Choose Love

The heavens rejoice at the wonder of (all of) you! Accept that you are loved beyond compare. Beyond knowing. If you begin to sense this love it could be overwhelming to your human self. Know it to be true.

Falsely do some claim to know God and then act out of other than Love. Notice the words and actions of those. Do you hear and see Love? Where you see Love, whether it is according to society’s “rules” or not, God is there.

Beware of “common sense.” It is a flexible concept. It often misleads. It follows rules that may not come from Love.

Look to the life of Jesus. His actions on the earth did not always follow the “rules” of either religion or society. Jesus followed the rule of Love in all cases. There are those doing the same today—showing Love for all—perhaps also causing discomfort for some in the doing. 

The difference is between ego and soul. Ego works to maintain control of the status quo (a life of fear). It shuns and ridicules those who act out of Love, thinking them out of touch with the “real” world. The Heavens, on the other hand, see and rejoice at the voice and actions of those whose Soul nature is in the lead.

In all things choose Love. Do not be misled by the norm, by the common sense of the day. Love often seems to be the “uncommon” response. Choose Love.


Guidance From Yusef: Question: Communicating with Spirit

Question: Is there a way to become more in tune, or aware—in order to be in communication with Angels and Spirit?


We delight in this question. Said simply, it is all about ENERGY. Spirit must lower the frequency of their vibration and you must raise yours.

The energetic vibrations of Angels and other entities of God are beyond the vibration of most on the Earth. Thus, they must moderate/adjust their vibration to speak to you. It is helpful for you to move into higher vibrations to be able to hear them.

To attune to Spirit, you can raise your vibration through prayer, meditation, or just thinking happy, loving, or peaceful thoughts. These move you out of your human nature/ego and allow you to be present and OPEN to spirit.

Do not “try” to hear. You must “allow” spirit to present itself to you. When you “try to hear” as you say, you are in your humanness and your ego is running the show/the script.  Instead, simply be presentmore difficult than it seems, with your human thinking and worries distracting you. Let go of these.

We do not want you to think that you must be praying, or meditating, watching a sunset, or in a “holy” place, (although these are good places to start). Spirit is also speaking and guiding as you move through your day. When we speak of being present, this may occur in any moment—while riding on an elevator, walking, or working, etc. It is any moment that calls you away from ego—when your soul can be present. When you were a child you may have called this “day dreaming,”—those times when you were out of your thinking mind. We hope this image helps. Practice this.

 Let us explain further. When one “hears” words or guidance, as the one writing this does, the communication comes through the human mind, but it is not the thinking mind. It is recognized as spirit because the ideas and words are not your own. It is obvious that what you are hearing comes from other than yourself. 

Spirits—Angels, Guides, and other Helpers—are constantly trying to get your attention. It is you who must attune to them. 

You may feel the love they send to you, or you may “hear” something in your mind, or you may simply be in a space of silence. Allow all. Do not doubt. You are not crazy. You are in tune with spirit that is communicating with you. 

They are always speaking to you. It is you who must:

  • raise your vibration
  • stay open (be present)
  • have no expectations (allow spirit to be with you, however spirit choses)
  • oh, and believe your experience (smile)

We will be happy to say more if there are questions. Yusef

NOTE: To hear spirit audibly, through the human ears, is uncommon, although it can occur. That requires spirit to lower their vibration tremendously in order for the sound to reach the ears of the human. As we say—most uncommon. 


Guidance From Yusef: You are the FULLNESS of Life…Both Body and Soul


You would like words that console you, or guide your daily actions—do this or do that in detail—or predict the future of the stock market or your country’s leadership. That may sometimes be appropriate, however our messages are different.

We seek to empower your living in the LIGHT of your True Self (Soul). We hope to cause you to remember who you truly are in and beyond your human existence. You are so much more than that, as we have repeatedly said.

You do not know or realize your POWER in the fullness of your Spirit and Human self. You are as Jesus was—both human and divine. There is no difference in potential. Does that surprise you? It is true. Jesus was human but remembered his divinity. Remember your Spirit/Soul (divine) self—which exists now just as your human self does. That allows you to be in the fullness of your Self, connected to God in your divinity (Soul), and also enjoying the wonder of a physical (human) existence.

Living in your fullness would bring you the freedom and happiness we hope for you. It would also change the world. You would shine so much brighter as you go about your day—in awareness of both your connection to God and the magnificent physical world you live in. To live in only one part of your Self is akin to living without a limb.

Try it. Exercise your right to have all the membership of a Soul’s rights, as well as all the delight of the physical world.

