A Story of Light

Barbara : Yusef began this Dictation 16 years ago by telling me that this would be a “Story of Light.” I am just beginning to understand what “Light” means. Now he tells us that his “job” and the job of his group, is to “seek to awaken those on Earth to their true reality and to the danger all are in if humankind does not make changes.

As we have said, this is a story of Light. Love only. FEAR nothing. Remember who you are. Be carriers of HOPE. Shine the LIGHT that you ARE into the darkness. Never doubt that we are here—helping and guiding you.

We have loved the Earth also, and have enjoyed the physical experience. We will not be returning—having moved beyond the (negative) field that has trapped you.

We seek now to tell, advise, and help you to awaken to the truth. We are many—all speaking to the children of Earth who are able to hear us. Each “receiver” hears in their own way—each voice important in spreading truth and light.

Barbara—I would add that, as Yusef says, I am not the only one “hearing voices” from the heavens. And the messages being received, as I learn about others, all say much the same thing. Love, send the Light that you are to all, hold out Hope, Fear nothing, and remember you are first Spirit/Soul—a child of the Most High. Mine is but a small voice, but if you are hearing or reading it, please know that these messages are meant for you today. We must each wake up and break free of the negative energies surrounding our darkening world of violence and fear. We must claim our inheritance of Love as children of Love.

Guidance From Yusef: Light and Color (continued)


In the color analogy [with white representing God, or all color, and individual colors representing souls], when the color “blue” choses to merge its beauty with ALL colors, it becomes a part of WHITE (God). It never loses itself however; it remains free to be itself—feely joined with all colors and dancing within the white light of God.

There are other choices—to move toward black and be lost in the darkness is a choice. Lost is an appropriate word since the merging with blackness means being absorbed—the freedom of the color/soul to be itself is lost.

There are some persons who make this choice—little by little they move toward the darkness. (As we have said, one choice leads to the next choice.) 

The choice for a soul to enter the metaphorical darkness causes a shuddering in the Heavens. There is a loss felt that all recognize. This is a tremendous occurrence/event/happening. Abyssmal.

Yet mighty efforts continue to bring light into the darkness. When the light is allowed in, then little by little, the souls may remember themselves. This is a dynamic that requires much that you are unable to find words for or understand now. 

Remain in the Light. Grow in the Light.