Guidance From Yusef: The Times Have Come

Greetings and Blessings to All,

I am being led now to write of how I and others are attempting to LIVE the guidance Yusef and the Heavens have been offering us for several years now. I think it’s “rubber meets the road” time, or “walk the talk” time. There will be messages from Yusef within, of course.

It’s been inspiring to read the messages that have been received, but we are each called to take action— to become the light we have read about.

It was a toss up this morning for me. The world is in tremendous turmoil with 5 million Syrians having fled their country and another 6.6 million displaced within Syria, not to mention the refugees from other Middle Eastern countries seeking refuge…with England now leaving the EU…with the events that have occurred during this presidential campaign…the mass shootings, etc. etc.…do we begin with the end or with the journey?

I will let you begin first with the end. I encourage you to read The Coming Times messages on this blog. Just put “The Coming Times” in the Search box at and you will get several articles to browse. Or if you own the book God Sent: Messages of Love and Hope for Our World Today, you can read Chapters 19 and 20.

I leave you with that suggestion (assignment) today. And in the days to come we’ll begin to look at what it really means to live out Yusef’s guidance and truly BE LIGHT for the world in these “trying times.”

Love and Blessings, Barbara

4 thoughts on “Guidance From Yusef: The Times Have Come

  1. Exactly what we all need right now! You have called me to action in the guidance of Yusef. The world is ripe with sorrows and needs the Light we each can provide. Write on, Barbara!

  2. In The Coming Times messages we are urged to pay attention and be a light for others. Recently my inner work has focused on paying attention, becoming more present and aware. Practices of meditation and gratitude have been the most helpful. Ive found during recent interactions with others, when I am able to slow down and listen, there have been remarkable results. Small connections are felt.
    Evidence of this in how others react when they sense any openness. Blessings come to me in actively hearing and not just waiting for my turn to speak.

    • Yes! Thanks for articulating so well the results of awareness, noticing, and being present! Beautifully said.

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