Choose Happiness

Blessings. We resume.

It may surprise you, but YOU choose the state of your own happiness—always! Happiness is your choice. Many do not grasp or understand this—looking rather to BLAME others or circumstances for their state of unhappiness.

The choice is ALWAYS yours. You do not want to acknowledge this, for that would mean that YOU are responsible for your emotional state. There would be no one to blame.

Why did you choose the emotion or feeling you are experiencing now?

Can you answer the question without placing any blame? Difficult. You would like to think your emotions/feelings were CAUSED by something or someone outside yourself, when in reality as you say, you have CHOSEN that feeling. Yes, it was your response to something outside yourself that occurred, however, you had a RANGE of responses you could have chosen rather than the one you are now feeling.

You have the freedom—the free will—to choose everything in life, including your feelings. But you have been “responding” for so long thinking another has caused them (feelings) that you have forgotten the great freedom you have. 

Why do you choose unhappiness when JOY is yours. Anger over peace? Worry over trust?

Do not allow others or situations dictate what or how you feel. You are free to choose. And each choice makes up your life.

Choose happiness. Choose hope in the midst of fear, and peace in the midst of chaos. Simply make the CHOICE and then you are FREE.


4 thoughts on “Choose Happiness

  1. Such an important reminder. We do have choices in everything! Thank you.
    So the question would be: why would we ever choose anything other than happiness, joy and peace?

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