Divinity is your right—you brought it (Soul) with you into the physical, but somehow it became overshadowed by the world and the faulty messages passed on to you by well-meaning others.

You are children of God just as Jesus was. Endeavor to become as Jesus. In his humanity he showed the way. Embrace the fullness of Life that you are and in that fullness bring hope and love to the world. You and the world need it!

Guidance From Yusef: You Exist in the Heavens and on the Earth

I think I really need to explain this message a little. 🙂

Each of us on the Earth has a soul that is a part of an ‘oversoul’ that continues to be with God. That is, our soul is just a part of, or we could say an aspect of, the Soul that is in heaven. Your soul is like a reflection of your heavenly self (Soul) that exists as a part of God.

In other words, Yusef says you have a ‘minor’ soul here that is still a part of, or an aspect of, your ‘major’ soul in heaven.

To further complicate your thinking, you also have many ‘minor’ souls experiencing life in the physical right now. Picture your major Soul as a large ship in the ocean (God). Your minor souls, are like small dingys that have left the larger ship to go out and experience something new. Your major Soul has many dingys out right now and yours is just one of them. Your major Soul is experiencing everything your soul on earth is right now. That is how it expands and grows.

I hope that you will ask questions or begin a discussion if this topic interests (or confuses) you.:)


The human mind is insistent in its drive to make sense of the world. This ensures survival. However, in this discourse, the need to understand is not beneficial. 

You are aware that it will serve you to remember WHO YOU ARE and to BE in the awareness as much and as often as you are able. 

Now we tell you that you reside with us as much as you reside on the earth. You are with us in ‘Heaven’ now as you have always been.

There is an aspect of You that is currently in a human existence, but that does not diminish the You that is here, or the aspects of you living other lifetimes at this same moment.

Thus your Oversoul or Major Soul as we have said, does exist as a part of God always. You are an aspect of that Major Soul that is participating in the Oneness [God] fully.

Enjoy your life on the earth—it was chosen by you and for you. But do not lose sight that you are much more than the personality you have chosen for this lifetime.

You have chosen a role to play. It is not WHO YOU ARE. It is a role. Enjoy it; learn from its experiences, and grow in love through it.

You are a part of the Most High God. Believe this truth and you will awaken. In that awakening your soul will dance and the earth and heavens will sing.

Guidance From Yusef: Listen to Your Soul

There are many who desire to know more, to become more aware. They begin to hear their soul’s urgings. They find ways to learn, to grow, assisted by those of us who guide them.

Yet there are others—those who have not paid attention to the soul’s urgings—those who have yet to hear their soul speaking to them, or to see the light we are shining on the path for their lives.

Those who have not become aware of the soul’s urging may face events that cause them to pay attention. That cause them to question their assumptions about the way they have been living their daily lives. [An illness, or life changing event, for instance].

They always have a choice to either dismiss the urgings, the lessons, the nudges, OR to begin to open to a new way.

When one does become aware they can see differently. They hear as never before, and they are open to guidance from the heavens.

As you can see, we CONTROL nothing. We are always with you—guiding—yet each must open to the awareness regarding the present path to determine if it is  helpful to their purpose on the Earth.

We rejoice in awareness of the soul’s urgings, and eagerly assist to the limit each one allows. 

Yusef, Guide and Teacher

Guidance From Yusef: We KNOW You


The scenarios you devise to frame the lives you are living allow for the perfect circumstances for your Soul’s purpose to be accomplished. This is one factor. Likewise, the personality you wear is perfect for your purpose.

What you have chosen to do, or work through, or learn, can only be done for your Soul in the life and personality you have chosen.

Remember you are not alone. So many think they are alone. If they could only realize how the Heavens are intimately connected.

We KNOW you. We UNDERSTAND you. We HEAR you. We LOVE you. And we are here to assist you in what you have chosen to accomplish in this lifetime.

Guidance From Yusef: What does your Soul desire?

Barbara: I sat down to write a little message from Yusef today, but that evidently is not what is happening here. I’d like to share a bit of my own story today.

2016 started off with two things for me–the first was a clear “knowing” that it would be an important year for me. The second was an onset of the doldrums. You know, that “stuck” place–that what am I supposed to do next place; that I just can’t put one foot in front of the other place. And even, that “where is God?” place. That was my month of January.

Then I woke up early one morning last week and entered into a lovely meditation. When I finished I knew I had to call a wise friend to see if I could get on her busy schedule that day. Now this is unlike me. I usually talk myself out of asking for help. Not this time. I emailed her that I was “stuck”. She knew what that meant and fortunately made time in her day for me.

