Guidance From Yusef: A Conversation With Yusef

Barbara: This is a conversation I had a few months ago with my Guide, Yusef. It’s a little heavy, so pardon me. But the whole idea is that it IS possible to “talk” to your Guide(s). They hear and will answer. You may hear them in your mind as I do, or you may see signs that tell you the next step for you. Do not doubt that they are real and want to help you do what you came here to do—your purpose, or as one author says, your Sacred Contract with God.
Part of my purpose is to share these messages with you.

B: I am here.

Y: You are always here—no matter “where” you are. When you say “I am here,” that gives you a point in time and geography. Now take away time and geography. Now where are you?

B: I am not here or there because those are simply points in “space.” I guess I am then EVERYWHERE!

Y: That is it precisely. You simply ARE—there is no time or space or location. There is simply IS—which is everywhere, if there was such a thing or place :).

B: OK, I am everywhere. Or, I just AM.

Y: Yes! You ARE. That is a big notion for a human brain.

B: My brain cannot comprehend that. But I accept it.
Now I have a question, are there “places” as we know the concept, in the Heavens?

Y: What you think of as a “place” would mean a location. Place here is a state of mind, not a physical location.
Imagine a soul (perhaps a loved one) that is skiing. There are no mountains of snow here yet that “person” is experiencing the action you refer to as skiing—and having a most joyous ‘time’ doing it.

B: ??

Y: How can we explain for your understanding?
The Soul that is skiing has thought itself there—with a mountain and snow. Your “virtual reality” devices are rather close to this concept. Using those devices you can have the experience of skiing without actually being on a snowy mountain. Here the experience is more real than virtual. Does that help you?

B: I’m not sure I fully understand, but the virtual reality analogy does help a little. It’s a lot to think about. Thank you, Yusef.

PS This is one ‘message’ I think I will not post on Facebook. You, readers/subscribers who have been with me, will perhaps understand it. 🙂 We’re all in this together! As always I welcome your comments and will reply as appropriate on this site. Love to all!

Guidance From Yusef: The Creative Force of Love


Love is the only force that could form the Universes so elegantly and without conflict. There is no conflict in Love.

A caution—the word “love” here must be defined as the God-Force which is quite different from the term “love” you think of in the human dimension.

Given that caveat and your limited understanding of the Love of God, we tell you that to create an elegant, immensely complex (yet simple also) Universe, it had to come from Love.

The alternative is unimaginable. 

Guidance From Yusef: Law in the Universe

We continue with what we have called the LAW that governs the Heavens and the Earth. 

As you can readily observe, the Earth is in pain—suffering from actions that would TAKE without considering replenishment, and USE freely without considering the ecology of consumption.

The Law of Love—respect, regard, care, honor—has not been followed here. Thus the NATURAL consequences will unfold as a result.

There is yet time to begin the recovery. To begin anew in the care of the Mother who also sustains your human existence. All efforts are worthy.

This is an example of the LAW that governs the Universe. When love, respect, regard, and care abound, there is abundance, joy, peace. Where they do not, there is grief, sadness, and death. The consequences follow the actions. Law.

There is no punitive God on high measuring out punishment or justice. There are only natural consequences for action. 

Actions of love reap peace and joy. Actions of violence reap violence.

LOVE! Become AWARE of each action you take—is it kind, caring, respectful? Take always the “high road.” The highest vibration you can manage. It will return to you 10 fold. It is the LAW.


Guidance From Yusef: Grandeur of the Divine

Barbara: Today you we get another glimpse of the grandeur of the Divine–God, Yahweh, Source. It might be helpful as you read to remember the idea of the “frequency of vibration”.

  • High frequency=Love, Joy, Compassion, Acceptance, etc.
  • Low frequency=Blame, Shame, Anger, Guilt, Fear, etc.

It is also helpful today for each of us to try to live in the higher frequencies in order to bring more LIGHT and HOPE to a world whose Light is dimming.


The cosmos/universe/heavens are far beyond your present understanding. In fact, the grandeur is also beyond our full understanding. We “know” of it only in knowing, not in experience as you say. Those who are in the full experience of the Godhead (for want of a better word), are so beyond in LIGHT ENERGY that it would not be possible to move from that Light to be present at a lower frequency. In that existence there is such a great ONENESS that “individuals” no longer exist.

From that Oneness flows the energy (you may call it Love) to sustain all the life in all the Universes. This unimaginable Oneness, or Source, calls to each of us to join it. It is the “Father,” as you say.

In the Heavens (all of) you find the place which matches your vibrational frequency, or the LIGHT your Soul can tolerate. There are indeed “many rooms,” as you say.

The potential exists for both high and low frequency vibration. It is always life’s choice. You are JOY at the depths of your being. Access it and bless your world and all the Heavens.

