
The messages you will read here are from God’s Spirit, Yusef, as dictated to a Scribe. They tell us how important it is to LOVE and not to FEAR. They express concern for the Earth and all its inhabitants and offer us hope for the future. They remind us that we must bring the Light of Love, Joy, and Hope into this uncertain world.  They tell us over and over that there is a loving and supportive community in the Heavens eager to assist us while we are here in the “Earth School”.

NOTE:–the messages from Yusef are also available at Amazon, Barnes and Noble and others in a book titled, BookCoverImageGOD SENT: Messages of Love and Hope for Our World Today


Greetings to those who read the messages coming forth.  Warmest welcome and blessings of LOVE.  All That Is [God] rejoices, welcoming all, sharing all, bringing all love and blessings. The words written are transmitted in Love. The words come from One on High.  The words are living words.  The words are for all. 

These are the words of many yet Yusef transmits in the name of All having made the connection to the entity on the Earth plane.  The words are not words.  They are yet alive.  Capture them not.  Allow them to live in the forms they choose to occupy.  They are themselves.  The larger idea, as you say, infuses through the writings, the words.

The words are not the message yet they carry the message hidden within to places beyond the mind that need to hear them.  Thus is the heart nourished for growth.  Thus is the mindful and soulful body opened to the message hidden within.

These writings move and go where they will, belonging to no one and to all.  These messages are shared for the benefit of all.  It is the Universe offering assistance. Let all who are receptive hear. Let all who hear share. Let all who share also learn. And thus is the world made whole.