Wisdom: On Worry

Why do you worry? There is NO reason to have a concern. Be mindful and aware. We shall alert you to danger or anything that threatens your well being. Let all care go—knowing we “have your back.”

It is the world that encourages you to be alert to disease and other ‘danger.’ You must move through your days worry free. We’ve got you, as you say. What more could you want than to be kept safely in God’s care?

No fear or worry is such a different way to think in the human condition. You do not need to pray or invoke protection or blessing—you only need to KNOW you are SAFE! 

(I thought of Jesus) Yes, Jesus knew. It was nothing he did other than trust and live in the KNOWING of WHO he was. In that perfect place there is no concern about anything. 

As you begin to believe that, and remember WHO you also are, the LIGHT of it moves through your human body, causing it to remember that it is perfectly made to serve you.

Do not worry.

And if you get sick? If you are living in the will of the Father, then any sickness that befalls your body will be for growth for your self or others. Still, do not worry.

Recovery or non-recovery will be from the Father. You simply need to rest in the Father—certain that you are cared for and loved beyond measure. Do not question, or ask why of anything you experience. It is all of the Father when you are in the FATHER’S WILL.

Rest. Rest. Flow gently in the Light and stream of LOVE and JOY.  Be joyful always. It is the opening to God who IS Joy and Wonder.

When you sense worry of any kind creeping in, adjust immediately. Be still, and return to the peace of the surety that you are in the loving ‘arms’ of God. It is there you are SAFE!

WISDOM Arrives

On this first day of May, 2020, we are in the midst of a global pandemic from the Covid-19 virus. It has been a most difficult time for many in the world. Some of you have asked what Yusef has to say right now. Well, Yusef has told me that everything has been said…that they have been preparing us over many years now—telling us what is important and how to live our lives. guidancefromyusef.com contains all the messages from the Guides. You can access any topic you would like to give you comfort or guidance for your daily lives. It is all there. The early messages are also in a book, God Sent, if you care to get that.

For now God has given the Guides I call Yusef another task. “Yusef and the others have moved into the Higher Heavens/Realms where they will hold all humanity in Love.

The last message I received from Yusef was, The troubles are only beginning. Look to those who have seen another way. They hear the Angels. Plant the garden*. Work in it together. In the coming together you will be saved. Move deliberately through your days paying attention to the inner voice of your Higher Self/God.

*I got the sense that they do not mean a literal “garden.” At this time it is so important that we come together in love. To plant together—”sow” together. For truly what we sow now we shall reap in these coming times.

WISDOM: I have now begun receiving new messages from the heavens. I thought they were personal to me, but I am being encouraged to share them with you. They gave me no name other than “Wisdom.”


There are no needs/desires that are not fulfilled in the Kingdom. All desires are honored and respected.

Do not be complacent in this time. Do not be anxious, neither be resistant. Accept what is. Let your desire be for the welfare of all. Desire the Highest Good for all, while accepting how that is given. You cannot know the mind of God. Only in willing acceptance of what life brings—what IS—can you begin to grow in wisdom.

God is generous. Let the desire of your soul be God’s desire for the world. This carries LOVE and GRACE and BLESSING.

The Loving Way

Question: How do we combat all the sadness, violence and ill health in the world?


First, delete the word “combat.” Do all in love, for love, by love. Your present way of thinking says you must “fight” this or that. You know…the ‘wars’ you have waged…all to no avail. These come from a place of fear, a place of weakness.

Rather look more closely at what has truly worked. It will always be a loving approach—respectful of each as a soul, a child of God.

As the child responds better to a soft voice, and as you respond better to a loving God rather than a ‘wrathful’ God, so do all recognize and respond to love. They RECOGNIZE love because love is WHO THEY ARE. When love approaches, the Soul pays attention. And in that depth, you may sense an inner response that captures your attention. Love is freeing. It does not threaten. It inspires trust and confidence.

When you are experiencing a personal or worldly problem of any sort—first look to a loving way.

You Are Not Alone

So many think they are alone in a fearful world. You are not alone. Make the leap from your ordinary thinking—what your senses tell you—to trusting that you have help, and Helpers, beyond your senses.

We are present to you—assisting you as you move through your day. Open the eyes of your heart and TRUST that you have an endless “team” of God Helpers to turn to at ANY moment you choose.

Take one minute to BELIEVE we are there. Perhaps as you do you will sense our presence with you—loving, supporting, guiding, encouraging, and walking with you.
You are not alone!

We hear you. We see you. We understand you. Turn to us.

In Love, Yusef

On Salvation

This is a long one that is a response to this request: “Tell us about the terms “Savior” and “Salvation,” please.”

The request is a good one. Savior of course, is a man-made word—scripturally based, and part of the story of a people looking for salvation from many years of tyranny and slavery. “Save us” they cried to the heavens and were told that one who would save them was coming. They believed and trusted—as a people.

Through this One they would be freed—an important word and idea. They were a people without freedom looking for one to set them free and rule them justly. They just didn’t realize that it would not come to pass in the way they envisioned it in their human thinking.

Jesus did come to set them free—you have only to look at how he lived his life to see the message he was giving…the lessons he gave on how to BE FREE! That was how he was to “save” them, and you. To show/demonstrate how to live in the freedom of the higher law of Love. They, and many still today, missed the message.

It is the word freedom that is the stumbling block. Jesus lived freedom–he was free from influence, free from the common thinking of the day, free from constraints of culture and religion—though he respected the necessity to be able to live within certain human constructs.

