Guidance From Yusef: The Illusion

This may be a tough one for some.  Yusef says that the lives we’re living on this Earth are in essence, an illusion. Whoa! This life sure seems real.

203239_THE WHOLE CAST1To explain–what Yusef is saying is that we’ve taken on a body and a personality in order to play and learn and grow “in wisdom and knowledge” on the Earth.  The reality is that our Spirit/Soul Selves are just visiting here, and we are participating in a sort of Play, or Movie, that we have helped to write and are acting out. It’s obviously more complicated, but that’s the bottom line.

The Real You is acting out a script written by you and God. It is your life path, or God’s Will for you. And while it seems real, our true reality is that we are spirit beings just playing for a time in a human body.

Note: Yusef warns not to disturb people who “do not yet understand, whose reality is firm in the acting”.  The time isn’t right for them.  So, if you can’t wrap your head around the idea that what seems real may not be, then don’t worry.  Just skip this one.

(PS I welcome questions, comments and discussion. Barbara)


The Earth experience is a choice planned for and chosen by each person.  And in the physical birthing the “true” self [Spirit/Soul]–who you really are–is obscured by the self necessary for survival on the Earth plane and in the illusion.

Thus obscured, the Soul Self remains hidden until “discovered” by the self living on the Earth.

Now the Soul, though seemingly hidden, is quite active, and is the main player so to speak–learning from and growing from the experiences of the actor-self who is living out the personality chosen.

When the term “illusion” is used it references the seeming reality which is actually not real.  The magician says it best.  What appears to be very real, is not.

Now, the illusion you are living out carries far more than entertainment value–although we would wish more found their lives entertaining. 

This illusion is set up, or put into play as it were, in order to experience, learn, and grow from it.  And the one growing is the “True Self”, the Soul–one with The Divine.

Enjoy the illusion.  It is best lived from the Soul Self with knowledge of the underlying reality.

Play on!

Guidance From Yusef: Purpose for our Lives

It seems EACH OF US HAS A PURPOSE for being on the Earth at just this time and in just these circumstances. Yusef tells us that there is a perfect design for our lives.  The surprise is that before we were born into this world, we participated in planning the design.  How this occurs, or with whom, is a mystery, but it does happen and we do have input.  The design includes the time and place of our birth, the parents to whom we are born, our physical appearance, etc. etc..  All the details are carefully planned out.  In that design, or Life Plan, are the circumstances that will maximize the opportunity for each of us to accomplish the purpose for which we came into this world.

It might be good to read this slowly and carefully, or perhaps two or three times.  This is very “rich” text and there are lots of interesting insights here.


PURPOSE spans all lifetimes and all Universes.  There are specific purposes chosen for each lifetime, following on, or dependent upon, the previous lifetime, time in heaven, and special requests or agreements.   The purpose(s) chosen by each one are selected or accepted or chosen with the assistance of the wisdom workers.  This is not a ‘simple’ process but is complicated by and interwoven with the purposes of others, the ‘debts owed’, and many other variables.  Thus is each lifetime a treasure, a gift, an important segment in time. 

The purpose ALWAYS fits perfectly with [the] Soul and the personality chosen for the lifetime.  All has been carefully thought through to maximize the potential to accomplish the purpose(s) chosen.  The body you chose to inhabit was chosen for a purpose.  It is your vehicle for attainment.  You need this body and all that it is to attain your purpose for coming into this world, this lifetime.  The challenges you face in this body are growth producing.  It is an instrument, enabling you to learn and grow.  Nothing is coincidence.  When we speak of “body” it includes personality, mental ability, etc.  The challenge is to recognize the gift of present circumstance, and remain connected to the Source of Love.

ALL have tasks/jobs/purpose on the earth plane as well as throughout the Universes.  It is our “purpose” to communicate through these transmissions.  Through these do we offer the knowledge, advice, wisdom, and the joy of LOVE. 

God, however, has but one “purpose”—LOVE.  Thus does the purpose of each individual attempt to expand LOVE, each in its own way.






Guidance From Yusef: The Human Experience—Our Return Home

Yusef returns again to the theme of Home, but this time he talks about our transition from this life to the next.  We are encouraged to become more aware—to go beyond the sensory world to realize the presence of the Divine with us and around us at all times.  It is transcending the physical to recognize in a new way who we really are.  In that recognition we make a connection with Heaven; in essence bridging from the “reality” of Earth to the true reality of the presence of God/All-That-Is both here on the Earth and beyond in the Heavens.  It would seem that having that awareness eases the transition to the next life, perhaps because we have already glimpsed its reality while on this Earth.



