Guidance From Yusef: Eating Healthy and Spirit

Question: How important is it to eat healthy for our spiritual development? What would be considered the most beneficial things we consume and the most detrimental that could affect our connection to Spirit?


The first concept to understand is this: ALL is ENERGY—and all energy vibrates at a certain “signature” frequency. Thus, the food you eat, as well as the physical body you inhabit, is all vibrating at a “designated” frequency, thus making it what it is. If food and body were not vibrating, they would not exist.

Next, you are always connected to spirit. You ARE spirit, and you are one with spirit. There is no separation between you and Spirit/God/the Divine—ever.

Now, to answer the question, in light of the science lesson above…(smile) it must be said that there is no universal beneficial or detrimental list of foods that would impact your ability to communicate with Spirit. However, it is best to consume those foods that are in tune with each individual body.

Some foods will have an effect on the frequency of the body’s vibration. We do not judge these as “bad,” or “good.” It is your own awareness that must determine whether they “serve” you. Sugar is one. Intoxicating drinks are another. These do have an impact on the body’s vibration and thus its functioning. NOTE: These may, but also may not, impact your communication with Spirit. It is all individual. Remember, however, that you are always connected to Spirit/God.

Attune to the body you inhabit to recognize/discern/notice what foods or drinks are most energetically beneficial, or on the other hand, detrimental to you. Each physical body has its own signature vibrational frequency. Try to notice what food or drink “resonates” (vibrates) on a wellness frequency for you. You may have already noticed that your body reacts to some food and/or drink, perhaps causing you discomfort, or even dis-ease. It would be well to avoid these. On the other hand, what may cause you discomfort could have no affect on another’s body.

Strive to be in tune with the body you inhabit; it is constantly communicating with you—sending you messages as to its general well-being. Pay attention! When do you feel that your vibration is high? That is, notice when are you in a state of love or joy, experiencing a sense of lightness or well-being. Then, notice when you feel sluggish, perhaps “slower” than usual, or even sad. What have you ingested prior to sensing these feelings that may have had an impact on you?

You can see that it is you who must pay attention in order to know what foods or drink have a vibrational frequency that is optimal for your body. Once you are attuned you can even walk by a certain food and “know” that it is not beneficial to you. Trust your inner guidance and intuition. Pay attention.

We wish you wellness and high vibration!

Guidance From Yusef: Growing in the Frequency of Love

If fear is a block to God’s love as Yusef says, how do we move from the frequency of fear (see previous post) to a frequency of love—something more energetically friendly to ourselves and the world?

Obviously this isn’t the easiest thing to do. We were programmed at an early age to fear many things. Being wary, or fearful, is part of the human condition and some of those fears keep us safe.

That said, Jesus told his friends not to be afraid, not to fear. To move from the frequency of fear to Jesus’s frequency of love and compassion, requires a different focus. In the next few posts we’ll look at some helpful suggestions to be able do this.

Suggestion #1: ACCEPT rather than RESIST what life brings your way.

There are no coincidences in life. When something happens in our life we can trust that it is God nudging us to grow, or to change, or to let go of something. But because we are human it’s natural to respond by saying, “not right now,” or “poor me,” or “why me?” or “I can’t do this anymore.” We have a tendency to resist what life brings us.

Life isn’t easy—it makes demands on us. That’s a fact and there are no exceptions to this. Each of us will face our share of challenges in this life.

Yusef calls this the EARTH SCHOOL, a place we have come to learn, and grow in love—a “fertile ground for growth.”

And so God provides us with “opportunities” to grow in love and trust.

The illness, the accident, the lost job, the disability, the death of a loved one, the rejection, the lonliness,—all the things I irreverently refer to as the “2 X 4’s” of life. These are all opportunities offered for our growth—we just can’t see the blessings in them right away. It’s usually not until we have moved through the difficult times that we are able to see that there was some good in it for us or for others.

I’m sure you know many stories of those who have gone through difficult times that ultimately blessed them and/or others.

Accepting what life brings allows us to ‘hold God’s hand’ through it. To be able to call upon all the heavenly help and love that God provides us. As Wayne Dyer says, “If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.”

ACCEPTING rather than RESISTING—the people, the circumstances, and the situations in our life—allows us to see more clearly what God is asking of us and to trust in our Divine Father’s generous and unfailing Love to get through whatever comes. Jesus, as always, is our model for that.