After we met and spent some time together I came away renewed, with a much lighter step. She helped me to see that my Soul was eager for JOY!!! What a beautiful revelation!!

Now I have direction. Now I know that JOY is my Soul’s purpose for 2016! I know that joy will be the filter for all that I do. My Soul’s intent is joy, so…all my feelings, beliefs, thoughts, and actions must go through the filter of joy. If I can’t find JOY in what I do, say, feel, think, or believe, then I must refocus. This is my Soul Path, the “will of God” for me at this time. Joy is who I am.

Now this may sound happy and well, joyful, but I am beginning to understand that being accountable for my own joy may mean some disruption in the norm of my life. I suspect that it may be harder than I can see right now. I realize that making choices based on my inner Soul joy might be different for me–I often do things to please others first.  It might mean I will make changes in my life–changes in what I do, changes in relationships perhaps. That is generally what the Soul calls us to–change and growth. Not always the easiest path.

This year I will align with the desire of my Soul–Joy! One day, one decision, one choice at a time.

What does your Soul ask of you this year?

Blessings of Love and Soul Light, Barbara


Guidance From Yusef: Your Divine Nature

All things are possible. Let go of any doubts you carry. God is not stagnant, does not stop growing. God is expansion and growth. Let go of that which keeps you bound to Earthly understandings and begin to KNOW and REMEMBER who you are—a Divine Child of (God) the Universe.

The term “Divine” is the stumbling block for some, causing thoughts of unworthiness for those who believe themselves to be only human.

The Spirit within—your true Self—is a part of God. In that relationship you are a part of the “Divine” nature—the YOU that is Spirit/Soul.

The Human nature is a magnificent construct that allows such amazing growth opportunities. It is a gift and opportunity like none other to be in the human physical existence. (Do not judge those walking on difficult paths in their humanity. They have chosen the harder part.)

Walk in your Divinity as much as your Humanity. Choose to make your divine nature integral in your human nature. In that all the world and the Heavens are blessed. In that the Light of Christ shines out.

Guidance From Yusef: True Spirituality

Barbara: Recently I was moved by a message from Richard Rohr who writes that spirituality is always about changing our own way of SEEING and HEARING. That is what the Spirits were saying to me many years ago when they told me to SEE DIFFERENTLY.

We can see and hear the news of the world through our humanness, our egos, and what we may perceive is a fearful world–especially with the fighting in the Middle East, drastic weather events, and the latest Ebola crisis for example. Our humanness sees a world in which we are not safe. A world that threatens our home, our lifestyle, or our very lives.

But seen through the eyes of the Soul, the eyes of the God Mind, we can see differently–with love, compassion, trust, and hope for those suffering as a result of war, weather, or illness. We can see a world where we are safe, because in God there is really nothing to fear.
Rohr writes that “We mend and renew the world by strengthening inside ourselves what we seek outside ourselves...”

To find love, we must strengthen love within.
To find peace, we must strengthen peace within.
To find forgiveness, we must strengthen a forgiving heart within.
And above all, to see a safer world, we must begin to SEE DIFFERENTLY–through the eyes of the soul, the eyes of God.


Guidance From Heaven: Seeing Life From Spirit-Soul

Yusef talks about the difficulty of seeing life from our Spirit-Soul selves, and some suggestions on how we can accomplish it….


Coming forth from the nutrients of the Earth is the human body. Your body flowing from another body that came from another body and so on. Thus the miracle of life as you term it streams from body to body.

It is no wonder you do not easily recognize SOUL when the matter of your body is so present to your awareness. Yet you are more alive when seeing life through the eyes of the Soul.images-5

It would seem that you need to move your awareness [focus] from your ego-body needs to your Spirit-Soul. This is not easily done when the Spirit has no form to grasp or to look at in the mirror. [smile]

Thus do we offer guidance on how to move freely beyond the ego-body and into that which you truly are, the Spirit essence that is YOU.

It is a shifting of awareness.  A recognition that you are more…bigger than your body-self.

Prayer and meditation help. A state of happiness or bliss, [being in] nature–anything that moves your heart to open helps. It is your HEART that is the gateway to your divine self.

Move your awareness to the heart and you will be transported to reality. The ego cannot be present at the same time so it quietly moves back–to a less conscious place.

Of course you remain fully in the body, yet [in this action] you are consciously expanding to recognize the greater reality that is your Spirit/Soul Self. Joy, Freedom, Peace!