Wandering and Wondering

The path through life is often the source of many questions. Am I doing what I am to do? Am I where I am meant to be?

When you cease asking questions and look around you will have your answers. You are ALWAYS where you are meant to be.

The FLOW of life takes you where it will when you allow it to carry you along. Acceptance of what life brings indicates you are in the FLOW, or on the path as you say.

Life may bring difficulties or bring sorrow. You may experience loss—of a loved one, an ability, a job, a home. It may bring moments of great joy and satisfaction, and you feel you are in the “right” place.

But nothing remains static when you are in the Flow of Life in God. You are ALWAYS in the right place.

ACCEPT ALL Life brings, and TRUST that each “place” you are in is the “right” place. For it is THERE GOD IS. It is there We are—accompanying you as you flow through this life.

You may say–

I accept this day and this moment just as it is. Whether it brings difficulty, sadness, or joy, I accept that it is mine to experience. I am in the Flow of LOVE.

Acceptance—No Resistance

I can remember my dad, a father of nine children, in his more harried moments, mumbling under his breath, “acceptance—no resistance.” That was his mantra when he felt overwhelmed and wanted the situation to be different than it was. Whether it was the commotion of many children in our home, or a car that wouldn’t start, Dad had learned a valuable lesson, and, even under his breath, he taught it to me.

I have since learned why “acceptance of what is” can be so important. The situation or circumstance ALREADY IS. We can choose to fight against it and wish and pray it was different, using lots of energy in that effort…or we can ACCEPT what IS, and find our way through it. Acceptance allows us to think more clearly and be better able to deal with the situation.

The second part is equally important. When we RESIST what IS—what we think is causing us pain and suffering—our energy is wrapped up in a “fight” we have already lost. And in the fight we are blocking God—who is always there to show us the way through any situation. In our right minds it seems rather futile, or silly, to try to change something that already IS, but it is a common, and very human, response. We all do it. And we don’t realize that often it’s the resistance that causes a lot of our pain and suffering.

So I am in acceptance–no resistance mode lately:

I accept this heat. I accept that I can’t travel to see my children and grandchildren. I accept that I can’t go to my friend’s mother’s funeral, or a graduation, or wedding, or to visit someone in the retirement home. I accept that my granddaughter will be teaching in a situation she was never prepared for. I accept that some of my children are on the front lines caring for the sick, and are facing very difficult challenges and possible illness.

I also accept that my situation is far different than those who, because of Covid-19, have lost their jobs, their homes, and for many—their loved ones. Those who are struggling to feed their families, and make the difficult decisions around their children’s schooling this fall.

It would be so easy to rail against this virus and the disruptions to our lives, the economy, the schools, etc. To try to find someone or something to blame for its presence in our lives. To cry out to God about the many injustices around it. But it IS here, and it IS changing all of our lives.

And so…perhaps we can say, without resistance, and with trust in God, I accept what IS in this moment. Perhaps then we can use our energy for the actions, and prayer, that will help us get through it.

Acceptance—no resistance lets us be a little more peaceful, to see with greater clarity what we need to do, knowing that God is still in charge. Acceptance doesn’t mean we must be happy about it. It means we accept that “it is what it is.” And that allows us to be able to feel God’s presence in our lives, and hear God’s words of comfort and encouragement.

Acceptance—no resistance. Thank you, Dad.

WISDOM Arrives

On this first day of May, 2020, we are in the midst of a global pandemic from the Covid-19 virus. It has been a most difficult time for many in the world. Some of you have asked what Yusef has to say right now. Well, Yusef has told me that everything has been said…that they have been preparing us over many years now—telling us what is important and how to live our lives. guidancefromyusef.com contains all the messages from the Guides. You can access any topic you would like to give you comfort or guidance for your daily lives. It is all there. The early messages are also in a book, God Sent, if you care to get that.

For now God has given the Guides I call Yusef another task. “Yusef and the others have moved into the Higher Heavens/Realms where they will hold all humanity in Love.

The last message I received from Yusef was, The troubles are only beginning. Look to those who have seen another way. They hear the Angels. Plant the garden*. Work in it together. In the coming together you will be saved. Move deliberately through your days paying attention to the inner voice of your Higher Self/God.

