Guidance From Yusef: Transformation and Transcendence


Transformation and transcendence are concepts that deserve attention.

In transcendence the human nature is transformed from simple ego-self to shining Light-self, allowing the Soul to be present through the Human body. Then actions taken are the Soul present to the world. 

Jesus exemplified this. Look closely at the life and actions of Jesus to see only Spirit/Soul, and thus God, present to the Earth. Thus did Jesus show the Way.

The ‘how’ of transcendence is not complicated. Live from your Higher Self, becoming more and more AWARE of that which does not resonate with this vibrational frequency.

When actions are taken from a lower vibration, transcend these–let go of the motivations thus causing these responses.

As each motivation is transformed or let go, then increasingly your life becomes a Light in the world.

Be aware. Let go. Transform. Transcend. Shine forth.

And then do the Heavens ‘prepare a place’ for your Spirit/Soul, transformed by the growth opportunities and life lived on the Earth, having transcended the lower vibrations to become the higher frequency of Light and Love.

And thus is the Earth and all the Heavens blessed and made whole.

Guidance From Yusef: On Truth

This message is one of the “Knowings”–messages that are short, somewhat poetic statements. They come to me with a sense of authority and carry deep meaning.


Each one has their own TRUTH.
There is no Universal Truth other than LOVE.
Truth resides within each Soul.
The seed of Love/Truth is within each, yet each Soul “knows” it in its own way.
As LOVE grows, the Soul’s vibration increases.

Guidance From Yusef: What does your Soul desire?

Barbara: I sat down to write a little message from Yusef today, but that evidently is not what is happening here. I’d like to share a bit of my own story today.

2016 started off with two things for me–the first was a clear “knowing” that it would be an important year for me. The second was an onset of the doldrums. You know, that “stuck” place–that what am I supposed to do next place; that I just can’t put one foot in front of the other place. And even, that “where is God?” place. That was my month of January.

Then I woke up early one morning last week and entered into a lovely meditation. When I finished I knew I had to call a wise friend to see if I could get on her busy schedule that day. Now this is unlike me. I usually talk myself out of asking for help. Not this time. I emailed her that I was “stuck”. She knew what that meant and fortunately made time in her day for me.

After we met and spent some time together I came away renewed, with a much lighter step. She helped me to see that my Soul was eager for JOY!!! What a beautiful revelation!!

Now I have direction. Now I know that JOY is my Soul’s purpose for 2016! I know that joy will be the filter for all that I do. My Soul’s intent is joy, so…all my feelings, beliefs, thoughts, and actions must go through the filter of joy. If I can’t find JOY in what I do, say, feel, think, or believe, then I must refocus. This is my Soul Path, the “will of God” for me at this time. Joy is who I am.

Now this may sound happy and well, joyful, but I am beginning to understand that being accountable for my own joy may mean some disruption in the norm of my life. I suspect that it may be harder than I can see right now. I realize that making choices based on my inner Soul joy might be different for me–I often do things to please others first.  It might mean I will make changes in my life–changes in what I do, changes in relationships perhaps. That is generally what the Soul calls us to–change and growth. Not always the easiest path.

This year I will align with the desire of my Soul–Joy! One day, one decision, one choice at a time.

What does your Soul ask of you this year?

Blessings of Love and Soul Light, Barbara


Guidance From Yusef: Did Jesus have an Ego?

With some trepidation I offer this discourse. It may confuse some, put some at ease, and cause others to wonder. Perhaps it depends on each one’s understanding of the word “Ego.” Jesus showed us that we can be human with an ego that serves us rather than controls us and separates us from the Father.

Yusuf, did Jesus have an Ego?
Excellent question. It is a ‘stumper’ as you say. If we say yes then the model of Jesus as one who lived out of his Soul, or True Self/God, is damaged. If we say no then how could Jesus have been truly human?

Pause to consider why Jesus incarnated. Jesus, the Master, incarnated to offer the world a new way of BEING, a new ‘paradigm’ as you say, a new covenant. Jesus showed a relationship with God AS God to be possible in the human. The True Self IS the Soul, and is egoless. The ego exists only in the human. Jesus was Soul-conscious, that is, as a human he lived as his True Self (Soul) within the Human condition a greater percentage of the time than any before or after. It was during the Great Temptation [40 days in the desert], that he put his ego “in its place” as you say.

When we speak of EGO we speak of that uniquely human aspect that seeks to control the circumstances of life and sees itself as separate from the Father. This aspect was absent in Jesus as he sought only to do the bidding of the Father and did not know any separation from the Father. That was impossible for Jesus. Jesus and the Father were One on the Earth and in the Heavens.

