Guidance From Yusef: Question: Communicating with Spirit

Question: Is there a way to become more in tune, or aware—in order to be in communication with Angels and Spirit?


We delight in this question. Said simply, it is all about ENERGY. Spirit must lower the frequency of their vibration and you must raise yours.

The energetic vibrations of Angels and other entities of God are beyond the vibration of most on the Earth. Thus, they must moderate/adjust their vibration to speak to you. It is helpful for you to move into higher vibrations to be able to hear them.

To attune to Spirit, you can raise your vibration through prayer, meditation, or just thinking happy, loving, or peaceful thoughts. These move you out of your human nature/ego and allow you to be present and OPEN to spirit.

Do not “try” to hear. You must “allow” spirit to present itself to you. When you “try to hear” as you say, you are in your humanness and your ego is running the show/the script.  Instead, simply be presentmore difficult than it seems, with your human thinking and worries distracting you. Let go of these.

We do not want you to think that you must be praying, or meditating, watching a sunset, or in a “holy” place, (although these are good places to start). Spirit is also speaking and guiding as you move through your day. When we speak of being present, this may occur in any moment—while riding on an elevator, walking, or working, etc. It is any moment that calls you away from ego—when your soul can be present. When you were a child you may have called this “day dreaming,”—those times when you were out of your thinking mind. We hope this image helps. Practice this.

 Let us explain further. When one “hears” words or guidance, as the one writing this does, the communication comes through the human mind, but it is not the thinking mind. It is recognized as spirit because the ideas and words are not your own. It is obvious that what you are hearing comes from other than yourself. 

Spirits—Angels, Guides, and other Helpers—are constantly trying to get your attention. It is you who must attune to them. 

You may feel the love they send to you, or you may “hear” something in your mind, or you may simply be in a space of silence. Allow all. Do not doubt. You are not crazy. You are in tune with spirit that is communicating with you. 

They are always speaking to you. It is you who must:

  • raise your vibration
  • stay open (be present)
  • have no expectations (allow spirit to be with you, however spirit choses)
  • oh, and believe your experience (smile)

We will be happy to say more if there are questions. Yusef

NOTE: To hear spirit audibly, through the human ears, is uncommon, although it can occur. That requires spirit to lower their vibration tremendously in order for the sound to reach the ears of the human. As we say—most uncommon. 


Guidance From Yusef

Remember that what you see and hear, taste, smell, and feel, are the senses giving your mind and body input. It is joyful because you are a physical being, but it does not awaken or give input to SPIRIT which is who you are.

Spirit is awakened by silence (prayer or meditation), by opening to Other (God), by going beyond the senses of the body to BE in Divine Presence.

You are presence, Spirit. That which cannot be identified through the senses. Yet every bit, and more so, your spirit is reality compared to the world of senses. 

Be still, awaken, and remember who you are.


Guidance From Yusef: Your Divine Nature

All things are possible. Let go of any doubts you carry. God is not stagnant, does not stop growing. God is expansion and growth. Let go of that which keeps you bound to Earthly understandings and begin to KNOW and REMEMBER who you are—a Divine Child of (God) the Universe.

The term “Divine” is the stumbling block for some, causing thoughts of unworthiness for those who believe themselves to be only human.

The Spirit within—your true Self—is a part of God. In that relationship you are a part of the “Divine” nature—the YOU that is Spirit/Soul.

The Human nature is a magnificent construct that allows such amazing growth opportunities. It is a gift and opportunity like none other to be in the human physical existence. (Do not judge those walking on difficult paths in their humanity. They have chosen the harder part.)

Walk in your Divinity as much as your Humanity. Choose to make your divine nature integral in your human nature. In that all the world and the Heavens are blessed. In that the Light of Christ shines out.

Guidance From Yusef: The Holy Spirit

On this Pentecost Sunday when Christians remember the outpouring of the Holy Spirit on Jesus’ apostles, I share Yusef’s response when I asked him to tell us of the Holy Spirit, the Advocate, sent by the Christ.


The Spirit, or ‘Advocate,’ that Jesus spoke of—what you term the “Holy Spirit,” is that which forever changed mankind.

It was Jesus who broke the barrier that separated humanity from divinity. He became ONE with God in his humanity and thus made it possible for all of humanity to attain that same oneness. 

The Spirit advocates for this reunion, the conscious awareness of who you are in God. This Spirit allows the experience of God in its true reality. 

This Spirit is the PRESENCE of God, that which opens the human to the EXPERIENCE, the KNOWING, of God while still in the human lifetime.

Jesus bestowed a KNOWING that had previously not been available. The Spirit Jesus sent connects the awareness, belief, and understanding of humanity with the One [God].

It is an immense gift. The awareness of this gift moves the transformation, enlightenment, and evolvement forward. The USE of the gift through prayer, meditation, and consciousness blesses the self and the world.

Guidance From Heaven: Seeing Life From Spirit-Soul

Yusef talks about the difficulty of seeing life from our Spirit-Soul selves, and some suggestions on how we can accomplish it….


Coming forth from the nutrients of the Earth is the human body. Your body flowing from another body that came from another body and so on. Thus the miracle of life as you term it streams from body to body.

It is no wonder you do not easily recognize SOUL when the matter of your body is so present to your awareness. Yet you are more alive when seeing life through the eyes of the Soul.images-5

It would seem that you need to move your awareness [focus] from your ego-body needs to your Spirit-Soul. This is not easily done when the Spirit has no form to grasp or to look at in the mirror. [smile]

Thus do we offer guidance on how to move freely beyond the ego-body and into that which you truly are, the Spirit essence that is YOU.

It is a shifting of awareness.  A recognition that you are more…bigger than your body-self.

Prayer and meditation help. A state of happiness or bliss, [being in] nature–anything that moves your heart to open helps. It is your HEART that is the gateway to your divine self.

Move your awareness to the heart and you will be transported to reality. The ego cannot be present at the same time so it quietly moves back–to a less conscious place.

Of course you remain fully in the body, yet [in this action] you are consciously expanding to recognize the greater reality that is your Spirit/Soul Self. Joy, Freedom, Peace!

Guidance From Heaven: Allow Your Spirit/Soul to Guide You

We are asked to AWAKEN to all that is around us, the visible as well as the invisible. As we awaken to the Spirit within us, we become more aware of the presence of God in and around us, in all forms. We will see the world and everything in it with new eyes and in a new way.


Recognize Spirit in all. Continually bring Spirit into your awareness. Allow Spirit to “feel” for you, to guide your actions and responses. In this way you practice living in the reality of All (God), and strengthen your connection to All that Is.

In the heavens there is rejoicing as the world turns back to the Spirit and Soul, making the connection again to the All in All. You too can know the presence of All in each other. Connect to the Universal knowledge through Soul and you will know each other most intimately. Never doubt that this ability is yours.

Every step taken, every breath inhaled is a part of the Universal conversation. All hear. All are of aware of these. There is no OTHER. All are ONE. As the “worst” is, you are. As the “best” is, you are. (Very difficult to use best and worst but these earthly terms serve to illustrate).

Thus be humble. Step aside to allow Heaven onto the Earth. It is not complicated. It is simple. Step aside. Thus may the flow of blessings come unimpeded.

Arising from Love and living in the All, move past the ego that controls thoughts, and allow the light to burst through the darkness of the human experience. KNOWING will be available to you and to all who follow this path.