Guidance From Yusef: The Universe Treasures Life and Facilitates Growth

The next few posts will be messages from Yusef that tell us about the Universe.  A basic premise to remember is that the Universe and all in it are EXPANDING, a thread that is woven throughout this section.

One of the more amazing and comforting ideas to me is that the Universe is personal—loving and caring.  Some might call that God.  We are supported in our growth by an unseen loving force, and all the loving entities within it.  We are so limited in our seeing while in the human condition on this Earth that we are unaware of the loving support we have access to in order to grow in soul and spirit.


The Universe loves all, encourages all, and supports all so that it might expand.  Grasp the clarity of the truth of this and bring this into existence in your own way.  The entire universe treasures each life living.  Each is important to the whole.  The design of the universe is beyond the scope of understanding yet recognize unfailingly that there is design—flexibility that allows for the excitement, and tension that brings about that growth. All interacting with all.

The web of life entices us—invites us in to experience the senses.  Life is so much more than the “life” you know here on this plane.