Guidance From Yusef: Vibration and Frequency

In a few paragraphs Yusef tells us of the importance of growing in Love and thus increasing our vibrational frequency. (Love, Acceptance, Compassion, Caring, Joy, etc. have very high frequencies). He also tells us that our Soul’s frequency determines ‘where’ we go when we leave the Earth. The ‘where’ can be called Heaven, or whatever term you are comfortable using.

It may seem confusing but you might think of what some tell the children–that each act of Love is building your Mansion in heaven. :)) That is an over-simplification, but there are similarities.


There is much to share. We tell of Earth and the challenges of living the Human life, and we tell of the boundless wonders of the Highest Heavens. Now we speak of the “between” as you say. The places between Earth and the Highest Heavens.

The ‘where’ that we speak of is dependent on the vibration of the Spirit/Soul. There are many ‘places’ in the Heavens. Some would seem like ‘Heaven’ and some ‘Hell’, as you say, depending on the Soul’s frequency.

Now, when a soul incarnates it is already vibrating at a frequency attained from previous growth in the Heavens and previous lifetimes on the Earth. Thus the lifetime chosen is already influenced by that vibration and the Life Plan has been constructed considering the Soul’s vibrational frequency.

When the Soul migrates from Earth it will return to its vibrational match in the Heavens. The Soul will recognize Home, yet it will have also changed/grown from the lifetime. 

It is important to grow in Love in this lifetime and thus increase the frequency of the Soul’s vibration while on the Earth plane. We are here to assist.

Guidance From Yusef: On Miracles

Yusef speaks today of miracles. We humans think that a miracle is “…an event not explicable by natural or scientific laws. Such an event may be attributed to a supernatural being (God or gods), a miracle worker, a saint or a religious leader.” (Wikipedia)

Therefore, most of us think that miracles are beyond our reach.  Yusef seems to suggest that the working of what we would term a ‘miracle’ is accessible to all of us. Well, that actually may be true, as quantum physics has indicated, but there is so much more to it.

I think of this post as a nudge from the heavens to expand our thinking. Quite a challenge.


Miracles, or the miraculous, are the manifestation of potential in the physical. Miracles are the “play” of the Universe on the Earth. They demonstrate the malleability, or impermanence of the configuration of matter.

Miracles appear wondrous because the human mind thinks that matter, things, are in a permanent state that cannot be changed or manipulated. It must appear this way to you at first to ‘secure’ the world for your initial orientation. Yet matter is arranged in permanent form only in the mind that is unwilling to see its potential for re-arrangement.

Now, it is useful to allow some matter to remain in the configuration chosen. However, if the configuration is not beneficial, then SEE IT DIFFERENTLY.

Your mind is the only barrier to the rearranging of matter to a more beneficial state.

The responsibility that accompanies this Knowing is great, thus the movement of matter and the doing of ‘miracles’ also involves more than the human sense and understanding. Miracle working is yours when you can access the sense beyond the senses AND the Love necessary to affect transformation. This involves opening the heart to bring the ‘beyond’ to the Earth. 


Guidance From Heaven: We Asked For It

Yusef tells us today that we have asked for everything that comes into our lives.  That may be hard to believe in some circumstances–quite hard. How can all the “bad” things be from God, and requested by us?

You may find yourself fighting against some life circumstances, feeling sorry for yourself about others, or resisting the people and events that life brings you. But if you remember that this is the Earth School and our Souls have come here to learn and grow, then you may begin to look at what each day brings in a different way.

We are all asked to pay attention to what life brings us, without judgment about its goodness or badness.  It is all at our Soul’s request.


Begin this day and every day with thanksgiving–gratefulness for whatever circumstances or situations present themselves in your living that day.

There is nothing that comes into your life that you have not in some way requested from God.

The request is seldom verbal and may not even be a conscious (thought) request from you. Rather, it comes from deep within you as a part of the Plan your Soul designed with God before you came into this world.

ALL that enters your life–whether it be events, people, or physical manifestations [things]–ALL are your Soul’s intention.

Let us explain further.

Your requests follow the Plan prepared by you and God. Thus is this Plan the design of your Soul.

The designs (Plans) of the Souls on Earth serve a multitude of purposes that are hidden during the lifetime. Far too complex for your concern. The important thing to note, as you say, is that everything and everyone in your life is there at your conscious or unconscious request.

It is all there for you to first experience, and then to respond to. Things are not just happening “to” you. You have asked that they happen to teach you what you came here to learn.

The more conscious and aware you are of this, the greater the learning and growth will be.  The visible evidence of this growth will be the peace and acceptance you feel with all that life brings to you.

However, if the circumstances and people in your life at this time are no longer of benefit to you, you have the power to make the changes that will bring you greater inner peace. The entire Universe/God will support all your desires/requests.

