Guidance From Yusef: Reader Question

Reader Question: When people do not ascend directly into Heaven, are they being held back by their own reservations? Are they not accepting of Heavens love?


Each soul that leaves the human body has many choices. It is important, however, to realize that each one is surrounded by loving beings—before as well as during, the leaving. Love is always available.

There are those who may be unwilling to fully leave the earth at first. Part of them remains attached to the earth. Connections to loved ones, or unfinished business, or great trauma can be strong, and some part of them may chose to remain closer to the earth for a time. Remember though, that the “Major Soul” of each person is always with God.

Each person’s/soul’s acceptance of Love (God) is a complex dynamic that is not  “simple,” or easy for the human mind to comprehend. Love surrounds and is always present to each person. Yet the “state” of one’s soul—that is, its openness to the Love that surrounds it—determines how it experiences that Love. We recognize this is a difficult concept and will explain further if asked.

We remind you again that your loving thoughts/prayers are beneficial to all souls who have left the earthly realm. Those who for their own reasons are not yet in the fullness of what you call “Heaven” will benefit from your love. We also love and “pray” for them.

And are these the people that show themselves to me every night?

There are some people who are “open” to seeing, like the one asking this question. Thus some souls or heavenly beings may chose these to visit. The beings/souls reveal themselves for many reasons, most of which the human mind cannot understand, but your soul may recognize them. The one asking sees, and has given them permission to come, and we suggest that he send love to all.

We advise everyone reading this, that you need not react in fear, but always send love to those beings who may visit you. You may speak to them if you wish. We caution, however, that each night before you sleep you set the intention that only beings of Light and Love may visit. None other are welcome. 

You always have the option to accept visitors or tell them they are not welcome to come to you. The boundaries you set with your intention will be respected. It may also be helpful to enlist the aid of your Angel or Guide who can be the  “gatekeeper” for you. Speak to them of your intention. They are of God and will “monitor” your visitors. Fear not.


Guidance From Yusef: We Are Here To Offer You Guidance, Part 2


We [Angels and Guides] speak to every one of you. Each of you has guidance for the “best” path through this life. In any moment you can ask us to help, and we will guide you.  

Open the “ears” of your heart. It is the heart that hears us best. The next is the body. Listen to the signals your body gives you. Does the choice you are making feel comfortable in your body?

Very last is the mind, the seat of the EGO. The mind will distort our messages and cause you to want to dismiss them. You may even think you are crazy when you realize you can “hear” our guidance. You can hear us. Do not let your mind tell you that we are not real. That is your mind playing tricks, as you say.

The heart hears and sees clearly. Take a moment to be silent and check in with your heart when making a decision or choice. This can be accomplished in seconds…it does not take long—merely focus. Through this practice you will come to know we are with you always—to help you and guide you.

We know the purpose you have agreed to for your life. That is our “GPS.” We are here to remind you, and assist you to accomplish that purpose. Listen. We are with you.


Guidance From Yusef: A Mantle of Peace

We understand the human response of fear to many situations in the world now. Thus it is imperative to get beyond that response—of fear, and those emotions coming from fear—frustration, anger, depression, deep concern, and so on.

As we have said, and remind you here again, the Earth MUST have more love and hope than fear. Do not allow fear. When you feel the emotions associated with fear, go immediately into a place of quiet that you may release the fear, let go of the insanity, and return to the sanity of who you are—Love.

All [of you] must find a way, or a place, or a practice that will allow love and hope to replace any aspect of fear.

Be vigilant in recognizing when you are moving from love and peace to fear. Once you have taught yourself to recognize the fear and accompanying agitation and discomfort, then you can also train yourself to go to the quiet (even in the busy-ness of your day) to let go of it, and allow us to remind you that you are love.

Look to those of us whom God has sent to you as encouragers, protectors, consolers, and guides in this lifetime. We are here for you.

Just as the one writing this has come to us agitated today, you may also come. And a sweet mantle of PEACE will descend over you in the quiet to renew you, and remind you of how much you are loved.

It is with great joy and love that we tell you again of the assistance you have from the Heavens. You are LOVE. Be vigilant. Let go of the darkness of fear that takes hold of you, and return always to the Light of Love. In this is the salvation of the world.

You are JOY.

You are LOVE.

You are LIGHT.

And from these come PEACE and HOPE for the World.

Our blessing is upon you.


Guidance From Yusef: Listen to Your Soul

There are many who desire to know more, to become more aware. They begin to hear their soul’s urgings. They find ways to learn, to grow, assisted by those of us who guide them.

Yet there are others—those who have not paid attention to the soul’s urgings—those who have yet to hear their soul speaking to them, or to see the light we are shining on the path for their lives.

Those who have not become aware of the soul’s urging may face events that cause them to pay attention. That cause them to question their assumptions about the way they have been living their daily lives. [An illness, or life changing event, for instance].

They always have a choice to either dismiss the urgings, the lessons, the nudges, OR to begin to open to a new way.

When one does become aware they can see differently. They hear as never before, and they are open to guidance from the heavens.

As you can see, we CONTROL nothing. We are always with you—guiding—yet each must open to the awareness regarding the present path to determine if it is  helpful to their purpose on the Earth.

We rejoice in awareness of the soul’s urgings, and eagerly assist to the limit each one allows. 

Yusef, Guide and Teacher

Guidance From Yusef: The Veil Thins

Yusef is a part of the Teacher or Guide or Helper Group in the Heavens. He and others serve as the guides for our souls during this lifetime. We each have a guide, and it is our souls that they shepherd. They are from God and are with us from birth and even before we were born. Nothing we do is unknown to them. Yusef tells me that he is my Helper, my Guide, and the “Friend of your Soul”.  It is my Soul that he knows, and it is my Soul that knows him.

But Yusef now says that the “veil” between Heaven and Earth is thinning, and we have greater access to awareness and assistance from all the heavenly beings. That’s exciting because we certainly do need God’s help to spread love and hope during this turbulent time on the Earth.


It is with joy we come bringing news of wonder and awe. The Heavens are opening for those who can perceive the joy and graces pouring forth. The veil thins and there is greater opportunity to connect to all [the helpers] the Heavens send. We are making ourselves known throughout the Earth. All are cooperating in this effort.

It is during this time that Great Blessing occurs. Those aware will feel the shift. Opportunity abounds.

Those moving away [from God] will have an opportunity to change direction. Those moving closer [to God] will be drawn in with great joy. They will “wonder” at the wonder of it.

There are also voices speaking on the Earth now who, with support, will move the Earth to a “safer” place. These voices are beginning to be heard. It is the hopeful who will keep the heavens open. We are rejoicing with any who find their way to Love and Trust.

See more of the messages of Yusef in the book, GOD SENT: Message of Love and Hope for Our World Today.