Jesus DID have human emotion–tears and even anger–yet these were not of the ego which blocks relationship and oneness with the Father.

Jesus expressed his humanity through the ‘True Self’ of Spirit/Soul, One with God, having already dispelled the temptation to assume the False Self of ego.

So, in the end perhaps the answer to this question is “yes and no” depending on your definition of the term ‘ego’.  Jesus was for us a model of one who was “fully human and fully divine,” thus Jesus’ human Ego served him in his humanity rather than separated him from the Father. It is a lesson I am going to ponder these “40 days” of Lent.


Guidance From Yusef: Stepping Stones

(From June 2015) YUSEF:

In the world the distractions are many. This is purposeful—chosen by you so that you can find the “narrow” way through the obstacle-like course of this life.

There are the temptations, each specific to each one [person]. These come to all and are opportunities for growth. There is no one that escapes their own temptations. Though difficult, these are almost the stepping stones to glory/evolvement/soul growth.

The path in general must be discovered but when the way is shown, those ready may find it a help in their journeying.

Thus some of the steps are these:

  • Recognition of SELF beyond the self of the Earth
  • Awareness that things of the Earth, while valuable in the physical, do not matter
  • Awareness of the ego
  • An understanding of the connectedness and value of ALL beings
  • An aliveness, a sense of being awakened from a sleep—a new understanding that is difficult to articulate. It is beyond words.
  • Cessation of judgment
  • Desire to serve

These are some of the many signs on the path through this lifetime that will indicate movement forward.


Guidance From Yusef: Your Divine Nature

All things are possible. Let go of any doubts you carry. God is not stagnant, does not stop growing. God is expansion and growth. Let go of that which keeps you bound to Earthly understandings and begin to KNOW and REMEMBER who you are—a Divine Child of (God) the Universe.

The term “Divine” is the stumbling block for some, causing thoughts of unworthiness for those who believe themselves to be only human.

The Spirit within—your true Self—is a part of God. In that relationship you are a part of the “Divine” nature—the YOU that is Spirit/Soul.

The Human nature is a magnificent construct that allows such amazing growth opportunities. It is a gift and opportunity like none other to be in the human physical existence. (Do not judge those walking on difficult paths in their humanity. They have chosen the harder part.)

Walk in your Divinity as much as your Humanity. Choose to make your divine nature integral in your human nature. In that all the world and the Heavens are blessed. In that the Light of Christ shines out.

Guidance From Yusef: Portal Opening II


I have been asked if there are suggestions for those who would like to begin to look more deeply at what keeps them from inner peace and real happiness—in other words, Soul growth. I offer this today. 

Many of us have avoided looking deeply at our lives because it’s too hard, too much work, or too painful. But this is the chance to step up to do the inner work and have lots of heavenly help as we do it. 

There are many ways to begin, and there are also programs and teachers who can offer guidance. For me the surest way is to first agree to look at the barriers I hold that prevent my loving ‘better’. The Universe “hears” that, and then the challenges begin. 🙂 Whatever is in the way of happiness and union with God will surface—sometimes with a scary vengeance. The key is to recognize this as an opportunity from God to make the necessary changes in our lives. It is not for the faint of heart and it does take courage. We like to think that we are just fine—that it’s everyone else in the world who is wrong. 🙂 Read on….

God is delighted to ‘help’ us by presenting us with situation after situation that will “push our buttons” until we wake up and notice what we are doing. Now, once something shows up—anger for example, the idea is to step back, look at what is happening, and ask yourself, “Why am I reacting with anger to this?” “What in me is resisting this?” “What in me feels out of control here?”

At first it’s difficult to step back in that moment. Because over the years we have developed automatic responses that now seem normal to us. It takes practice to notice that anger and be able to step back to look at it. LOTS of practice. It seems like ‘it’s’ a part of us and can’t be changed…but it can.

We have likely BLAMED others for our reactions—parents, spouse, co-worker, ancestry, lack of money, lack of time, etc. etc. It’s not MY fault that they MAKE me so angry! 🙂

Well, no one is at fault. No one makes us do anything. It may be hard to believe at first, but we choose our reactions to every situation in our lives—every situation. Begin to notice that.

In order to let go of anger for instance, I must OWN that reaction. My anger is all mine. I am choosing to react in anger to that person or that situation. I can choose to respond in a different way.  In fact, another person may choose a completely different response to the same situation.

The cause or reasons for our reactions ALWAYS come from inside us. Ouch! When we can look more deeply at WHY we are reacting—in anger, or in controlling ways, or by retreating from the situation, or in any way other than love—then we are getting to the root causes we carry within us and we can begin to change.