“Bad, or unwanted experiences, are only what we call experiences whose part in our growth and integration we do not yet understand. The minute we understand that ALL experiences enrich our life because they all cause learning and growth, no experience is seen as bad.” Teal Swan




Guidance From Yusef: Soul to Soul Connection

Yusef tells us now of two types of encounters we can have with each other.  First the contact we make without touching, but we still feel it in the physical.  An example would be when we communicate with each other with a look or a gesture.  Even though it is across a space and there is no touch, we still feel it in our bodies.

The second connection is the one that is made when a Soul recognizes another Soul. images-2When your Soul recognizes the Soul of another person on this Earth, you are connecting at another level entirely—a level your Soul understands, but the human mind cannot yet fully understand.

You may not know what is communicated Soul to Soul, but you are often able to sense or feel that something is happening beyond the physical. Why does this person seem so familiar to me?  Why do I feel as if I have known him/her forever?  Your human mind is a by-stander to this interaction but at some level you are aware of it. Just let it happen. No action is necessary.  Be aware that it is happening, and delight in the awareness as your Soul recognizes an old friend.


When “connections” are made between persons there is a physical encounter that cannot be seen with the eye.  It is across the SPACE between persons. That space can be quite wide and yet a physical connection with a physical response  is made.

Beyond the physical there is another contact made. This is not physical. This is the more important, for within this passage of information is the real “connection”.

Let us attempt to explain this further.

We search for a word for what passes between life forms. “Information” will be sufficient now. When a connection is made between persons (not a physical touch) information passes between them, informing the other at a level which cannot be seen, of things which cannot be understood. Recognition is acknowledged beyond the conscious level.

Greetings are bestowed when the “stranger” on Earth is actually a loved one. Each recognizes the other and that instant carries more communication than you can imagine. SOULS communicate beyond the physical. They joy in the encounter and are blessed by it. If the physical allows, then these two souls can bless each other in the physical. That is a positive recognition and encounter. 

Let your soul communicate with the other soul. Be aware, but do not interfere. Do not try to pull this communication into consciousness.   Do not “grab” it or try to make sense of it.  Let it happen. It will be a meditative experience. But you will sense the results—blessings usually.

The negative is also a possibility. There are also dark souls on this Earth. You will have an adverse reaction to these encounters.

Guidance From Yusef: The Love Frequency of God

imagesThe pulse of God-energy is continuously vibrating with what could be termed a “Love-frequency”. This vibrating frequency of God-energy connects everything in the Universe.

We know that all matter vibrates and is connected. Even when we are quiet or still, the cells in our bodies continue to vibrate.  So it makes sense to try to place ourselves in a happily vibrating environment—one that is vibrating with love, joy, hope, respect, acceptance, etc.  The Love frequency of God—all the things our mind, body, and soul need to thrive.

If you find that you are in a negative environment—one that is vibrating with anger, shame, blame, or guilt—try your best to move to a more positive place. You may not realize the impact on you in the moment, but it is there. Your body, mind, and spirit will thank you.


The frequency of the human body is influenced by many factors. It is affected by food and other intakes, the health of the organism, the emotional disposition, the openness to forces beyond the organism [you], [and many others]. 

The body is also affected directly by outside factors and the vibration of the matter directly in contact [with it] as well as the larger surrounding area. All matter interacts, either directly or more remotely, even vicariously. Thus the vibration of even the thoughts, especially the thoughts, of another causes a change in the rhythm or vibration, which impacts the organism [YOU].  As cogs and wheels interact so do these very real interactions take place.

Guidance From Yusef: Go With the Flow

images-2Each of us is a part of the whole, connected to everyone and everything  through the God-Energy pulsing throughout the Earth and the Universe.  We are one with all that is.  It follows that if we are all connected then we must influence and be influenced by everything. Yusef encourages us to “go with the flow”.


The joy of the Universe is in the unlimited, boundary-less flow of energy—flow of ONE throughout all that is.  In that flow greater energy is produced.  There is a giving and receiving and giving and receiving without end, gathering momentum with each receiver who in turn gives, allowing the flow effortlessly and naturally.

In the larger view the “action” of receiving and giving is unseen, as the flow of life continues, enhanced because of the encounter.  In the quiet moments of stillness and awareness, this movement can be sensed—quite physically at times.

Just as the animals’ sense of hearing allows a broader range of sounds, so too does the acute attention to the vibration of the Universe cause one to begin to sense the flow.  The flow carries in and with it all the knowledge gained from each interaction.  Thus the more open to it, the more potential to gain from it as well as contribute to it.  All of life flows.  There is movement in all.  Nothing is stagnant/stable.  It is either growing or declining.  The flow of life is continuous.  There is no beginning and no ending.  Life IS.