*I got the sense that they do not mean a literal “garden.” At this time it is so important that we come together in love. To plant together—”sow” together. For truly what we sow now we shall reap in these coming times.

WISDOM: I have now begun receiving new messages from the heavens. I thought they were personal to me, but I am being encouraged to share them with you. They gave me no name other than “Wisdom.”


There are no needs/desires that are not fulfilled in the Kingdom. All desires are honored and respected.

Do not be complacent in this time. Do not be anxious, neither be resistant. Accept what is. Let your desire be for the welfare of all. Desire the Highest Good for all, while accepting how that is given. You cannot know the mind of God. Only in willing acceptance of what life brings—what IS—can you begin to grow in wisdom.

God is generous. Let the desire of your soul be God’s desire for the world. This carries LOVE and GRACE and BLESSING.

The Importance of Non-Judgment


We expand now to describe the importance of non-judgment.

The ego thrives/feeds on your judgment of yourself, others, and life situations and circumstances. In this way you are kept from thinking and acting in more loving, accepting ways as you encounter life each day.

Can you see the difference between judging another and accepting another? When you ACCEPT yourself, others, and circumstances, there is nothing to resist, nothing to “fight.” You are accepting what IS. (And it cannot be other than what it is.)

If you could live each day in this way, accepting what life brings, you would have room in your awareness and in your life for love and compassion, joy, and peace.

You would begin to SEE DIFFERENTLY. Seeing the world without judging it would change your life from one of constant anxiety or un-ease (the “other” may be a threat to you) to a peace that is in tune with the flow of life. Fear is a block to the possibility of acceptance.

Acceptance of what life brings allows you to remain on your path for this lifetime. What are you here to do, to learn, to teach, to share? With acceptance, your life would be in the flow of your divine path—unblocked by fear.

Realizing the importance of non-judgment, and having a sense of the peace it brings does not diminish its difficulty in this age of the runaway ego telling you to be afraid.

Pay attention to the large and small judgments you make each day and you will have a sense of the task.

Begin by noticing. Then replace judgment with acceptance. This will have an effect on your life and on the world. Judgment is a block to love. Acceptance is Love in the language of God.

We are with you.


Guidance From Yusef: Growing in the Frequency of Love

If fear is a block to God’s love as Yusef says, how do we move from the frequency of fear (see previous post) to a frequency of love—something more energetically friendly to ourselves and the world?

Obviously this isn’t the easiest thing to do. We were programmed at an early age to fear many things. Being wary, or fearful, is part of the human condition and some of those fears keep us safe.

That said, Jesus told his friends not to be afraid, not to fear. To move from the frequency of fear to Jesus’s frequency of love and compassion, requires a different focus. In the next few posts we’ll look at some helpful suggestions to be able do this.

Suggestion #1: ACCEPT rather than RESIST what life brings your way.

There are no coincidences in life. When something happens in our life we can trust that it is God nudging us to grow, or to change, or to let go of something. But because we are human it’s natural to respond by saying, “not right now,” or “poor me,” or “why me?” or “I can’t do this anymore.” We have a tendency to resist what life brings us.

Life isn’t easy—it makes demands on us. That’s a fact and there are no exceptions to this. Each of us will face our share of challenges in this life.

Yusef calls this the EARTH SCHOOL, a place we have come to learn, and grow in love—a “fertile ground for growth.”

And so God provides us with “opportunities” to grow in love and trust.

The illness, the accident, the lost job, the disability, the death of a loved one, the rejection, the lonliness,—all the things I irreverently refer to as the “2 X 4’s” of life. These are all opportunities offered for our growth—we just can’t see the blessings in them right away. It’s usually not until we have moved through the difficult times that we are able to see that there was some good in it for us or for others.

I’m sure you know many stories of those who have gone through difficult times that ultimately blessed them and/or others.

Accepting what life brings allows us to ‘hold God’s hand’ through it. To be able to call upon all the heavenly help and love that God provides us. As Wayne Dyer says, “If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.”

ACCEPTING rather than RESISTING—the people, the circumstances, and the situations in our life—allows us to see more clearly what God is asking of us and to trust in our Divine Father’s generous and unfailing Love to get through whatever comes. Jesus, as always, is our model for that.