, however, on all of us awakening to the understanding that we are LIGHT and LOVE–that we are all ONE in God.

Yusef is telling us in this message that we are powerful when connected to Source/God.  That the heavens have opened a window to pour out grace and help to the Earth.  It’s time to come together in “gratitude and awareness”.  It’s time to trust that we are “bigger” than our human nature, that we are indeed an expression of God upon this Earth.

We have each chosen to be on the Earth at this time–a very exciting time.  It is ours to be Love and Light today, aware and awake to the presence of God in every moment of our living.


The old ways are dying.  Move forward—letting go of the old.  A new era dawns. 

This is a time for gratitude and awareness.  The Earth community MUST recognize the ONENESS.  It is beneficial to work toward oneness.  In this coming together many will be saved.  In the coming together is the power needed.

Remember LOVE is the greatest power, the direct connection to Source/All/One.  LOVE.  Open hearts.

We speak now of the potential of humanity evolving ever forward.  In joy do we speak of this.  As the trees evolve from a tiny seed so also is the potential of humankind capable of great evolution.  Windows are opening for this to occur. 

Coming together assists in this movement forward.  Those unable to make the leap will require assistance.  Thus is it important that all voices be heard.  Ringing out with truth–each to each resounding into the Universes.

The heavens are opening that information might flow back and forth.  Information includes love and assistance as well as direct communication.  The portals are available as never before.  This is necessary to save humanity and the Earth.  The connections are intimate.

The power inherent in each living thing speaks to the Source of all, All That Is. This power, potential in many yet untapped and unrealized, is more than you could ever imagine.  The extent of YOU is beyond measure, extending into space and time in ways and lengths you cannot imagine in the current time bound and space bound existence you exist in.  In remembering who you are you have a small sense of this power.  And yet once sensed, it is often rejected as impossible, not real, too frightening.  It is rationalized away as you say.

We speak of this power at this time because it will be critical to access the potential that is you. 

Guidance From Yusef: The Birth of the Ego

Well, this is a BIG ONE—at least to me.  Yusef tells us how the Human EGO began.  He tells us that humanity was quite peaceful once. It was “a time of great and wondrous experience of life in the physical—Spirit experiencing the physical”.  But the simplest concept of “more and less” was introduced onto the Earth.  Then, in order to gain “more” and protect against “less”, humans developed a protective mechanism, the Ego, that separated us from each other.

images-5When I think of how simple it was to spiral a joyful, loving, peaceful community into the illusion of separateness that turned neighbor against neighbor, I am astonished and saddened.  Wow!  We have had eons of waging war to gain “more” and protect against “less”, but at last we are awakening to the notion that we are all in this together, and that peace is again a possibility for humanity.


This is a teaching on EGO.

This aspect of the human experience was necessary for the preservation of humanity when it shifted from a peaceful existence to other than peace.

Forces intruded into the physical to make it aware of ‘more and less’.  The simple concept of ‘more and less’ set into motion the whole range of ego response that looks like what is found in your world today.

Now this is very real.  A [seemingly] needed protection, though the “need” was faulty and an illusion, turned humanity away from the joy and peace it knew and toward the many “dualities” present in your world.

The time of peace in your physical world was very real.  A time of great and wondrous experience of life in the physical–Spirit experiencing the physical.  What a wondrous thing!!!

Now this protective aspect that arose during the illusion of need became itself—reveling in its own power.  Clinging and nourishing its power with degrees of duality in the physical world.

Those more open to it used it to become seemingly more “powerful” and thus the illusion continued and grew stronger. Humanity was susceptible/vulnerable to the influence suggesting ‘more and less’.  A simple idea that contaminated the peace that existed then.


Guidance From Yusef: Soul to Soul Connection

Yusef tells us now of two types of encounters we can have with each other.  First the contact we make without touching, but we still feel it in the physical.  An example would be when we communicate with each other with a look or a gesture.  Even though it is across a space and there is no touch, we still feel it in our bodies.

The second connection is the one that is made when a Soul recognizes another Soul. images-2When your Soul recognizes the Soul of another person on this Earth, you are connecting at another level entirely—a level your Soul understands, but the human mind cannot yet fully understand.

You may not know what is communicated Soul to Soul, but you are often able to sense or feel that something is happening beyond the physical. Why does this person seem so familiar to me?  Why do I feel as if I have known him/her forever?  Your human mind is a by-stander to this interaction but at some level you are aware of it. Just let it happen. No action is necessary.  Be aware that it is happening, and delight in the awareness as your Soul recognizes an old friend.


When “connections” are made between persons there is a physical encounter that cannot be seen with the eye.  It is across the SPACE between persons. That space can be quite wide and yet a physical connection with a physical response  is made.

Beyond the physical there is another contact made. This is not physical. This is the more important, for within this passage of information is the real “connection”.

Let us attempt to explain this further.

We search for a word for what passes between life forms. “Information” will be sufficient now. When a connection is made between persons (not a physical touch) information passes between them, informing the other at a level which cannot be seen, of things which cannot be understood. Recognition is acknowledged beyond the conscious level.