Did I mention this takes practice? 🙂 So don’t lose heart—God is with you, and your Angels are cheering you on. It is also most helpful to journey with a trusted friend or friends so that you can talk together about what is changing in your lives. 

Blessings as you go and grow!

NOTE: I do appreciate your comments to these posts and would love to see more conversations take place. That is helpful to us all. I invite you to look on the website at some of the strings of comments. I will also ask Yusef for answers to any questions you may have.

Guidance From Yusef: A Portal Opening


There is an opening from the Heavens at this time (a portal) that offers us all Grace, encouragement, and help for our personal Soul growth. That’s the REALLY good news. When God offers all the heaven’s help to us it is an extraordinary gift.

The maybe not-so-great news is that in order to take advantage of this opportunity we need to look at the barriers we have put up to God. You know, the parts of ourselves that we deny, or hide, or ignore so that we don’t have to face them. Things such as jealousy, greed, dishonesty, lack of forgiveness, self-centeredness, lack of trust, possessiveness, anger, prejudice, etc. Or the part of us that believes we are not worthy to be loved by God. 

We are being offered the opportunity and the help to face our faults, heal old wounds, let go of judgment, move from criticism to compassion, make adjustments to our thinking and our actions, and change what no longer benefits our Souls.

This is a new beginning, a recalculating, a redirecting of our lives in order to move closer to God. It is an opportunity to pay attention to what our Souls need.

Actually if you choose to accept this mission…it may be the hardest work you’ve ever done because it involves facing the parts of yourself that aren’t so pretty, and acknowledging that they really are a part of you. It’s forgiving yourself, and allowing those barriers to come down so that you can move on to be the BEST VERSION of YOURSELF.

No one knows how long this portal of GRACE will be open. I’ve missed some portals in my life, so if you want to move closer to God, now is the time to join me and do your inner work. We will all have all the help we need from God.

But WARNING: it takes COURAGE to really look at ourselves. And once we commit to that task, all of our ‘stuff’ (see above) WILL show up. When it does, send it love, say good-bye to it, and let it go. Forgive yourself and others and move forward.  Life is ever so much brighter and happier when the barriers to God’s love come down! 

Blessings to all!


Guidance From Yusef: All Affects All

Yusef, you say the Heavens know what we think and what we say and do.

All affects all. That is difficult for you now. Enlarge your thinking. Consider your thoughts and actions. Each goes out into the heavens to impact all of “us” and because you are also a part of the “us,” all that you are experiencing the greater body of “us” is also experiencing.

Think of this. When you have a toothache the pain of that small part of you is the focus of your whole body. The entire body is aware of the pain. There is no judgment around the pain. Rather there is greater love and care focused there. Helpers are sent (human immune system) and all in the body work to help that small part be well again. It is the same in the heavens.

When you feel love and joy–holding a newborn baby, a loving embrace, an awe inspiring sunset, a ride at a [theme] park–all these happy joyful emotions affect your entire body. The reaction of the chemicals in the human body prove without a question that your entire organism is aware of joy. Likewise it is aware of stress.

In the general sense all actions, feelings, thoughts from all on the Earth emanate out into the heavens to add to the experience and growth and expansion of ALL.

This is why we encourage EACH on the Earth to love, find joy and happiness, care and console, be understanding, and show compassion. This is the Soul’s way, the way of ALL.  Let that which is not of Soul fall away.

The messages from Yusef may be read in the new publication, GOD SENT: Messages of Love and Hope for Our World Today

Guidance From Yusef: True Spirituality

Barbara: Recently I was moved by a message from Richard Rohr who writes that spirituality is always about changing our own way of SEEING and HEARING. That is what the Spirits were saying to me many years ago when they told me to SEE DIFFERENTLY.

We can see and hear the news of the world through our humanness, our egos, and what we may perceive is a fearful world–especially with the fighting in the Middle East, drastic weather events, and the latest Ebola crisis for example. Our humanness sees a world in which we are not safe. A world that threatens our home, our lifestyle, or our very lives.

But seen through the eyes of the Soul, the eyes of the God Mind, we can see differently–with love, compassion, trust, and hope for those suffering as a result of war, weather, or illness. We can see a world where we are safe, because in God there is really nothing to fear.
Rohr writes that “We mend and renew the world by strengthening inside ourselves what we seek outside ourselves...”

To find love, we must strengthen love within.
To find peace, we must strengthen peace within.
To find forgiveness, we must strengthen a forgiving heart within.
And above all, to see a safer world, we must begin to SEE DIFFERENTLY–through the eyes of the soul, the eyes of God.