Guidance From Yusef: The Light is Dimming

I’m back!  Thanks to some of you who mentioned that you missed these messages coming into your inbox.

The messages over the next several posts will offer guidance on what I call, “the coming times”.  I began receiving these messages in 2007. They indicated even then that we will be experiencing difficult times on the Earth. As the headlines in the news media indicate, and as we all know, this has already begun.

Yusef does tell it like it is, but instead of fear and doom, what I felt when receiving the messages was a rather joyful sense as he spoke of the Angels that were already here and others who were coming to help.  I felt a confidence that we could overcome the darkness with all the help that was being offered.  Yusef also mentioned a “great awakening” that was taking place and it was this idea that inspired within me a sense of urgency to participate in that.

Remember what Yusef has said.  We need fear nothing.  We are all LIGHT!  We have each chosen to come into the world at just this time for a reason.  So shine on!


Unknown2007:  The Light is dimming.  Not of course the Source of the Light, but the Light visible from above the Earth.  Dark forces.  The Angels have been sent and are among you.  The Angels are powerful in their ability to assist.  Yet not all can see or hear Angels or other attempts to assist. 

So many [in the Universe] are ready to assist.  Assistance has been offered. (Another indication of the reason for the joy you sense in this communication and the task).

“Time” grows nigh.  Action must be taken.  Those on the planet you occupy in the current incarnation are not open to communication and thus are not aware of the truths of the concepts we share. 

We yearn to awaken many that they might be aware of the brightness that is theirs.

Thus it will begin, this task, to move forward.  Blessings to clear the darkness of the Earth. 

3 thoughts on “Guidance From Yusef: The Light is Dimming

  1. I just spent a week with my sister and she is panicked over everything!! I have been having this great sense of calm, of joy in natural surroundings, of excitement while painting the beauty of nature. I just cannot get worked up over what seems to be a disaster to some people. I guess that is a bit of what you are talking about?? Or maybe it is sticking my head in the sand??

    • The panic your sister is feeling is the prevailing fear these days. And the events in the world would sure indicate that we should all be afraid. But that is the opposite of what we need to do. Yusef says over and over that no matter what is happening in our lives and in the world we have nothing to fear. Your sense of calm and joy in the beauty of nature is what we all need. We need to move to that place of calm, and hold a picture of joy and hope for the world. If more of us could find hope and joy then that would be the contagious vision of the future for the world, not the fear so many are holding as reality. Lead the way, Sister!!!

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