Greetings are bestowed when the “stranger” on Earth is actually a loved one. Each recognizes the other and that instant carries more communication than you can imagine. SOULS communicate beyond the physical. They joy in the encounter and are blessed by it. If the physical allows, then these two souls can bless each other in the physical. That is a positive recognition and encounter. 

Let your soul communicate with the other soul. Be aware, but do not interfere. Do not try to pull this communication into consciousness.   Do not “grab” it or try to make sense of it.  Let it happen. It will be a meditative experience. But you will sense the results—blessings usually.

The negative is also a possibility. There are also dark souls on this Earth. You will have an adverse reaction to these encounters.

Guidance From Yusef: The Love Frequency of God

imagesThe pulse of God-energy is continuously vibrating with what could be termed a “Love-frequency”. This vibrating frequency of God-energy connects everything in the Universe.

We know that all matter vibrates and is connected. Even when we are quiet or still, the cells in our bodies continue to vibrate.  So it makes sense to try to place ourselves in a happily vibrating environment—one that is vibrating with love, joy, hope, respect, acceptance, etc.  The Love frequency of God—all the things our mind, body, and soul need to thrive.

If you find that you are in a negative environment—one that is vibrating with anger, shame, blame, or guilt—try your best to move to a more positive place. You may not realize the impact on you in the moment, but it is there. Your body, mind, and spirit will thank you.


The frequency of the human body is influenced by many factors. It is affected by food and other intakes, the health of the organism, the emotional disposition, the openness to forces beyond the organism [you], [and many others]. 

The body is also affected directly by outside factors and the vibration of the matter directly in contact [with it] as well as the larger surrounding area. All matter interacts, either directly or more remotely, even vicariously. Thus the vibration of even the thoughts, especially the thoughts, of another causes a change in the rhythm or vibration, which impacts the organism [YOU].  As cogs and wheels interact so do these very real interactions take place.

Guidance From Yusef: Go With the Flow

images-2Each of us is a part of the whole, connected to everyone and everything  through the God-Energy pulsing throughout the Earth and the Universe.  We are one with all that is.  It follows that if we are all connected then we must influence and be influenced by everything. Yusef encourages us to “go with the flow”.


The joy of the Universe is in the unlimited, boundary-less flow of energy—flow of ONE throughout all that is.  In that flow greater energy is produced.  There is a giving and receiving and giving and receiving without end, gathering momentum with each receiver who in turn gives, allowing the flow effortlessly and naturally.

In the larger view the “action” of receiving and giving is unseen, as the flow of life continues, enhanced because of the encounter.  In the quiet moments of stillness and awareness, this movement can be sensed—quite physically at times.

Just as the animals’ sense of hearing allows a broader range of sounds, so too does the acute attention to the vibration of the Universe cause one to begin to sense the flow.  The flow carries in and with it all the knowledge gained from each interaction.  Thus the more open to it, the more potential to gain from it as well as contribute to it.  All of life flows.  There is movement in all.  Nothing is stagnant/stable.  It is either growing or declining.  The flow of life is continuous.  There is no beginning and no ending.  Life IS.

Guidance From Yusef: The Rhythm of Life

We continue with the pulse of life—the energy coming from the Source of life.

What is the pulsing energy of God like? images-3 Yusef tells us it’s like rhythmic music and it would be good to pay attention to the rhythms because we are a part of it all.  In everything there is give and take, waxing and waning, back and forth.  He gives us examples of these in nature.  Even though we may think we are not affected by the pulsing of the Universe, we indeed are.  It is all God.

We are not given reasons to attune to the pulsating energy of God, but I know that when I do, my life feels different. I feel closer to nature and feel an interesting connectedness to everything. There is a greater clarity to my day, and I feel more in tune with God.  I am more aware of my Oneness with everyone and everything.  It’s a great feeling!  A good way to start is simply to become aware of your breathing.

Have a happy, rhythmic day!


Music is the embodiment of the order found in the Universe and beyond.  Its cadence marks out pulse.  Recall that all of life is in a rhythmically synchronistic relationship. The pulse beats throughout life.  The croaking of the frogs, the movement of the tides, the lengths of the day, the week, the year….  Learn to join in the rhythmic dance of the Universe.  Ride the waves up and down as you are moved forward.  But always going with the movement—never against.

Waxing and waning within the human body, in the tidal patterns of the great waters, in thoughts, in emotions, EVERYTHING is the rhythm of life.  Feel it.  Listen to it.  Be aware of the blood coursing through the body—bringing and taking  [oxygen and nutrients].  The ocean waves bringing to shore and taking from it.  The emotions—now sad, now happy, despairing and joyful.

In and out, back and forth.  A child swinging, a mother rocking, a dog hunting, a fish swimming.  Rhythm.  It is important to note this.  There are secrets to it.

Note the patterns around you.  They replicate the rhythm and its many variations and extensions.  Light pulses, people breathe, all is in rhythm.Unknownimages-1images-4images-5