Guidance From Yusef: The Veil Thins

Yusef is a part of the Teacher or Guide or Helper Group in the Heavens. He and others serve as the guides for our souls during this lifetime. We each have a guide, and it is our souls that they shepherd. They are from God and are with us from birth and even before we were born. Nothing we do is unknown to them. Yusef tells me that he is my Helper, my Guide, and the “Friend of your Soul”.  It is my Soul that he knows, and it is my Soul that knows him.

But Yusef now says that the “veil” between Heaven and Earth is thinning, and we have greater access to awareness and assistance from all the heavenly beings. That’s exciting because we certainly do need God’s help to spread love and hope during this turbulent time on the Earth.


It is with joy we come bringing news of wonder and awe. The Heavens are opening for those who can perceive the joy and graces pouring forth. The veil thins and there is greater opportunity to connect to all [the helpers] the Heavens send. We are making ourselves known throughout the Earth. All are cooperating in this effort.

It is during this time that Great Blessing occurs. Those aware will feel the shift. Opportunity abounds.

Those moving away [from God] will have an opportunity to change direction. Those moving closer [to God] will be drawn in with great joy. They will “wonder” at the wonder of it.

There are also voices speaking on the Earth now who, with support, will move the Earth to a “safer” place. These voices are beginning to be heard. It is the hopeful who will keep the heavens open. We are rejoicing with any who find their way to Love and Trust.

See more of the messages of Yusef in the book, GOD SENT: Message of Love and Hope for Our World Today.