The heavens teem with places/sites/heavens.  

The dying of the body you inhabit allows the Spirit-Soul to return to home, each to a designated place (not exactly the concept “place”, but close) from which the soul migrated. images-26-1

The returning soul is welcomed with great joy—much activity occurs in this area.  Each returns with a similar trauma experienced when entering your world.  This would be called a transition time of sorts as the entity [Soul] returns home to the familiar, but now changed by the experience of incarnating (into the physical world).

The beauty, joy, and love overwhelms at first.  Loving entities surround [the Spirit-Soul] and assist in the transition.  For some this is smoother than others.  Choices made in the physical are carried forward and affect the transition.

It would be well to achieve increased awareness on the earthly plane.  This would allow a smoother transition since awareness allows the heavens [or Kingdom] to be more present—as present as possible in this realm.

Guidance From Yusef: The Human Experience—Some reasons why we incarnate


 All do intentionally incarnate into specific circumstances.  There are those more highly evolved souls who seek challenging soul growth, or who just want to enjoy the physical plane of Earth.   There are those who choose the lifetime to assist another (or many others).  There are also those who are sent back to Earth by caregivers here.  And there are those who are “nudged or persuaded” to return by loving friends.  In all situations God is involved and the heavenly community is loving and supportive. Returning to Earth is a big decision, which the soul either makes or agrees to.  And each incarnation is “padded” with souls who have been together in previous lifetimes. 

We realize that being in the human condition, with its limiting factors, is part of the learning and living experience.  Know that within each experience carries the power to transcend, to grow, to learn, to become who you really are.  Only through the experiences that present themselves to your human condition are you able to grow.  


Barbara: For those still struggling with the idea of re-incarnation, Yusef does tell us that we have come from Home to the Earth and that we may be “returning to Earth” or “sent back to Earth”, indicating that we have lived on the Earth before this lifetime.  In fact we have likely lived many lifetimes here before this one.  And we come for the reasons above and possibly many others as well—likely uncountable reasons that each one knows only at the Soul level.  It is safe to say, however,  that Soul growth will be a part of any reason we return to the Earth.  It is after all, the Earth School…but more on that later.

Guidance From Yusef: The Human Experience—Incarnation

This post begins a mini series on The Human Experience.  Yusef takes us from Home [Heaven] to Earth and back Home in these posts.

Ah, to be human—to know the joys, the sadness, the whole range of emotions, to delight in the world of our senses, newborn1and to relish the amazing natural beauty of this world.  Nowhere else can we experience the physical in just this way.  What a gift!

I can imagine the gathering of loved ones in whatever “Heaven” we have come from.  Coming together to see us off—realizing that we have chosen a challenging, exciting, sometimes scary, physical existence on this Earth.  They know it won’t be easy, but I wonder if they aren’t also a little jealous.  The Earth is a wondrous place, and being in the physical can be great fun.


In the moment of incarnation the soul takes on a life form that will allow development and growth in the new environment.  It is well thought out for survival.  The soul does not take chances in this.  It is well planned.

The mechanics are both simple and complex.  Driving the whole process is the transformation of the soul entity from one configuration to another, and in the process the veil [of memory] lowers to allow life in the chosen environment [Earth].  At the moment of breakthrough to that new existence, you actually begin a new life, forgetting the real self at the conscious level.  Now this is advantageous for many reasons.  Think how complicated it would be to bring all knowledge into the new environment and try to live out the chosen task.  Confusing at the least.

What is important to communicate here is the memory of HOME and that the “true self” of the soul is never lost, only shielded for the safety of the new life chosen.  Incarnation into the world is difficult and not to be taken lightly.  So many factors are at work here.  Many souls are involved.  The birthing of one baby is the culmination of great effort.  The soul goes through tremendous turmoil, pain, confusion, and trembling.  Nowhere is there more support for a soul than when one decides to incarnate.  There is great well wishing and blessings.  Always there is excitement.  There is also trepidation—never “fear”.  We have no fear, however, there is realistic concern for one going to incarnate.  To move from joy to pain and suffering causes concern for loved ones, and all here are loved ones.