He followed no human rule, but in that freedom acted with respect when no harm came to others. To live in the human construct peacefully was his challenge.

So, it was not freedom from the tyranny of the Romans he came to accomplish, rather, it was full freedom of Spirit he came to show. There was a higher “law” to follow that was not confined by religious rule and dogma or any governmental institution. Jesus called, and still calls all to that law. You may call it Love. That which is of God—that which is who you truly are!

That is “salvation.” Jesus came to save those of his day and now by showing you that you are ALREADY free. One’s body may be imprisoned, but YOU are free.

It is a difficult message for those who cannot see past the human condition—for those who think the life they are living is reality, and the human person they see in the mirror is who they are. It is not. That image is imagined by you so that you can enjoy the physical world. It is only an image that the true YOU has created to experience the life you are living.

Connect with the real YOU, son or daughter of God, to see how truly FREE you are. Bring the LIGHT of the true you into the world. Then you will live as Jesus did.


See the Beauty in the World

When the world seems “evil” and oppressive, that is when you can see the Light best—IF your eyes are open and your heart believes. Then you are able to see Love, and even Joy, in the world.

Can you find Love and Joy in the darker times of your life? If you are unable to find these—to SEE these—which are in truth your ESSENCE, then your eyes have been clouded by the world.

SEE DIFFERENTLY–INTENTIONALLY look for beauty in the world. It is there each day. See it. Look for it. Dwell on it. As the beauty permeates your heart and soul it will transform your seeing little by little.

Finding beauty in the world is seeing the Light that is present—that which you overlook as you go about your days seeing only difficulties, sadness, concerns, and unhappiness. Look past these—see the beauty in the world.

As you do this intentionally, your “seeing” amplifies the Light so that others may also see it—in and through you. And little by little your JOY increases. Ah, such Light that brings! The world is changed through your inner joy!


You Bring Light to the World

You have heard the Word and the Word is YOU, and ALL.

God has “spoken “ You into the world. You are the Word and you bring the Word, and the Word is LIGHT.

Do you sense the responsibility? As Jesus was sent into the world so you are also sent—not to do what Jesus did, but to do the purpose for which you were sent.

Your soul knows the purpose for your coming. Pay attention to the Soul’s guidance. It is unerring. Some may call it your “higher self.” Tune into this—the small voice you hear—and follow the path laid out for you.

Don’t fret when you stray from the path, but look to the light held up by the Angels and return to the purpose you have chosen for this lifetime

You are much loved.

Guidance From Yusef: Look to Jesus

You would like words that console you, or guide your daily actions—do this or that in detail— or predict the future of the stock market or your country’s leadership.

That may sometimes be appropriate for others. Our messages, however, are different. We seek to empower your living in the light of your True Self. We hope to cause you to remember who you truly are IN and BEYOND your human existence. You are so much more than that as we have repeatedly said.

You do not know or realize your POWER in the fullness of your Spirit and Human self. You can be/are as Jesus was. There is no difference in potential. Does that surprise you? It is true. Jesus was human but he remembered his Divinity. It is this we refer to. Not that you can BE as Jesus was and is. There are few who are That. But your potential remains. You need only REMEMBER who you are. Let your ego serve your spirit. Let your spirit/soul be in charge and the world will change. 

Remembering your True divine self—which exists now just as your human self does—allows you to be in the fullness of your Self, as Jesus was. Look to Jesus and the way he lived as both human and divine. It is true, as she (Barbara) has been reading, that those who imitate/follow Jesus are often killed by people who do not yet understand. Follow anyway. 

We are with you. In Love,


Do Not Fear—You Are The Rays of God’s Light

Words of warning, support, and the need for change are being spoken at this time to all with ears to hear. Spread the word if you hear these messages from God or from the Angels or Guides who are sent to you from God Most High.

What more can we say?

Turn from thoughts of war, hate, scarcity, anxiety, and all forms of fear. REMEMBER who you are—Children of God. You are the rays of God’s Light on the Earth. BE that Light to the world.

Do not subject your soul to the fears rampant on the earth at this time. No matter the activity around you—be it natural disaster, war, loss of home or homeland—do your best to remember you are a Child of God who sends you help in these times. Turn to the Angels that surround you. Allow them to minister to you. Rather think thoughts of peace and recovery, love and hope. Do not allow fear to overtake your soul.

In this week in America when giving thanks is a focus, put all your energies to the effort. Thoughts of gratitude/thanks will replace your worries and concerns. Devote the week time to this and begin the habit of gratitude that will encase your soul in Light, not fear.

You are LOVED and CARED FOR. We use the words with emphasis since the world often distracts you and you forget that your Father is there for you. No harm can come to you. Fear not.

We give Thanks for YOU!

Presence as Prayer

What you term “prayer” need have no formal form or words. Your PRESENCE to the Heavens is all that is necessary. By presence we mean your body, mind, and spirit in conscious AWARENESS of God.

To be aware, you must be out of your (thinking) mind. That is, the mind that is list making or otherwise telling you what to do or where you must be. That is your ego/human self being present to the world. 

Step out of your thinking mind. Move deliberately into your heart space, the God Mind. This is truly WHO YOU ARE—one with/connected to the Divine. You will find this connection when you leave your list of “to dos,” and center yourself to be PRESENT to God in your heart. You will know you are “there” when you feel an immediate sense of peace.  

Once you have made that conscious connection, you are in prayer. The lists and programs of the world fall away and you and God are fully together in conscious awareness/Oneness. It need only take a second in your time. BE PRESENT to God. The heavens will rejoice!
