On Mercy

Barbara: I asked Yusef a question regarding MERCY and what it means. Yusef’s response is quite long. You might want to read it a few times, or take small sections to reflect on to understand it fully. As always, they will answer any questions coming from this message.

The concept of mercy is “true” and yet not “true.”

As you relate to God or Father or Divine Being, it is in that relationship that the NEED for what you term mercy arises.

In your humanity you perceive “God” as on High, above, all powerful, doling out judgment on you and on the Earth. This is a mistaken concept/idea. In this you think of yourself as a child—doing good, doing bad, deserving punishment, etc. (also false ideas).

In the human, “mercy” is that which is shown to another of less power when that one has done something either worthy of punishment or is asking a favor of the more powerful one—that one you think may have power over your life.

The Divine One is all Loving, all supportive. We do not speak of a PERSON. We speak of the Wonder that is the Guide of the Universes—the essence of Creative energy, Wonder of Wonders.

This creative energy pervades all that IS, including YOU. That is God—all of it.

There are, of course, greater concentrations of this energy which is perhaps what you refer to as “God Most High.” Your relationship with this “God” energy—that which gives life and sustains ALL that is—is so intimate (though not equal) that it is your very essence. You are a spark of its fire of Love. Many do not realize or accept this thinking. How could God be this close?

Now we ask you, how could this God have “mercy” on Itself—You?

The mercy you seek is a release from the burdens of the choices you have made that cause you to be uneasy—to think you are less than—or unworthy.

God Most High has given you the authority over your lives. When you act in a way other than as the “child of God” that you are, you sense an energy that is NOT who you are. Now you feel separate from the essence of Love energy, which is the center of yourself.

Rather than claiming your true birthright as son or daughter of Love, you now think of yourself as “less than,” or unworthy.

Now perhaps—especially for those close to God—you may look for a way to return to who you truly are. You may seek to be forgiven or seek mercy in order to return to the vibration of Love which has been disrupted and displaced in your awareness.

This is not necessary. You may seek mercy and forgiveness in the human condition—person to person. A most worthy and valuable effort. But you and God are never separated—even for an instant. God, the energy of Love and acceptance, is ALWAYS within you AS YOU. This IS you—your essence. Your substance is of God.

This is difficult thinking for many. Thus you ask God for forgiveness and mercy when it is actually ALREADY YOURS. God’s Love energy pervades you and ALL life. You are one with God in the very center of yourself.

God has sent a ray of God-Love to the Earth—as YOU.

When you feel the need for mercy, realize that you have separated yourself, through a thought or action, from your True Self (a part of God). Thus you FEEL no longer a part of God—a faulty thought, but understandable in the human.

Though you are never apart from God, we understand that your actions and choices do interfere with the flow and awareness of God’s Love in your life. Pay attention to this. It is most valuable. This sense of unease you feel does indicate that you are out of sync—out of resonance—with Love, which is what you are.

Then, forgive yourself or another. Show mercy to yourself and others. Through these earthly, human actions you return to resonance with the true SELF of you that is always a part of God—that Love that enfolds you within itself as Love.


3 thoughts on “On Mercy

  1. I have sensed that concept on some level for quite a while now, but I often forget to claim that direct connection and it was wonderful to be reminded in such a beautiful way!! Thanks!

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